; PHIL(rsec,bsec,lam) - scattered light, IDL ver. 5.6 ; ; Calculation of the Lorentzian contribution to the scattered light. ; ; INPUTS: rsec - distance from disk center in (") ; bsec - Lorentzian parameter in (") ; lam - working wavelength in A ; CALLING: result = phil(rsec,bsec,lam) ; ROUTINES: integ_l, clv.pro, qromb.pro (IDL) ; ; According to Martinez Pillet 1992, Solar Phys. 140, 207 ; 5 Feb 2004, Michal ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION integ_l,rr ; ; Function for PHIL. Calculates the integrand. ; rr - distance from the disk center in solar radii Rs ; (integration variable) ; common share, Rs,lamb,r,b ; conversion from rr to limb-distance in (") for CLV ldis=Rs*(1.-rr) cc=CLV(ldis,lamb) ; center-to-limb variation r2=r^2 rr2=rr^2 t0=sqrt((b^2+r2+rr2)^2-4*r2*rr2) ; denominator RETURN, cc*rr/t0 END ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION phil,rsec,bsec,lam ; common share, Rs,lamb,r,b ; ; unit conversions Rs = 960. ; solar radius in arcsec siRs = 0.004655 ; sin(Rs) = Rs in radians r=rsec/Rs b=bsec/Rs lamb=lam ; Lorentzian normalization coefficient srs2=siRs^2 ; Rs^2 = (sin(Rs))^2 ; k=b^2*srs2+1 is approx. 1 + 1.e-8 ; k2=sqrt(k), approx.=1 zz=alog(4.d0/double(b^2*srs2)) ;alog((k2+1)/(k2-1)) a=float(2./(srs2*zz)) ; Integration (QROMB from IDL) resint=QROMB('integ_l',0.,1.) RETURN,2*!pi*srs2*a*resint END