PRO fig_tra,ima,ps=ps ; A program to visualize trajectories ; from the INSTVEL3 result files. ;INPUTS: ima - underlying image--one of the series ; ps - keyword. If set, PS figures are made ;OUTPUT: on the screen OR to PS-files (depends if ps is set): ; 1. Image of the field with smoothed trajectories of PGs ; (PS file vt[name].ps) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: fig_tra,image,'name'[,/ps] ;================================================================== ;Parameters reb=1 ; rebin factor for visualization ;================================================================== si=size(ima) ;loadct,0 if keyword_set(ps) then begin set_plot,'ps' device,file='',bits_per_pixel=8,/color, $ yoffset=7,xsize=si(1)*0.025,ysize=si(2)*0.025,encapsulated=0 ;centimeters tvscl,ima reb=25 ;1000 PS points/cm, 40 pix/cm endif else begin window,2,xsiz=si(1)*reb,ysiz=si(2)*reb tvscl,rebin(ima,si(1)*reb,si(2)*reb) endelse flogi='vxy/vxy10i.log' restore,flogi ;here comes vxylogi sl=size(vxylogi) ;Trajectory plots for i=0,sl(2)-1 do begin fil='vxy/vxy10i.'+strtrim(fix(vxylogi(0,i)),2) restore,fil plots,xs*reb,ys*reb,/device,col=0,thick=2 ;3 for PS endfor niw=fix(sl(2)) flogo='vxy/vxy10o.log' restore,flogo ;here comes vxylogo sl=size(vxylogo) for i=0,sl(2)-1 do begin fil='vxy/vxy10o.'+strtrim(fix(vxylogo(0,i)),2) restore,fil plots,xs*reb,ys*reb,/device,col=255,thick=2 ;3 for PS endfor print,'No. of INW and OUT PGs:',niw,fix(sl(2)) ;plot the position of umbral center plots,[220*reb],[245*reb],psym=1,col=255,/device if keyword_set(ps) then begin device,/close set_plot,'x' endif end