;+ ; NAME: ; TVFRAME ; PURPOSE: ; Display an image with axis. ; CATEGORY: ; Image dispaly ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TVBOX,data ; INPUTS: ; data = Two dimensional array of numerical type ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; XRANGE : Array with at least 2 elements giving the range for ; the annotation of the x-axis. ; Only min(XRANGE) and max(XRANGE) are used. ; Default is annotation with pixel indices. ; (should not be confused with the standard plotting keword) ; YRANGE : Same as XRANGE but for y-axis. ; POSITION : (output) position parameter for the axis in device units, ; may be used in subsequent calls to PLOT or CONTOUR. ; Example : TVBOX,a,/aspect,position=p ; CONTOUR,a,nlev=10,xsty=5,ysty=5,pos=p,/dev,/noeras ; (no keyword like /ASPECT exists for CONTOUR) ; /sample : If set, nearest neighbourhood method is used in ; resizing the data array. ; Default : averaging or linear interpolation. ; (Corresponds to the SAMPLE-keyword of the REBIN function) ; /center : If set, tickmarks are placed at the center of each pixel. ; ( example: tvframe,randomu(seed,20,20),/sam [,/center] ) ; /aspect : If set, the aspect ratio of the data array is preserved ; (quadratic pixel shapes). ; /noscale : If set, data is not scaled. (much like TV compared to TVSCL) ; /bar : If set, an intensity bar is displayed. ; BRANGE : Range for annotation of the intensity bar. ; Default is the range of data. ; BTITLE : Title of the intensity bar. ; BTICKS,BMINOR : Control the number of tickmarks for the intensity bar. ; Standard plotting keywords : ; TITLE,SUBTITLE,XTITLE,YTITLE,TICKLEN,CHARSIZE,XSTYLE,YSTYLE, ; XTICKS,YTICKS,XMINOR,YMINOR ; Normally they are just passed through, ; with the following exceptions : ; the default value for TICKLEN is -.01 instead of .02 . ; bit 0 of X/Y-STYLE is allways set (exact axis range). ; bit 1 of X/Y-STYLE is never set (no extended axis range). ; OUTPUTS: ; POSITION of the plot frame. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none. ; PROCEDURE: ; The image is scaled to the size of the axis-box via the ; RESIZE-function, and then displayed using TV or TVSCL. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, A. Welz, Univ. Wuerzburg, Germany, Feb. 1991 ; Extended (/bar,xticks,..) by A.W. June 1992 ;- ; pro tvframe , a $ , sample=sample , center=center , aspect=aspect , noscale=noscale $ , POSITION=POSITION $ , XRANGE=XRANGI , YRANGE=YRANGI $ , TITLE=TITLE , XTITLE=XTITLE , YTITLE=YTITLE , SUBTITLE=SUBTITLE $ , TICKLEN=TICKLEN , CHARSIZE=CHARSIZE $ , XTICKS=XTICKS , YTICKS=YTICKS , XMINOR=XMINOR , YMINOR=YMINOR $ , XSTYLE=XSTYLI , YSTYLE=YSTYLI $ , bar=bar , BTITLE=BTITLE , BRANGE=BRANGE $ , BTICKS=BTICKS , BMINOR=BMINOR on_error,2 sa=size(reform(a)) & if sa(0) ne 2 then goto,errout mina=min(a,max=maxa) ; ; set keyword parameters to default values if not present if n_elements(XRANGI) eq 0 then XRANGI=[0,sa(1)-1] if n_elements(YRANGI) eq 0 then YRANGI=[0,sa(2)-1] if n_elements( TITLE) eq 0 then TITLE='' if n_elements(SUBTITLE) eq 0 then SUBTITLE='' if n_elements( XTITLE) eq 0 then XTITLE='' if n_elements( YTITLE) eq 0 then YTITLE='' if n_elements(TICKLEN) eq 0 then TICKLEN=-.01 if n_elements(XTICKS) eq 0 then XTICKS=0 if n_elements(XMINOR) eq 0 then XMINOR=0 if n_elements(YTICKS) eq 0 then YTICKS=0 if n_elements(YMINOR) eq 0 then YMINOR=0 if n_elements(CHARSIZE) eq 0 then CHARSIZE=1.0 XSTYLE=1 & YSTYLE=1 if n_elements(XSTYLI) eq 1 then XSTYLE=( 1 or XSTYLI ) and 29 if n_elements(YSTYLI) eq 1 then YSTYLE=( 1 or YSTYLI ) and 29 if n_elements(BTITLE) eq 0 then BTITLE='' if n_elements(BRANGE) eq 0 then BRANGE=float([mina,maxa]) if n_elements(BTICKS) eq 0 then BTICKS=0 if n_elements(BMINOR) eq 0 then BMINOR=0 ; XRANGE=float(minmax(XRANGI)) YRANGE=float(minmax(YRANGI)) ; if keyword_set(center) then begin xunit=0.5*(XRANGE(1)-XRANGE(0))/float(sa(1)-1) yunit=0.5*(YRANGE(1)-YRANGE(0))/float(sa(2)-1) XRANGE(0)=XRANGE(0)-xunit & XRANGE(1)=XRANGE(1)+xunit YRANGE(0)=YRANGE(0)-yunit & YRANGE(1)=YRANGE(1)+yunit endif else begin xunit=(XRANGE(1)-XRANGE(0))/float(sa(1)-1) yunit=(YRANGE(1)-YRANGE(0))/float(sa(2)-1) XRANGE(1)=XRANGE(1)+xunit YRANGE(1)=YRANGE(1)+yunit endelse ; plot,XRANGE,YRANGE,/nodata,xstyle=xstyle or 4,ystyle=ystyle or 4 $ , TITLE=' ',XTITLE=XTITLE,YTITLE=YTITLE $ , SUBTITLE=SUBTITLE $ , TICKLEN=TICKLEN,CHARSIZE=CHARSIZE $ , color=!p.background ; px = !x.window * !d.x_vsize ;Position of frame in device units py = !y.window * !d.y_vsize sx = px(1)-px(0) ;Size of frame in device units sy = py(1)-py(0) if keyword_set(bar) then sx = sx/1.25 if keyword_set(aspect) then begin f = float(sa(1))/sa(2)*sy/sx if f ge 1. then sy=sy/f else sx=sx*f sx=fix(sx) endif POSITION = [px(0),py(0),px(0)+sx,py(0)+sy] if keyword_set(bar) then begin bx = fix(px(0)+sx*1.04) by = fix(py(0)) bsx = fix(sx*0.08) bsy = fix(sy) barpos= [bx,by,bx+bsx,by+bsy] endif ; mcol=( !D.N_COLORS - 1) > 0 ; if (!d.flags and 1) ne 0 then begin ; scalable pixels if keyword_set(sample) then b=a else b=resize(a,256,256) if keyword_set(noscale) then begin tv, 0>bbarimbbarim