PRO derotw,date,wtime ; ;Derotation of WL images of 23,25 June 1997. ;Procedure LPANGLES + subroutines is used. ;INPUT: date = 23 or 25 ; wtime = array of time UT in seconds ; files XXjun/wnXX.seq, where XX is the date ;OUTPUT: files XXjun/wdXX.seq, where XX is the date ; on_error,1 ; IMAGE PARAMETERS ---------------------------------------------------- if (date ne 23) and (date ne 25) then $ message,'Sorry, I do not know how to handle this dataset' dat=strtrim(date,2) nami=dat+'jun/wn'+dat+'.' namo=dat+'jun/wd'+dat+'.' im=intarr(1528,1024) siz=size(wtime) n=siz(1)-1 if date eq 23 then begin ref=165 ;reference frame no. x=731 ;pivot point coords. y=375 endif else begin ref=182 x=736 y=370 endelse ; ANGLE CALCULATION -------------------------------------------------- angles=lpangles(97,6,date,wtime)*!radeg ;(year,month,day,time) angles=angles-angles(ref) ;zero derotation of frame ref ; LOOP OVER FRAMES --------------------------------------------------- for i=0,n do begin openr,1,nami+strtrim(i,2) readu,1,im close,1 ima=rot(im,angles(i),1.,x,y,/cubic,/pivot,missing=mean(im)) print,namo+strtrim(i,2) openw,1,namo+strtrim(i,2) writeu,1,ima close,1 endfor END