pro lifetime,inp,mask,out ; Procedure to compute a time correlation curve between patterns ; stored in a 3-d array INP. ; MASK is an array with values 1 and 0 to mask out the pore. ; OUT is a 1-d array with the values ; of correlation, normalized to 1. ; 30 Nov 1995 on_error,1 msiz=size(inp) if msiz(0) ne 3 then message,'ERROR: Input array must be 3-D' n=msiz(3) out=fltarr(n) arr=inp im=inp(*,*,0) arr(*,*,0)=inp(*,*,0)*mask - mean(im(where(mask eq 1))) tvscl,arr(*,*,0) den=total(arr(*,*,0)*arr(*,*,0)) out(0)=1. for i=1,n-1 do begin im=inp(*,*,i) arr(*,*,i)=inp(*,*,i)*mask - mean(im(where(mask eq 1))) out(i)=total(arr(*,*,0)*arr(*,*,i))/den endfor end