pro evoldiv,mov,ns,tlag,mdiv ; Procedure to compute time evolution of divergence pattern ; ; INPUTS: 3d movie MOV (free of apodization in time), ; number of frames NS in a subseries ; from which the divergence is computed, ; time lag TLAG between subsequent subseries. ; OUTPUTS: 3d movie MDIV of evolution of the divergence pattern. ; ; Procedures called: FLOWMAKR (and its subroutines), DIVERGENCE. ; 30 Nov 1995 on_error,1 msiz=size(mov) if msiz(0) ne 3 then message,'ERROR: Input array must be 3-D' n=msiz(3) nd=(n-ns)/tlag+1 mdiv=fltarr(msiz(1),msiz(2),nd) for i=0,nd-1 do begin print,'segment no.',i ll=i*tlag ul=ll+ns-1 flowmakr,mov(*,*,ll:ul),2,13,1,vx,vy,/qfit2 mdiv(0,0,i)=divergence(vx,vy) endfor end