PRO FLOWMAKR,MOV,LAG,FWHM,REB,VX,VY,BOXCAR=boxcar,ADIF=adif,CORR=corr, $ QFIT2=qfit2,CROSSD=crossd ;+ ; NAME: ; FLOWMAKR (adapted FLOW_MAKER for array) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Compute flow maps. ; ; INPUTS: ; MOV = 3-D array containing the series of images ; ; LAG = time-lag between "reference" and "life" subseries ; (in number of frames) ; ; FWHM = FWHM for smoothing window in pixels ; ; REB = rebinning factor to change scale/range of Novembers's ; method. First, MOV(*,*,i) is rebinned down by factor REB, ; then flow-map is computed, and finally it is rebinned up ; (interpolated) by factor REB to original size. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; BOXCAR = if set, a boxcar window of width "FWHM" is used. Hence, ; FWHM must be an odd number. ; ; ADIF = uses an absolute differences algorithm. ; ; CORR = uses a multiplicative algorithm. Default is the sum of ; square of the local differences. ; ; QFIT2 = uses 9 points fitting procedure. ; ; CROSSD = uses cross derivative interpolation formulae. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; VX,VY = X and Y components for the proper motion map. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; It uses November's method of shifting BOTH images. The defaults for ; the different methods are square differences for the matching, ; gaussian window for the smoothing and FIVEPOINT for the subpixel ; extrem finding procedure. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> FLOWMAKR,movie,2,8,2,vx,vy ; ; Lag is 2 frames. ; FWHM of gaussian window is 8 pixels. ; Rebinning factor is 2. ; ; REFERENCES: ; November,L.J. and Simon,G.W.: 1988, Ap.J., 333, 427 ; Darvann,T.: 1991, Master's Thesis, University of Oslo. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Roberto Luis Molowny Horas, May 1992. ; Keywords added in July 1992. ; FITS routines added in November 1992. ; Modification for array input and rebinning ; - JAB, JKH & SOB, Oct 1994. ; ;- ON_ERROR,2 ; --------------- TUNABLE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- smo=7 ; 12 ; smoothing parameter for unsharp masking (pixels) umq=0.6 ; unsharp masking coefficient ( u.m., 1...full u.m.) shf=1 ; shift in the correlation to evaluate the displacement map (pix) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- std1=fwhm*0.424661 ; conversion fwhm/std for Gaussian std=std1/reb s1 = SIZE(mov) ;Acquiring array dimensions. if s1(0) ne 3 then begin print,'Array must be 3-dimensional! Stopped.' stop endif ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Equalized image (unsharp masking and log scaling)... mov1=mov for i=0,s1(3)-1 do begin ima=SMOOTHE(mov(*,*,i),smo) ima=mov(*,*,i)-umq*ima ; Cut negative values (and make the logarithm) to enhance faint features ; ------------ (other possibility - beg.) ; ima=ima>0 ; (Scaling images to be edible for ALOG) ; ima=100.*float(ima)/mean(ima)>1. ; here is applied a selection that a BF ; must be brighter than 1% of the mean ; ------------ (other possibility - end) ; ima=ima>1 ; careful with the minimum value - here ; we have the normalization at 10000 ! ; ima=alog(ima) mov1(0,0,i)=ima endfor ; --------------------------------------------------------------- s=[s1(0),fix(s1(1)/reb),fix(s1(2)/reb)] ; rebinned size n=s1(3)-lag ; no of frames in subseries np=long(s(1))*long(s(2)) ; n_elements in a rebinned frame cc = FLTARR(s(1),s(2),3,3) ;The cum. correlation function. FOR k = 0,n-1 DO BEGIN a = congrid(mov1(*,*,k),s(1),s(2)) b = congrid(mov1(*,*,k+lag),s(1),s(2)) a = a - TOTAL(a)/np ;Remove mean. b = b - TOTAL(b)/np FOR i = -1,1 DO FOR j = -1,1 DO CASE 1 OF ;Methods. KEYWORD_SET(adif): BEGIN ;Absolute differences. cc(0,0,i+1,j+1) = cc(*,*,i+1,j+1)+$ ABS(SHIFT(a,i*shf,j*shf)-SHIFT(b,-i*shf,-j*shf)) END KEYWORD_SET(corr): BEGIN ;Cross products. cc(0,0,i+1,j+1) = cc(*,*,i+1,j+1)+$ SHIFT(a,i*shf,j*shf) * SHIFT(b,-i*shf,-j*shf) END ELSE: BEGIN ;Square differences. dumb = SHIFT(a,i*shf,j*shf) - SHIFT(b,-i*shf,-j*shf) cc(0,0,i+1,j+1) = cc(*,*,i+1,j+1) + dumb*dumb dumb = 0 ;This is faster than (...)^2 END ENDCASE a = 0 & b = 0 ENDFOR cc(0,0,0,0) = cc(1,*,*,*) ;Takes care of the edges. cc(0,0,0,0) = cc(*,1,*,*) cc(s(1)-1,0,0,0) = cc(s(1)-2,*,*,*) cc(0,s(2)-1,0,0) = cc(*,s(2)-2,*,*) FOR i = 0,2 DO FOR j = 0,2 DO IF KEYWORD_SET(boxcar) THEN $ cc(0,0,i,j) = SMOOTHE(cc(*,*,i,j),fix(fwhm/reb)) ELSE $ ;Boxcar... cc(0,0,i,j) = SCONVOL(cc(*,*,i,j),std=std) ;or gausian. CASE 1 OF KEYWORD_SET(qfit2): QFIT2,cc,vx,vy ;9-p. fitting, KEYWORD_SET(crossd): CROSSD,cc,vx,vy ;cross derivat. ELSE: FIVEPOIN,cc,vx,vy ;or default. ENDCASE cc = 0 vx = 2.*shf*vx & vy = 2.*shf*vy ;Scales the result. vx=congrid(vx,s1(1),s1(2))*reb ;Restores original size vy=congrid(vy,s1(1),s1(2))*reb ; and values of flow map. END