PRO calc_phi,lam ; ; Pre-calculation of the Lorentzian and Gaussian contributions phi ; to scattered light for pre-set parameters b (") and ; distances r (") from the disk center. ; INPUT : lam - working wavelength ; OUTPUT: IDL save file 'phi_val_lam' containing arrays of ; phi(r) for each parameter b. ; ; To be used for fitting the scattering parameters in ; Calls functions PHIL.PRO, PHIG.PRO, CLV.PRO, QROMB.PRO, BESELI.PRO ; Distances r = 0", 930", 931", ... , 990" from disk center r=findgen(62)+930. ; step 1", limb at 960" r=shift(r,1) r(0)=0. n=n_elements(r) ; Lorentzian parameter b = 10" (fixed) print,'calculating Lorentz contribution for B=10" and',lam l10=fltarr(n) for i=0,n-1 do l10(i)=PHIL(r(i),10,lam) ; Gaussian parameters b=[3.,5.,10.,15.,20.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.] g=fltarr(n,11) for j=0,10 do begin print,'calculating Gaussian contribution for b=',b(j) for i=0,n-1 do g(i,j)=PHIG(r(i),b(j),lam) endfor g3=reform(g(*,0)) g5=reform(g(*,1)) g5(0)=g(0,2) ;correction of phi(0,5") g3(0:4)=g5(0:4) ;correction of phi(0:4,3") g10=reform(g(*,2)) g15=reform(g(*,3)) g20=reform(g(*,4)) g40=reform(g(*,5)) g50=reform(g(*,6)) g60=reform(g(*,7)) g70=reform(g(*,8)) g80=reform(g(*,9)) g90=reform(g(*,10)) ; Saving print,'Saving in phi_val_'+strtrim(fix(lam),2) save,l10,g3,g5,g10,g15,g20,g40,g50,g60,g70,g80,g90, $ file='phi_val_'+strtrim(fix(lam),2) END