pro cinema2,logarr,x1,x2,y1,y2,reb,arr ;logarr - array with seq. nos, time and contrast of images selected ;for the movie (use "") ;x,y = lower left corner coordinates of the selected box. ;reb = down-scaling factor (e.g. reb=2, movie diminished twice) ;subimages will be extracted and the 3-dim movie array "arr" created ; start movie by MOVIE,ARR,ORDER=0 ;Images are read by RESTORE2 st1='/scratch/mstupka/data/blue/destr.' ; CHANGE PATH... numim=n_elements(logarr(0,*)) arr=fltarr((x2-x1+1)/reb,(y2-y1+1)/reb,numim) FOR i = 0,numim-1 DO BEGIN seq=strtrim(string(fix(logarr(0,i))),2) print,'Now reading image '+seq restore2,st1+seq,im1 arr(0,0,i)=congrid(im1(x1:x2,y1:y2),(x2-x1+1)/reb,(y2-y1+1)/reb,/cubic) ENDFOR end