PRO IM_ROT,az,el,ra,RA1,RA2,t1,t2,t3 ; Gives the image rotation as a function of telescope ; coordinates and observation table at the Swedish Solar ; Observatory, La Palma. ; Looking at the projected primary image the rotation is ; clockwise during the morning up the meridian passage ; and then counterclockwise during the afternoon. ; Input parameters: AZ azimuth of Sun in radians ; EL elevation of Sun in radians ; TC table constant in radians ; a constant depending on which observation ; table is used. TC is about 48 to give ; the angle between the table surface ; and the N-S direction at the first ; observation table. ; Output parameter: RA rotation angle in radians ; Adapted from Goran Hosinsky LAT=28.758*!dtor ;observatory latitude (La Palma) TC=318.0*!dtor ;table constant ; According to spherical astronomy the angle between the N-S ; great circle and the vertical great circle in an AZ-EL ; telescope varies as: t1=((EL-LAT)/2.0) t2=((!pi-EL-LAT)/2.0) t3=tan(0.5*(!pi-AZ)) t3=t3<1.E20 ra1=atan(cos(t1)/cos(t2),t3)+atan(sin(t1)/sin(t2),t3) ; In the image plane the angle of the movement in Elevation ; varies as: ra2=AZ+(atan(cos(EL),sin(EL)))+TC RA=ra2-ra1 END