PRO DOP_FITS,sph,outpath,measurement,line_name,rok,mesic,den,tfirst,tlast,drot,P0,ydiam,speed,progver ; ;Stores a Dopplergram FITS file and a text file with the header. ;INPUTS: sph - Dopplergram array to be stored ; outpath - output directory (string) ; measurement - measurement name incl. date (string) ; line_name - code of spectral line or continuum (string) ; tfirst,tlast - UT in seconds (float) ; drot - rotation angle (degrees) ; P0 - position angle of solar axis (degrees) ; ydiam - solar diameter in pixels ; speed - scanning speed (string) ; progver - program and version name ; ; Copyright M. Klvana and M. Sobotka, ASU AVCR Ondrejov, Czech Rep., 2009 ; Updated by J. Aboudarham, Obs. Paris, France, 2010: ; * Added keywords PHYSPARA, SOLAR_P0,CONTACT, WAVEUNIT, CENTER_X and CENTER_Y ; * Changed the names of the following keywords: ; - DATE-OBS2 to DATE-END ; - WAVELENG to WAVELNTH ; in order to comply with FITS recommendations ; (see: ; ; ) ; stcode= ['HA','CN','K3','K1','DOP'] stwave= [6562.8,6558.7,3933.7,3932.3,6562.8] w=where(stcode eq line_name) wave=stwave(w(0)) if mesic LT 10 then smes='0'+strtrim(mesic,2) else smes=strtrim(mesic,2) if den LT 10 then sden='0'+strtrim(den,2) else sden=strtrim(den,2) date=strtrim(rok,2)+'-'+smes+'-'+sden ss=round(tfirst mod 60) mm=fix(tfirst/60.) hh=mm/60 mm=mm mod 60 if hh LT 10 then shh='0'+strtrim(hh,2) else shh=strtrim(hh,2) if mm LT 10 then smm='0'+strtrim(mm,2) else smm=strtrim(mm,2) if ss LT 10 then sss='0'+strtrim(ss,2) else sss=strtrim(ss,2) time1='T'+shh+':'+smm+':'+sss ss=round(tlast mod 60) mm=fix(tlast/60.) hh=mm/60 mm=mm mod 60 if hh LT 10 then shh='0'+strtrim(hh,2) else shh=strtrim(hh,2) if mm LT 10 then smm='0'+strtrim(mm,2) else smm=strtrim(mm,2) if ss LT 10 then sss='0'+strtrim(ss,2) else sss=strtrim(ss,2) time2='T'+shh+':'+smm+':'+sss mkhdr,head,sph ;make the basic FITS header n1=sxpar(head,'NAXIS1') ;recover the dimensions of the image to define the center n2=sxpar(head,'NAXIS2') sxaddpar,head,'DATE-OBS',date+time1,'Observation date, UT start of obs',AFTER='DATE' sxaddpar,head,'DATE-END',date+time2,'Observation date, UT end of obs',AFTER='DATE-OBS' sxaddpar,head,'ORIGIN','Coimbra University','Responsible institution',AFTER='DATE-END' sxaddpar,head,'TELESCOP','Spectroheliograph','Name of telescope',AFTER='ORIGIN' sxaddpar,head,'CONTACT','A. Garcia','Contact person at the institution',AFTER='TELESCOP' sxaddpar,head,'BUNIT','m/s','Physical unit',AFTER='CONTACT' sxaddpar,head,'PHYSPARA','VEL_LONG','Physical parameter represented in the data',AFTER='BUNIT' sxaddpar,head,'CTYPE1','x-coordinate pix','Solar East-West direction - axis X',AFTER='PHYSPARA' sxaddpar,head,'CTYPE2','y-coordinate pix','Solar South-North direction - axis Y',AFTER='CTYPE1' sxaddpar,head,'CDELT1',2.2,'Scale in X arcsec per pixel',AFTER='CTYPE2' sxaddpar,head,'CDELT2',2.2,'Scale in Y arcsec per pixel',AFTER='CDELT1' sxaddpar,head,'CROT1',drot,'Angle (deg) used to rotate to East-West',AFTER='CDELT2' sxaddpar,head,'SOLAR_P0',P0,'Position angle (deg) of solar axis (P0 angle)',AFTER='CROT1' sxaddpar,head,'WAVELNTH',wave,'Dopplergram wavelength in Angstroems',AFTER='SOLAR_P0' sxaddpar,head,'WAVEUNIT',-10,'Unit of wavelength in power of ten of meter',AFTER='WAVELNTH' sxaddpar,head,'SPEED',speed,'Scanning speed',AFTER='WAVEUNIT' sxaddpar,head,'CENTER_X',n1/2,'Position of the center along X-axis in pixels',AFTER='SPEED' sxaddpar,head,'CENTER_Y',n2/2,'Position of the center along Y-axis in pixels',AFTER='CENTER_X' sxaddpar,head,'SOLAR_R',ydiam/2,'Solar disc radius in pixels',AFTER='CENTER_Y' sxaddpar,head,'COMMENT',' Program '+progver,AFTER='SOLAR_R' writefits,outpath+measurement+line_name+'.fits',sph,head print,' SAVED ',outpath+measurement+line_name+'.fits' get_lun,unt openw,unt,outpath+measurement+line_name+'.txt' printf,unt,head free_lun,unt END