PRO arpore,band,date,px1,px2,py1,py2,ardi ;Development of sizes and brightnesse of a pore (IR obs. 1997) ;INPUT: BAND = 1 (IR) or 2 (WL) ; DATE = 23 or 25 ; PX1,...,PY2 - limits of the pore's field ;OUTPUT: ARDI - a 2D array ([Area, Deff, Imin],[frames]), ; where the total area and absolute intensity minimum of all ; fragments of the observed pore is given for each frame. ;SUBROUTINES: AR2I.PRO, LABEL_REGION.PRO, HISTOGRAM.PRO ; contains parameters: scale ("/pix), minimum size, QR subfield... if band eq 1 then fil1='/net/obus/scratch3/sob/obs97/irdata/i' $ else fil1='/net/obus/scratch3/sob/obs97/wldata/w' if date eq 23 then begin lista=indgen(104)+7 fil2='fi23' arr=intarr(408,320,118) ardi=fltarr(3,208) ;output array x1=10 x2=397 y1=10 y2=309 endif else begin lista=indgen(136)+7 fil2='fi25' arr=intarr(388,300,150) ardi=fltarr(3,272) ;output array x1=10 x2=377 y1=10 y2=289 endelse n=n_elements(lista) ;Processing 1st part openr,1,fil1+fil2+'a.bin' print,' reading ',fil1+fil2+'a.bin' readu,1,arr close,1 imgs=arr(x1:x2,y1:y2,lista) ;Measurement of size and brightness for i=0,n-1 do begin AR2I,imgs(*,*,i),date,ob,px1,px2,py1,py2 ardi(0,i)=total(ob(0,*),2) ;area ardi(1,i)=0.1658*sqrt(4*ardi(0,i)/!pi) ;Deff ardi(2,i)=min(ob(2,*)) ;Imin endfor ;Processing 2nd part openr,1,fil1+fil2+'b.bin' print,' reading ',fil1+fil2+'b.bin' readu,1,arr close,1 imgs=arr(x1:x2,y1:y2,lista) ;Measurement of size and brightness for i=0,n-1 do begin AR2I,imgs(*,*,i),date,ob,px1,px2,py1,py2 ardi(0,i+n)=total(ob(0,*),2) ;area ardi(1,i+n)=0.1658*sqrt(4*ardi(0,i+n)/!pi) ;Deff ardi(2,i+n)=min(ob(2,*)) ;Imin endfor END