function lpangles,year,month,dom,sday ;computes angles for a set of times specified by ;year just the 2 digits please (e.g., 88 not 1988) ;month the number of the month (e.g., 9) ;dom the number of the day of the month (e.g., 22) ;sday seconds from midnight ;returns the corresponding angle in radians lpsun,year,month,dom,sday,ha,dec lp_azel,ha,dec,az,el im_rot,az,el,ra,ra1,ra2,t1,t2,t3 ;take out shifts of size pi d=differ(ra) for k=1,5 do begin d = d + !pi*(d lt -1.0) - !pi*(d gt 1.0) endfor ra = [0,runsum(d)] return,ra end