PRO better,date,list,time,quality ; ;Reads a "qwl*.tmp" file, selects the better of a pair of frames ;per sel. interval, and stores the names, times, and quality numbers ;of "better" frames into arrays ;LIST = string array with filenames ;TIME = float array with times UT in seconds ;QUALITY = SVST quality number ; ;INPUT: date = date (integer, 23 or 25) ; ;SUBROUTINES: ; ;1 July 1999, Michal on_error,1 n=0 if date eq 23 then n=642 if date eq 25 then n=720 if n eq 0 then message,'Sorry, I do not know how to handle this dataset' date=strtrim(date,2) name='m16b_im'+date+'Jun97.' tq=readqual('qwl'+date+'jun.tmp') ;time | quality array list=strarr(n/2) ;output arrays time=fltarr(n/2) quality=fltarr(n/2) k=0 ;k is a subscript of the arrays above for i=0,n-2,2 do begin ;loop on pairs of frames (increment 2) j=0 if tq(1,i+1) gt tq(1,i) then j=1 ;2nd frame is better, j=1 time(k)=tq(0,i+j) quality(k)=tq(1,i+j) ;building up the filename seq=strtrim(i+j+1,2) ;sequential no. of better frame (counted from 1) if strlen(seq) eq 3 then seq='000'+ seq if strlen(seq) eq 2 then seq='0000'+seq if strlen(seq) eq 1 then seq='00000'+seq list(k)=name+seq print,list(k),time(k),quality(k)-tq(1,i) k=k+1 ;incrementing the subscript endfor END