PRO restelea_f95,init,nim,x0,y0,xdim,ydim ; RESTORATION of an image (2-D frame) for ; the 2-D theoretical MTF of a diffraction-limited telescope. ; The input and output images are read/written fm/to the disk ; (The working array must have xdim = ydim = even number) ; calling: RESTELE_F95, 1st_frame_no, No_of_frames,x0,y0,xdim,ydim ; where x0,y0 represent the lower left corner ; and xdim,ydim the x,y-dimensions of the box to be restored. ; Note: program asks for Wiener filter parameters. ; In case of constant S/N, C=15 seems to be adequate. ; In case of variable S/N the approximation is: ; 1/mtf(f) for f le fo (in arcsec^-1) ; mtf(f)/(mtf(f)^2+K*(f-fo)) for f gt fo ; i.e., increasing K we do more filtering. ;on_error,2 ; PARAMETERS OF RESTORATION --------------------------------------------- stp=0.062 ; SCALE (PIXEL SIZE) OF THE IMAGE (arcsec/pix) lambda=4.308d-5 ; WORKING WAVELENGTH (cm) d=49.5 ; DIAMETER OF THE TELESCOPE (cm) ; more parameters -------------------------------------------------------- st1='/scratch/sob/lap95/ima/a_n30Jun95.' ; input name st2='/scratch/sob/lap95/ima/a_c30Jun95.' ; output name xs =1310 ; input frame size ys =1032 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ n=xdim>ydim ; taking larger of the dimensions, so that ; the basic working frame size will be n,n a=findgen(n/2+1)/(n*stp) ; scale array for plotting ima1=intarr(xs,ys) ; read-in array ; 1-D calculation of MTF ------------------------------------------------ mtf=dblarr(n) cc=lambda*2.062648d5/(d*n*stp) ; 206264.8 arcsec in radian ss=0 for i=1,n do begin omega=cc*(i-1) if omega lt 1.d0 then begin tt=acos(omega)-omega*sqrt(1.-omega*omega) endif else begin ss=ss+1 if ss eq 1 then print,'MTF cutoff: ',i-1 tt=0.d0 endelse mtf(i-1)=2.*tt/3.141592654d0 endfor window,2 plot,a,mtf,linestyle=5,xra=[-0.2,6],yra=[-0.2,5],/xst,/yst ; creating the 1-D Wiener filter ---------------------------------------- newc: print,'Wiener filter with constant S/N (=0) or variable (=1) ?' if get_kbrd(1) eq '0' then begin read,'Filter parameter C =',c t1=(c+1)*mtf/(c*mtf*mtf+1) endif else begin read,'Filter parameters K, fo : ',k,fo fp=nint(fo*n*stp) ; conversion to pixels t1=dblarr(n) ; filter uu=findgen(n-fp-1)+1. ; linearly increasing N/S uu=uu/n/stp t1(0:fp)=1./mtf(0:fp) t1(fp+1:n-1)=mtf(fp+1:n-1)/(mtf(fp+1:n-1)^2+k*uu) endelse wset,2 plot,a,t1,xra=[-0.2,6],yra=[-0.2,5],/xst,/yst,/noerase print,'Change filter? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then goto,newc print,'Do you want to stop here? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then begin out=0 goto,fin endif print,'I am working...' t1=float(t1) ; transition to 2-D Wiener filter t ------------------------------------- t=fltarr(n,n) f1=fltarr(n/2+1,n/2+1) cros0=min(where(t1 le 0)) ; zero crossing point of t1, ; i.e. we can compute only for j=0,cros0 do begin ; the non-zero part. The rest for i=0,cros0 do begin ; are zeros by definition. ii=float(i) jj=float(j) r=sqrt(ii*ii+jj*jj) r1=fix(r) if r1 ge cros0 then begin f1(i,j)=0. endif else begin f1(i,j)=t1(r1)+(t1(r1+1)-t1(r1))*(r-r1) endelse endfor endfor f2=reverse(f1(1:n/2-1,*),1) t(0:n/2,0:n/2)=f1 ; t - 2-D Wiener filter t(n/2+1:n-1,0:n/2)=f2 t(n/2+1:n-1,n/2+1:n-1)=reverse(f2(*,1:n/2-1),2) t(0:n/2,n/2+1:n-1)=reverse(f1(*,1:n/2-1),2) f1=0 f2=0 print,' 2-D Wiener filter created' ; creating apodization window apw ---------------------------------------- perc=2. ; percentage of frame size to be damped npx=nint(xdim*perc/100.) npy=nint(ydim*perc/100.) ux=fltarr(xdim)+1. ; x-bell ux(0)=0. for i=1,npx do ux(i)=(1.-cos(!pi*i/npx))/2. ux(xdim-npx:xdim-1)=reverse(ux(1:npx)) uy=fltarr(ydim)+1. ; y-bell uy(0)=0. for i=1,npy do uy(i)=(1.-cos(!pi*i/npy))/2. uy(ydim-npy:ydim-1)=reverse(uy(1:npy)) apw=ux#uy ; apodization window (xdim,ydim) print,' Apodization window created' ; RESTORATION ------------------------------------------------------------ print,nim,' frames will be processed.' for k=0,nim-1 do begin ; loop over frames dcn=strtrim(k+init,2) print,'Reading image: ',st1+dcn openr,1,st1+dcn readu,1,ima1 close,1 ima=ima1(x0:x0+xdim-1,y0:y0+ydim-1) ; selected box ;window,3,xsize=xdim,ysize=ydim,title='ORIGINAL' ;tvscl,ima ;std=stdev(ima,mea) ;print,'Original image contrast =',std/mea ; apodization mea=mean(ima) ima=ima-mea ima=ima*apw ima=ima+mea ; apodized frame ; creating working array (n,n) im=intarr(n,n)+mea ; working array with mean(ima1) im(0,0)=ima ; insert image ; 2-D Fourier filtering f1=fft(im,-1) f1=float(fft(f1*t,1)) ; restored frame f1=nint(f1(0:xdim-1,0:ydim-1)) ; back to original size and type ;window,0,xsize=xdim,ysize=ydim,title='RESTORED' ;tvscl,f1 ;std=stdev(f1,mea) ;print,'Restored image contrast =',std/mea print,'Saving image: ',st2+dcn openw,1,st2+dcn writeu,1,f1 close,1 endfor print,'***** New image size: ',xdim,ydim fin: print,'End of program.' END