PRO wflat,list,dd,ff ; ;Flatfielding of white-light frames. ;INPUT: list - string array with names of raw files ; dd - darkfield array (float) ; ff - flatfield array (float) ;OUTPUT: plain binary files, 1528x1024, integer, values multiplied by 10000, ; name 'wfXX.seq', where XX is the date and seq the frame number, ; equal to the subscript of list array (beginning from 0). ;CALLED: to read raw images ;*****************path & name to be modified ***************** path='25jun/' name=path+'wf25.' ;************************************************************* fd=ff-dd ;flatfield - dark si=size(list) for i=0,si(1)-1 do begin im=f1(path+list(i)) im=im(4:1531,4:1027) ;setting working field im=(im-dd)/fd ;this is float im=fix(10000*im) ;this is integer scaled to 10000 openw,1,name+strtrim(i,2) print, 'Processing ',list(i),' , writing ',name+strtrim(i,2) writeu,1,im close,1 endfor END