function gettok,st,char, exact=exact ;+ ; NAME: ; GETTOK ; PURPOSE: ; Retrieve the first part of a (vector) string up to a specified character ; EXPLANATION: ; GET TOKen - Retrieve first part of string until the character char ; is encountered. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; token = gettok( st, char, [ /EXACT ] ) ; ; INPUT: ; char - character separating tokens, scalar string ; ; INPUT-OUTPUT: ; st - string to get token from (on output token is removed), ; scalar or vector ; ; OUTPUT: ; token - extracted string value is returned, same dimensions as st ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /EXACT - The default behaviour of GETTOK is to remove any leading ; blanks and (if the token is a blank) convert tabs to blanks. ; Set the /EXACT keyword to skip these steps and leave the ; input string unchanged before searching for the character ; tokens. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; If ST is ['abc=999','x=3.4234'] then gettok(ST,'=') would return ; ['abc','x'] and ST would be left as ['999','3.4234'] ; ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; REPCHR() ; HISTORY ; version 1 by D. Lindler APR,86 ; Remove leading blanks W. Landsman (from JKF) Aug. 1991 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; V5.3 version, accept vector input W. Landsman February 2000 ; Slightly faster implementation W. Landsman February 2001 ; Added EXACT keyword W. Landsman March 2004 ; Assume since V5.4, Use COMPLEMENT keyword to WHERE W. Landsman Apr 2006 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- On_error,2 ;Return to caller compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - token = gettok( st, char, [ /EXACT ] )' return,-1 endif ; if char is a blank treat tabs as blanks if not keyword_set(exact) then begin st = strtrim(st,1) ;Remove leading blanks and tabs if char EQ ' ' then begin tab = string(9b) if max(strpos(st,tab)) GE 0 then st = repchr(st,tab,' ') endif endif token = st ; find character in string pos = strpos(st,char) test = pos EQ -1 bad = where(test, Nbad, Complement = good, Ncomplement=Ngood) if Nbad GT 0 then st[bad] = '' ; extract token if Ngood GT 0 then begin stg = st[good] pos = reform( pos[good], 1, Ngood ) token[good] = strmid(stg,0,pos) st[good] = strmid(stg,pos+1) endif ; Return the result. return,token end