pro tn95,init,numim,itr,norm ; Extracting "clear" field unaffected by shifts and rotation, ; 2-D parabolic correction for intensity trends, ; normalization of images. ; input: files stra[init:init+numim-1], output: files stro........ ; input parameters: init = first frame no. ; numim = number of frames ; itr = option (1 .. correct for trends) ; output parameter: norm = array of means and standard deviations ; reading the input image ; !!!! TO BE CHANGED WITH RESPECT TO WHERE THE IMAGES ARE STORED !!!! stra=string('/scratch/sob/lap95/ima/a_rs30Jun95.') stro=string('/scratch/sob/lap95/ima/a_n30Jun95.') ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;input parameters x1= 0 ;boundaries of the "clear" field y1= 0 x2= 1309 y2= 1031 ;xx1=375 ;boundaries of the field to be excluded fm normalization ;yy1=370 ; with resp. to the "clear" field ;xx2=719 ;yy2=710 xx1=60 ;boundaries of field to be used for normalization yy1=50 xx2=560 yy2=330 ima1=intarr(1310,1032) ;input image array norm=fltarr(3,numim) for i=0,numim-1 do begin dcn=strtrim(i+init,2) print,'Now reading image:' print,stra+dcn openr,1,stra+dcn readu,1,ima1 close,1 ; extraction and trend correction (optional) ima=float(ima1(x1:x2,y1:y2)) if itr eq 1 then begin sima=sfit(congrid(ima,(x2-x1+1)/3,(y2-y1+1)/3,/cubic),2) sima=congrid(sima,x2-x1+1,y2-y1+1,/cubic) ima=ima/sima ;this is the "secondary flatfielding", ; trends are not physical, but due to wrong ; previous flatfielding endif ; statistics ; a case when the subfield is not excluded but used as the normalization ; area std=stdev(ima(xx1:xx2,yy1:yy2),mea) ; un con~azo con "excluded field" called exim ; exim=double(ima(xx1:xx2,yy1:yy2)) ; nel=n_elements(ima)-n_elements(exim) ; n_elements taken into account ; mea=(total(double(ima))-total(exim))/nel ; mean ; std=total((double(ima)-mea)^2)-total((exim-mea)^2) ; std=sqrt(std/(nel-1)) ; mea=float(mea) ; std=float(std) print,'mean =',mea,' norm.std =',std/mea norm(0,i)=[i+init,mea,std/mea] ; normalization ima=ima/mea*10000. ima=nint(ima) print,'Saving image:' print,stro+dcn openw,1,stro+dcn writeu,1,ima close,1 endfor print,'normalization terminated ok' end