PRO rea_irlg,log,list,time ; ;Reads the logfiles of the IAC IR camera (observations of June 1997) ;In the first line of the logfile the number of frames is expected. ; ;INPUT: log = 'logfile_name' ;OUTPUT: list = string array with frame name in each element ; time = float array with time UT (in seconds) for each frame ; ;CALLING: rea_irlg,'970623.log',list23,time23 ; ;30 June 1999, Michal openr,1,log readf,1,n list=strarr(n+1) time=fltarr(n+1) str='' empty='' for i=0,n do begin readf,1,str readf,1,empty parts=str_sep(str,' ',/trim) list(i)=parts(3) ti=str_sep(parts(4),':') hour=fix(ti(0)) minu=fix(ti(1)) seco=fix(ti(2)) time(i)=3600.*hour + 60.*minu + seco print,list(i),time(i) endfor close,1 END