PRO objsepar,mov ;This procedure allows the user to separate manually ;merged objects in a segmented movie MOV. ;Function PROFIL is used to determine graphically ;the line of separation, along which the pixels are ;set to zero. on_error,1 si=size(mov) if si(0) ne 3 then message,'*** Only movies are allowed!' window,2,xsiz=si(1),ysiz=si(2),xpos=300,ypos=600 for i=0,si(3)-1 do begin print,' ' print,'Frame',i tvscl,mov(*,*,i) print,'Changes (y/n) ?' if get_kbrd(1) ne 'y' then goto,next repair: ima=mov(*,*,i) tvscl,ima again: a=PROFIL(ima,x,y) ima(x,y)=0 print,'Frame done (y/n) ?' if get_kbrd(1) ne 'y' then goto,again tvscl,ima print,'Is it OK (y/n) ?' if get_kbrd(1) ne 'y' then goto,repair mov(0,0,i)=ima next: endfor wdelete,2 END