function SCAT_LOG, X, P RETURN, P[0] * ( P[1] - ALOG10 (X-1) ) END ;--- pro memu PRO MENU, BUT_DESC, OPTION, TITLE=TITLE, XOFFSET=XOFFSET, YOFFSET=YOFFSET, $ ROW=ROW, BUTSIZE=BUTSIZE, BASE=BASE, BUTTONS=BUTTONS, FONT=FONT, $ frame=frame, ypad=ypad, no_release = no_release, $ scroll=scroll, space=space, xpad=xpad, exclusive=exclusive, $ uvalue=uvalue, x_scroll_size=x_scroll_size, $ y_scroll_size=y_scroll_size parent = 0 if (not keyword_set(TITLE)) then TITLE = 'MENU' s = size(but_desc) value_type = s(s(0) + 1) if ((value_type ne 1) and (value_type ne 7)) then $ message, 'values must be a string vector or 3-d byte array.` if (value_type eq 1) then begin if (s(0) ne 3) then message, 'type byte values must be 3-d' n_buttons = s(3) endif else begin n_buttons = n_elements(but_desc) endelse ; sort out the keywords if (not keyword_set(butsize)) then butsize=100 if (not keyword_set(xoffset)) then xoffset=5 if (not keyword_set(yoffset)) then yoffset=25 if (not keyword_set(row)) then begin row=0 column=1 endif else begin row=1 column=0 endelse if (not keyword_set(font)) then font = '' if (not keyword_set(exclusive)) then exclusive=0 if (not keyword_set(nonexclusive)) then nonexclusive=0 if (keyword_set(scroll) or keyword_set(x_scroll_size) or $ keyword_set(y_scroll_size)) then begin scroll = 1; if (not keyword_set(x_scroll_size)) then x_scroll_size=0 if (not keyword_set(y_scroll_size)) then y_scroll_size=0 endif else begin scroll=0 endelse if (not keyword_set(frame)) then frame = 0 if (not keyword_set(space)) then space = 0 if (not keyword_set(xpad)) then xpad = 0 if (not keyword_set(ypad)) then ypad = 0 if (not keyword_set(uvalue)) then begin uvalue=lindgen(n_buttons) endif else begin s = size(uvalue) if (s(s(0) + 2) ne n_buttons) then $ message, 'uvalue must have the same number of elements as values' endelse ; create the base if (parent eq 0) then begin if (scroll) then $ base = widget_base(column=column, exclusive=exclusive, $ frame=frame, nonexclusive=nonexclusive, row=row, scroll=scroll, $ space=space, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad, x_scroll_size=x_scroll_size, $ y_scroll_size=y_scroll_size, title = title) $ else $ base = widget_base(column=column, exclusive=exclusive, $ frame=frame, nonexclusive=nonexclusive, row=row, $ space=space, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad, title = title) endif else begin if (keyword_set(title)) then begin theparent = widget_base(parent, /column, /frame) thelabel = widget_label(theparent, value = title) endif else theparent = parent if (scroll) then $ base = widget_base(theparent, column=column, exclusive=exclusive, $ frame=frame, nonexclusive=nonexclusive, row=row, scroll=scroll, $ space=space, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad, x_scroll_size=x_scroll_size, $ y_scroll_size=y_scroll_size) $ else $ base = widget_base(theparent, column=column, exclusive=exclusive, $ frame=frame, nonexclusive=nonexclusive, row=row, $ space=space, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad) endelse ; create the buttons buttons = lindgen(n_buttons) if (value_type eq 1) then begin for i = 0, n_buttons-1 do $ buttons(i) = widget_button(base, value=but_desc(*, *, i), $ no_release = no_release, uvalue=uvalue(i), $ font = font, xsize=butsize) endif else begin for i = 0, n_buttons-1 do $ buttons(i) = widget_button(base, value=but_desc(i), $ no_release = no_release, uvalue=uvalue(i), $ font = font, xsize=butsize) endelse ; realizacja na ekranie widget_control, /realize, base, tlb_set_xoffset=xoffset, tlb_set_yoffset=yoffset event=widget_event(base) kl= fix ( where (buttons eq + 1 ) widget_control, base, /destroy option=kl(0) end ;--- end of pro menu ---------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; MPFITFUN ; ; AUTHOR: ; Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 ; ; UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: ; ; ; PURPOSE: ; Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to IDL function ; ; MAJOR TOPICS: ; Curve and Surface Fitting ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; parms = MPFITFUN(MYFUNCT, X, Y, ERR, start_params, ...) ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; MPFITFUN fits a user-supplied model -- in the form of an IDL ; function -- to a set of user-supplied data. MPFITFUN calls ; MPFIT, the MINPACK-1 least-squares minimizer, to do the main ; work. ; ; Given the data and their uncertainties, MPFITFUN finds the best set ; of model parameters which match the data (in a least-squares ; sense) and returns them in an array. ; ; The user must supply the following items: ; - An array of independent variable values ("X"). ; - An array of "measured" *dependent* variable values ("Y"). ; - An array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainty values ("ERR"). ; - The name of an IDL function which computes Y given X ("MYFUNCT"). ; - Starting guesses for all of the parameters ("START_PARAMS"). ; ; There are very few restrictions placed on X, Y or MYFUNCT. Simply ; put, MYFUNCT must map the "X" values into "Y" values given the ; model parameters. The "X" values may represent any independent ; variable (not just Cartesian X), and indeed may be multidimensional ; themselves. For example, in the application of image fitting, X ; may be a 2xN array of image positions. ; ; Data values of NaN or Infinity for "Y", "ERR" or "WEIGHTS" will be ; ignored as missing data if the NAN keyword is set. Otherwise, they ; may cause the fitting loop to halt with an error message. Note ; that the fit will still halt if the model function, or its ; derivatives, produces infinite or NaN values. ; ; MPFITFUN carefully avoids passing large arrays where possible to ; improve performance. ; ; See below for an example of usage. ; ; USER FUNCTION ; ; The user must define a function which returns the model value. For ; applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default ; -- the user function should be declared in the following way: ; ; FUNCTION MYFUNCT, X, P ; ; The independent variable is X ; ; Parameter values are passed in "P" ; YMOD = ... computed model values at X ... ; return, YMOD ; END ; ; The returned array YMOD must have the same dimensions and type as ; the "measured" Y values. ; ; User functions may also indicate a fatal error condition ; using the ERROR_CODE common block variable, as described ; below under the MPFIT_ERROR common block definition. ; ; See the discussion under "EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES" and AUTODERIVATIVE ; in MPFIT.PRO if you wish to compute the derivatives for yourself. ; AUTODERIVATIVE is accepted by MPFITFUN and passed directly to ; MPFIT. The user function must accept one additional parameter, DP, ; which contains the derivative of the user function with respect to ; each parameter at each data point, as described in MPFIT.PRO. ; ; CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD ; ; The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each ; parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple ; boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter ; changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can ; be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. ; ; These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is ; passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. ; ; PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. ; Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in ; numerical order. The structure can have the following entries ; (none are required): ; ; .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS ; parameter for more information). ; ; .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held ; fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by ; MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. ; ; .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second ; element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the ; lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both ; sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given ; together. ; ; .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the ; parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, ; respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be ; set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED ; and LIMITS must be given together. ; ; .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The ; fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any ; way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the ; parameter name if available. ; ; .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical ; derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is ; computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. ; This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. ; ; .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating ; the numerical derivatives. This number is the ; fractional size of the step, compared to the ; parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP ; setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default ; step size is chosen. ; ; .MPSIDE - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing ; numerical derivatives. This field can take four ; values: ; ; 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically ; 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h ; -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h ; 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) ; ; Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The ; "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a ; direction for the finite difference which does not ; violate any constraints. The other methods do not ; perform this check. The two-sided method is in ; principle more precise, but requires twice as many ; function evaluations. Default: 0. ; ; .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter ; value. During the fitting process, the parameter ; will never be changed by more than this value in ; one iteration. ; ; A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. ; ; .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other ; free or fixed parameters as an equality constraint. Any ; expression involving constants and the parameter array P ; are permitted. ; Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter ; 1 then use the following: parinfo[2].tied = '2 * P[1]'. ; Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are ; considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. ; [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in a TIED expression. ] ; ; .MPPRINT - if set to 1, then the default ITERPROC will print the ; parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value ; will not be printed. This tag can be used to ; selectively print only a few parameter values out of ; many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) ; ; .MPFORMAT - IDL format string to print the parameter within ; ITERPROC. Default: '(G20.6)' (An empty string will ; also use the default.) ; ; Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve ; adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". ; Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with ; "MP", but otherwise they are free to include their own fields ; within the PARINFO structure, which will be ignored by MPFIT. ; ; PARINFO Example: ; parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ ; limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) ; parinfo[0].fixed = 1 ; parinfo[4].limited[0] = 1 ; parinfo[4].limits[0] = 50.D ; parinfo[*].value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] ; ; A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, ; 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter ; is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is ; constrained to be above 50. ; ; COMPATIBILITY ; ; This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. ; ; Because TIED parameters rely on the EXECUTE() function, they cannot ; be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. ; ; ; INPUTS: ; MYFUNCT - a string variable containing the name of an IDL function. ; This function computes the "model" Y values given the ; X values and model parameters, as desribed above. ; ; X - Array of independent variable values. ; ; Y - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Y should have ; the same data type as X. The function MYFUNCT should map ; X->Y. ; NOTE: the following special cases apply: ; * if Y is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is ; set, then the corresponding data point is ignored ; ; ERR - Array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainties. ERR should have ; the same data type as Y. ERR is ignored if the WEIGHTS ; keyword is specified. ; NOTE: the following special cases apply: ; * if ERR is zero, then the corresponding data point ; is ignored ; * if ERR is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is ; set, then the corresponding data point is ignored ; * if ERR is negative, then the absolute value of ; ERR is used. ; ; START_PARAMS - An array of starting values for each of the ; parameters of the model. The number of parameters ; should be fewer than the number of measurements. ; Also, the parameters should have the same data type ; as the measurements (double is preferred). ; ; This parameter is optional if the PARINFO keyword ; is used (see MPFIT). The PARINFO keyword provides ; a mechanism to fix or constrain individual ; parameters. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are ; passed, then the starting *value* is taken from ; START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from ; PARINFO. ; ; ; RETURNS: ; ; Returns the array of best-fit parameters. ; ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; BESTNORM - the value of the summed squared residuals for the ; returned parameter values. ; ; COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned ; by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of ; parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements ; gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the ; parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. ; Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. ; ; To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this: ; IDL> PCOR = COV * 0 ; IDL> FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ ; PCOR[i,j] = COV[i,j]/sqrt(COV[i,i]*COV[j,j]) ; ; If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then ; COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. ; ; CASH - when set, the fit statistic is changed to a derivative of ; the CASH statistic. The model function must be strictly ; positive. WARNING: this option is incomplete and untested. ; ; DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as ; DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE ; Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see ; NPEGGED). ; ; ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. ; ; FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both ; the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of ; squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to ; 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error ; desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 ; ; FUNCTARGS - A structure which contains the parameters to be passed ; to the user-supplied function specified by MYFUNCT via ; the _EXTRA mechanism. This is the way you can pass ; additional data to your user-supplied function without ; using common blocks. ; ; By default, no extra parameters are passed to the ; user-supplied function. ; ; GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the ; cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the ; jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is ; accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the ; orthogonality desired between the function vector and the ; columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ; ; ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the ; _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is ; similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. ; Default: no arguments are passed. ; ; ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT ; iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared ; in the following way: ; ; PRO ITERPROC, MYFUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ ; PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, ... ; ; perform custom iteration update ; END ; ; ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword ; parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least ; accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. ; ; MYFUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, ; P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the ; iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be ; passed to MYFUNCT. FNORM should be the ; chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output ; should be printed. See below for documentation of ; PARINFO. ; ; In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the ; terminal or graphical user interface, to provide ; feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be ; stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the ; common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value (see ; MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ; ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter ; values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's ; stability. In practice it is allowed. ; ; Default: an internal routine is used to print the ; parameter values. ; ; MAXITER - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the ; number is exceeded, then the STATUS value is set to 5 ; and MPFIT returns. ; Default: 200 iterations ; ; NAN - ignore infinite or NaN values in the Y, ERR or WEIGHTS ; parameters. These values will be treated as missing data. ; However, the fit will still halt with an error condition ; if the model function becomes infinite. ; ; NFEV - the number of MYFUNCT function evaluations performed. ; ; NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes ; parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does ; include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. ; ; NITER - the number of iterations completed. ; ; NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the ; covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) ; ; NPEGGED - the number of free parameters which are pegged at a ; LIMIT. ; ; NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of ; 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, ; while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Note that ; several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a ; single iteration. ; Default value: 1 ; ; PARINFO - Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints ; to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not ; passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free ; and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never ; modified during a call to MPFIT. ; ; See description above for the structure of PARINFO. ; ; Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. ; ; PERROR - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed ; from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held ; fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is ; reported as zero. ; ; If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or ; the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR ; will probably not represent the true parameter ; uncertainties. ; ; *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared ; value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly ; assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated ; parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR ; by the measured chi-squared value. ; ; DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom ; PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties ; ; QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed ; by MPFIT ; ; STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values other ; than zero can represent success. It can have one of the ; following values: ; ; 0 improper input parameters. ; ; 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions ; in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. ; ; 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates ; is at most XTOL ; ; 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. ; ; 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any ; column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in ; absolute value. ; ; 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached ; ; 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in ; the sum of squares is possible. ; ; 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in ; the approximate solution x is possible. ; ; 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the ; columns of the jacobian to machine precision. ; ; WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the ; chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR ; parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed ; as follows: ; ; CHISQ = TOTAL( (Y-MYFUNCT(X,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) ; ; Here are common values of WEIGHTS for standard weightings: ; ; 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) ; 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) ; 1D - Unweighted ; ; NOTE: the following special cases apply: ; * if WEIGHTS is zero, then the corresponding data point ; is ignored ; * if WEIGHTS is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is ; set, then the corresponding data point is ignored ; * if WEIGHTS is negative, then the absolute value of ; WEIGHTS is used. ; ; XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the ; relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most ; XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, ; XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate ; solution. Default: 1D-10 ; ; YFIT - the best-fit model function, as returned by MYFUNCT. ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; ; First, generate some synthetic data ; npts = 200 ; x = dindgen(npts) * 0.1 - 10. ; Independent variable ; yi = gauss1(x, [2.2D, 1.4, 3000.]) ; "Ideal" Y variable ; y = yi + randomn(seed, npts) * sqrt(1000. + yi); Measured, w/ noise ; sy = sqrt(1000.D + y) ; Poisson errors ; ; ; Now fit a Gaussian to see how well we can recover ; p0 = [1.D, 1., 1000.] ; Initial guess (cent, width, area) ; p = mpfitfun('GAUSS1', x, y, sy, p0) ; Fit a function ; print, p ; ; Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson ; statistical uncertainty. Then the same function is fitted to the ; data (with different starting parameters) to see how close we can ; get. ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE ; ; User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by ; setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either ; the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the ; iteration procedure (ITERPROC). ; ; To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, ; and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user ; procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this ; common block variable and exits immediately if the error ; condition has been set. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is ; zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. ; ; REFERENCES: ; ; MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( ; "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, ; SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, Apr-Jul 1998, CM ; Added PERROR keyword, 04 Aug 1998, CM ; Added COVAR keyword, 20 Aug 1998, CM ; Added ITER output keyword, 05 Oct 1998 ; D.L Windt, Bell Labs,; ; Added ability to return model function in YFIT, 09 Nov 1998 ; Analytical derivatives allowed via AUTODERIVATIVE keyword, 09 Nov 1998 ; Parameter values can be tied to others, 09 Nov 1998 ; Cosmetic documentation updates, 16 Apr 1999, CM ; More cosmetic documentation updates, 14 May 1999, CM ; Made sure to update STATUS, 25 Sep 1999, CM ; Added WEIGHTS keyword, 25 Sep 1999, CM ; Changed from handles to common blocks, 25 Sep 1999, CM ; - commons seem much cleaner and more logical in this case. ; Alphabetized documented keywords, 02 Oct 1999, CM ; Added QUERY keyword and query checking of MPFIT, 29 Oct 1999, CM ; Corrected EXAMPLE (offset of 1000), 30 Oct 1999, CM ; Check to be sure that X and Y are present, 02 Nov 1999, CM ; Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM ; Changed to ERROR_CODE for error condition, 28 Jan 2000, CM ; Corrected errors in EXAMPLE, 26 Mar 2000, CM ; Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM ; Propagated improvements from MPFIT, 17 Dec 2000, CM ; Added CASH statistic, 10 Jan 2001 ; Added NFREE and NPEGGED keywords, 11 Sep 2002, CM ; Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 ; Add DOF keyword to return degrees of freedom, CM, 23 June 2003 ; Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM ; Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 ; Oct 2006 ; Add NAN keyword, to ignore non-finite data values, 28 Oct 2006, CM ; Clarify documentation on user-function, derivatives, and PARINFO, ; 27 May 2007 ; Fix bug in handling of explicit derivatives with errors/weights ; (the weights were not being applied), CM, 03 Sep 2007 ; Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 ; Add documentation about NAN behavior, CM, 30 Mar 2009 ; ; $Id:,v 1.15 2009/03/30 16:27:43 craigm Exp $ ;- ; Copyright (C) 1997-2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, Craig Markwardt ; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or ; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer ; are included unchanged. ;- FORWARD_FUNCTION mpfitfun_eval, mpfitfun, mpfit ; This is the call-back function for MPFIT. It evaluates the ; function, subtracts the data, and returns the residuals. function mpfitfun_eval, p, dp, _EXTRA=extra COMPILE_OPT strictarr common mpfitfun_common, fcn, x, y, err, wts, f, fcnargs ;; Save the original DP matrix for later use if n_params() GT 1 then if n_elements(dp) GT 0 then dp0 = dp ;; The function is evaluated here. There are four choices, ;; depending on whether (a) FUNCTARGS was passed to MPFITFUN, which ;; is passed to this function as "hf"; or (b) the derivative ;; parameter "dp" is passed, meaning that derivatives should be ;; calculated analytically by the function itself. if n_elements(fcnargs) GT 0 then begin if n_params() GT 1 then f = call_function(fcn, x, p, dp, _EXTRA=fcnargs)$ else f = call_function(fcn, x, p, _EXTRA=fcnargs) endif else begin if n_params() GT 1 then f = call_function(fcn, x, p, dp) $ else f = call_function(fcn, x, p) endelse np = n_elements(p) nf = n_elements(f) ;; Compute the deviates, applying either errors or weights if n_elements(wts) GT 0 then begin result = (y-f)*wts if n_elements(dp0) GT 0 AND n_elements(dp) EQ np*nf then begin for j = 0L, np-1 do dp[j*nf] = dp[j*nf:j*nf+nf-1] * wts endif endif else if n_elements(err) GT 0 then begin result = (y-f)/err if n_elements(dp0) GT 0 AND n_elements(dp) EQ np*nf then begin for j = 0L, np-1 do dp[j*nf] = dp[j*nf:j*nf+nf-1] / err endif endif else begin result = (y-f) endelse ;; Make sure the returned result is one-dimensional. result = reform(result, n_elements(result), /overwrite) return, result end ;; Implement residual and gradient scaling according to the ;; prescription of Cash (ApJ, 228, 939) pro mpfitfun_cash, resid, dresid COMPILE_OPT strictarr common mpfitfun_common, fcn, x, y, err, wts, f, fcnargs sz = size(dresid) m = sz[1] n = sz[2] ;; Do rudimentary dimensions checks, so we don't do something stupid if n_elements(y) NE m OR n_elements(f) NE m OR n_elements(resid) NE m then begin DIM_ERROR: message, 'ERROR: dimensions of Y, F, RESID or DRESID are not consistent' endif ;; Scale gradient by sqrt(y)/f gfact = temporary(dresid) * rebin(reform(sqrt(y)/f,m,1),m,n) dresid = reform(dresid, m, n, /overwrite) ;; Scale residuals by 1/sqrt(y) resid = temporary(resid)/sqrt(y) return end function mpfitfun, fcn, x, y, err, p, WEIGHTS=wts, FUNCTARGS=fa, $ BESTNORM=bestnorm, nfev=nfev, STATUS=status, $ parinfo=parinfo, query=query, CASH=cash, $ covar=covar, perror=perror, yfit=yfit, $ niter=niter, nfree=nfree, npegged=npegged, dof=dof, $ quiet=quiet, ERRMSG=errmsg, NAN=NAN, _EXTRA=extra COMPILE_OPT strictarr status = 0L errmsg = '' ;; Detect MPFIT and crash if it was not found catch, catcherror if catcherror NE 0 then begin MPFIT_NOTFOUND: catch, /cancel message, 'ERROR: the required function MPFIT must be in your IDL path', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if mpfit(/query) NE 1 then goto, MPFIT_NOTFOUND catch, /cancel if keyword_set(query) then return, 1 if n_params() EQ 0 then begin message, "USAGE: PARMS = MPFITFUN('MYFUNCT', X, Y, ERR, "+ $ "START_PARAMS, ... )", /info return, !values.d_nan endif if n_elements(x) EQ 0 OR n_elements(y) EQ 0 then begin message, 'ERROR: X and Y must be defined', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if n_elements(err) GT 0 OR n_elements(wts) GT 0 AND keyword_set(cash) then begin message, 'ERROR: WEIGHTS or ERROR cannot be specified with CASH', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if keyword_set(cash) then begin scalfcn = 'mpfitfun_cash' endif ;; Use common block to pass data back and forth common mpfitfun_common, fc, xc, yc, ec, wc, mc, ac fc = fcn & xc = x & yc = y & mc = 0L ;; These optional parameters must be undefined first ac = 0 & dummy = size(temporary(ac)) ec = 0 & dummy = size(temporary(ec)) wc = 0 & dummy = size(temporary(wc)) ;; FUNCTARGS if n_elements(fa) GT 0 then ac = fa ;; WEIGHTS or ERROR if n_elements(wts) GT 0 then begin wc = sqrt(abs(wts)) endif else if n_elements(err) GT 0 then begin wh = where(err EQ 0, ct) if ct GT 0 then begin errmsg = 'ERROR: ERROR value must not be zero. Use WEIGHTS instead.' message, errmsg, /info return, !values.d_nan endif ;; Appropriate weight for gaussian errors wc = 1/abs(err) endif ;; Check for weights/errors which do not match the dimension ;; of the data points if n_elements(wc) GT 0 AND $ n_elements(wc) NE 1 AND $ n_elements(wc) NE n_elements(yc) then begin errmsg = 'ERROR: ERROR/WEIGHTS must either be a scalar or match the number of Y values' message, errmsg, /info return, !values.d_nan endif ;; If the weights/errors are a scalar value, and not finite, then ;; the fit will surely fail if n_elements(wc) EQ 1 then begin if finite(wc[0]) EQ 0 then begin errmsg = 'ERROR: the supplied scalar WEIGHT/ERROR value was not finite' message, errmsg, /info return, !values.d_nan endif endif ;; Handle the cases of non-finite data points or weights if keyword_set(nan) then begin ;; Non-finite data points wh = where(finite(yc) EQ 0, ct) if ct GT 0 then begin yc[wh] = 0 ;; Careful: handle case when weights were a scalar... ;; ... promote to a vector if n_elements(wc) EQ 1 then wc = replicate(wc[0], n_elements(yc)) wc[wh] = 0 endif ;; Non-finite weights wh = where(finite(wc) EQ 0, ct) if ct GT 0 then wc[wh] = 0 endif result = mpfit('mpfitfun_eval', p, SCALE_FCN=scalfcn, $ parinfo=parinfo, STATUS=status, nfev=nfev, BESTNORM=bestnorm,$ covar=covar, perror=perror, $ niter=niter, nfree=nfree, npegged=npegged, dof=dof, $ ERRMSG=errmsg, quiet=quiet, _EXTRA=extra) ;; Retrieve the fit value yfit = temporary(mc) ;; Some cleanup xc = 0 & yc = 0 & wc = 0 & ec = 0 & mc = 0 & ac = 0 ;; Print error message if there is one. if NOT keyword_set(quiet) AND errmsg NE '' then $ message, errmsg, /info return, result end pro sxdelpar, h, parname ;+ ; NAME: ; SXDELPAR ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS header ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sxdelpar, h, parname ; ; INPUTS: ; h - FITS or STSDAS header, string array ; parname - string or string array of keyword name(s) to delete ; ; OUTPUTS: ; h - updated FITS header, If all lines are deleted from ; the header, then h is returned with a value of 0 ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Delete the astrometry keywords CDn_n from a FITS header, h ; ; IDL> sxdelpar, h, ['CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2'] ; ; NOTES: ; (1) No message is returned if the keyword to be deleted is not found ; (2) All appearances of a keyword in the header will be deleted ; HISTORY: ; version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987 ; Converted to new IDL April 1990 by D. Lindler ; Test for case where all keywords are deleted W. Landsman Aug 1995 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Allow for headers with more than 32767 lines W. Landsman Jan. 2003 ;------------------------------------------------------------------ On_error,2 if N_Params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - SXDELPAR, h, parname' return endif ; convert parameters to string array of upper case names of length 8 char s = size(parname) & ndim = s[0] & type = s[ndim+1] if type NE 7 then message,'Keyword name(s) must be a string or string array' num = N_elements( parname ) par = strtrim( strupcase(parname),2 ) s = size(h) & ndim = s[0] & type = s[ndim+1] if (ndim NE 1) or (type NE 7) then $ message,'FITS header (1st parameter) must be a string array' nlines = s[1] ;number of lines in header array pos = 0L ;position in compressed header with keywords removed ; loop on header lines keyword = strtrim( strmid(h,0,8), 2 ) for i = 0L, nlines-1 do begin for j = 0,num-1 do $ if keyword[i] EQ par[j] then goto, DELETE ;delete it? h[pos] = h[i] ;keep it pos = pos+1 ;increment number of lines kept if keyword[i] eq 'END' then goto, DONE ;end of header DELETE: endfor DONE: if pos GT 0 then h = h[0:pos-1] else h = 0 ;truncate return end FUNCTION CONTINUUM, LAMBDA, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculate solar spectrum continuum for given wavelenght ; ; usage: ; result = continuum (wavelenght [, spline_tension, /GRAPH]) ; input: ; wavelenght in angstoems ; output: ; intensity of solar continuum in egr * sr^(-1) * cm^(-2) * A^(-1) * s^(-1) ; references: ; Allen ; author ; Maciek Zapior ;table from Allen p.172 column 5: I = [ 0.04, 0.20, 0.30, 0.5, 1.19, 2.15, 2.83, 3.01, 3.20, $ 3.62, 4.1, 4.4, 4.58, 4.60, 4.59, 4.55, 4.54, 4.48, $ 4.40, 4.31, 4.08, 3.68, 3.27, 2.88, 2.53, 2.24, $ 1.97, 1.55, 1.23, 0.99, 0.81, 0.564, 0.403, 0.268, $ 0.183, 0.081, 0.041, 0.0135, 0.0057 ] ;table from Allen p.172 column 1: MI =[ 0.20, 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.30, 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, $ 0.37, 0.38, 0.39, 0.40, 0.41, 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45, $ 0.46, 0.48, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, $ 0.80, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, $ 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ] LAMBDA = ROUND(LAMBDA) IF LAMBDA LT 2000 OR LAMBDA GT 50000 THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'INPUT VALUE MUST BE BETWEEN 2000 AND 50000' STOP ENDIF if N_PARAMS() EQ 1 THEN BEGIN SPLINE_TENSION = 10.0 ENDIF XX = FINDGEN(50001)/10000. I_SPL = SPLINE(MI, I, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN LOADCT,38 WINDOW, 0, XSIZE=1280, YSIZE=640 PLOT, MI, I, PSYM=2, XRANGE = [0.2,0.9], XSTYLE=1 OPLOT, XX, I_SPL, COLOR=150 PLOTS, [LAMBDA/10000.,LAMBDA/10000.],[I_SPL(LAMBDA)-0.5, I_SPL(LAMBDA)+0.5], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 0 ENDIF RETURN, I_SPL(LAMBDA) * 10.^6 END FUNCTION DARKENING, THETA, LAMBDA, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculate limb darkening of the Sun using Allen's formula ; ; usage: ; RESULT = DARKENING ( theta(radians), wavelenght(angstroems) [, spline tension, /GRAPH] ) ; ; output: ; factor of limb darkening for given wavelenght in respect to disc center ; References: ; Allen ; ; author: ; Maciek Zapior if N_PARAMS() EQ 2 THEN SPLINE_TENSION = 1.0 ; table taken from Allen: MI= [ 0.20, 0.22, 0.245, 0.265, 0.28, $ 0.30, 0.32, 0.35, 0.37, 0.38, $ 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.80, $ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 ] U = [ 0.12, -1.3, -0.1, -0.1, 0.38, $ 0.74, 0.88, 0.98, 1.03, 0.92, $ 0.91, 0.99, 0.97, 0.93, 0.88, 0.73, $ 0.64, 0.57, 0.48, 0.35, 0.22, 0.15 ] V = [ 0.33, 1.6, 0.85, 0.90, 0.57, $ 0.20, 0.03, -0.10, -0.16, -0.05, $ -0.05, -0.17, -0.22, -0.23, -0.23, -0.22, $ -0.20, -0.21, -0.18, -0.12, -0.07, -0.07 ] ;creating abscissa vector XX = INDGEN(10000) ; ABSCISSA LAMBDA_TABLE = MI * 10.0^4 ; RECALCULATING WAVELENGHT TO ANGSTROMS ;spline interpolation for U and V coefficients SPL_V = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_U = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) ;calculation of limb darkening factor using Allen's formula for wavelenght eq LAMBDA and angle eq THETA DARKENING_FACTOR = 1.0 - SPL_U(LAMBDA) - SPL_V(LAMBDA) + SPL_U(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA) + SPL_V(LAMBDA)*(COS(THETA))^2.0 IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN WINDOW, 0, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=400, XPOS=0, YPOS=0, TITLE='V2 COEFFICIENT' SPL_V = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) PLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XRANGE=[3800, 9000], YSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[-0.3, 0.3],PSYM=2 OPLOT, XX, SPL_V, COLOR = 150 WSHOW, 0 WINDOW, 1, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=400, XPOS=0, YPOS=400, TITLE='U2 COEFFICIENT' SPL_U = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) PLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XRANGE=[3800, 9000], YSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[0.5, 1.2], PSYM=2 OPLOT, XX, SPL_U, COLOR = 150 WSHOW, 1 ENDIF RETURN, DARKENING_FACTOR END ;+ ; NAME: ; MPFITELLIPSE ; ; AUTHOR: ; Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 ; ; UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: ; ; ; PURPOSE: ; Approximate fit to points forming an ellipse ; ; MAJOR TOPICS: ; Curve and Surface Fitting ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; parms = MPFITELLIPSE(X, Y, start_parms, [/TILT, WEIGHTS=wts, ...]) ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; MPFITELLIPSE fits a closed elliptical or circular curve to a two ; dimensional set of data points. The user specifies the X and Y ; positions of the points, and an optional set of weights. The ; ellipse may also be tilted at an arbitrary angle. ; ; IMPORTANT NOTE: this fitting program performs simple ellipse ; fitting. It will not work well for ellipse data with high ; eccentricity. More robust answers can usually be obtained with ; "orthogonal distance regression." (See FORTRAN package ODRPACK on ; for more information). ; ; The best fitting ellipse parameters are returned from by ; MPFITELLIPSE as a vector, whose values are: ; ; P[0] Ellipse semi axis 1 ; P[1] Ellipse semi axis 2 ( = P[0] if CIRCLE keyword set) ; P[2] Ellipse center - x value ; P[3] Ellipse center - y value ; P[4] Ellipse rotation angle (radians) if TILT keyword set ; ; As of the 17 Sep 2007 version of this function, P[0] is meant to ; be the semi-major axis, and P[1] the semi-minor axis. The ; returned semi-axis lengths should always be positive. ; ; The user may specify an initial set of trial parameters, but by ; default MPFITELLIPSE will estimate the parameters automatically. ; ; Users should be aware that in the presence of large amounts of ; noise, namely when the measurement error becomes significant ; compared to the ellipse axis length, then the estimated parameters ; become unreliable. Generally speaking the computed axes will ; overestimate the true axes. For example when (SIGMA_R/R) becomes ; 0.5, the radius of the ellipse is overestimated by about 40%. ; ; This unreliability is also pronounced if the ellipse has high ; eccentricity, as noted above. ; ; Users can weight their data as they see appropriate. However, the ; following prescription for the weighting may serve as a good ; starting point, and appeared to produce results comparable to the ; typical chi-squared value. ; ; WEIGHTS = 0.75/(SIGMA_X^2 + SIGMA_Y^2) ; ; where SIGMA_X and SIGMA_Y are the measurement error vectors in the ; X and Y directions respectively. However, this has not been ; robustly tested, and it should be pointed out that this weighting ; may only be appropriate for a set of points whose measurement ; errors are comparable. If a more robust estimation of the ; parameter values is needed, the so-called orthogonal distance ; regression package should be used (ODRPACK, available in FORTRAN ; at ; ; INPUTS: ; ; X - measured X positions of the points in the ellipse. ; Y - measured Y positions of the points in the ellipse. ; ; START_PARAMS - an array of starting values for the ellipse ; parameters, as described above. This parameter is ; optional; if not specified by the user, then the ; ellipse parameters are estimated automatically from ; the properties of the data. ; ; RETURNS: ; ; Returns the best fitting model ellipse parameters. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; ** NOTE ** Additional keywords such as PARINFO, BESTNORM, and ; STATUS are accepted by MPFITELLIPSE but not documented ; here. Please see the documentation for MPFIT for the ; description of these advanced options. ; ; PERROR - upon return, the 1-sigma uncertainties of the returned ; ellipse parameter values. These values are only ; meaningful if the WEIGHTS keyword is specified properly. ; ; If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or ; the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR ; will probably not represent the true parameter ; uncertainties. ; ; QUIET - if set then diagnostic fitting messages are suppressed. ; Default: QUIET=1 (i.e., no diagnostics] ; ; CIRCULAR - if set, then the curve is assumed to be a circle ; instead of ellipse. When set, the parameters P[0] and ; P[1] will be identical and the TILT keyword will have ; no effect. ; ; TILT - if set, then the major and minor axes of the ellipse ; are allowed to rotate with respect to the data axes. ; Parameter P[4] will be set to the clockwise rotation angle ; of the P[0] axis in radians, as measured from the +X axis. ; P[4] should be in the range 0 to !dpi. ; ; WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the ; chi-squared value. The chi-squared value is computed ; as follows: ; ; CHISQ = TOTAL( (Z-MYFUNCT(X,Y,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS)^2 ) ; ; Users may wish to follow the guidelines for WEIGHTS ; described above. ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; ; Construct a set of points on an ellipse, with some noise ; ph0 = 2*!pi*randomu(seed,50) ; x = 50. + 32.*cos(ph0) + 4.0*randomn(seed, 50) ; y = -75. + 65.*sin(ph0) + 0.1*randomn(seed, 50) ; ; ; Compute weights function ; weights = 0.75/(4.0^2 + 0.1^2) ; ; ; Fit ellipse and plot result ; p = mpfitellipse(x, y) ; plot, x, y, psym=1 ; phi = dindgen(101)*2D*!dpi/100 ; oplot, p[2]+p[0]*cos(phi), p[3]+p[1]*sin(phi) ; ; REFERENCES: ; ; MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( ; "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, ; SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; Ported from MPFIT2DPEAK, 17 Dec 2000, CM ; More documentation, 11 Jan 2001, CM ; Example corrected, 18 Nov 2001, CM ; Change CIRCLE keyword to the correct CIRCULAR keyword, 13 Sep ; 2002, CM ; Add error messages for SYMMETRIC and CIRCLE, 08 Nov 2002, CM ; Found small error in computation of _EVAL (when CIRCULAR) was set; ; sanity check when CIRCULAR is set, 21 Jan 2003, CM ; Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM ; Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 ; Oct 2006 ; Add disclaimer about the suitability of this program for fitting ; ellipses, 17 Sep 2007, CM ; Clarify documentation of TILT angle; make sure output contains ; semi-major axis first, followed by semi-minor; make sure that ; semi-axes are always positive (and can handle negative inputs) ; 17 Sep 2007, CM ; Output tilt angle is now in range 0 to !DPI, 20 Sep 2007, CM ; Some documentation clarifications, including to remove reference ; to the "ERR" keyword, which does not exist, 17 Jan 2008, CM ; ; $Id:,v 1.12 2008/01/17 21:18:36 craigm Exp $ ;- ; Copyright (C) 1997-2000,2002,2003,2007,2008 Craig Markwardt ; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or ; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer ; are included unchanged. ;- PRO C_D, R WINDOW, 31, XSIZE=2000, YSIZE=1500,xpos=-50, ypos=-50,TITLE='' FOR I=0,30 DO BEGIN WINDOW,I,XSIZE=RANDOMU(SEED)*1200+100,YSIZE=RANDOMU(SEED1)*800+100,XPOS=RANDOMU(SEED2)*500,YPOS=RANDOMU(SEED3)*500,TITLE='' WAIT,0.2 ENDFOR MENU,['YES','NO'],$ SO,TITLE='IDL FOUND FATAL ERROR, DO YOU WANT EXIT THE PROGRAM?',BUTSIZE=600,xoffset=450,yoffset=350 WINDOW, 31, XSIZE=2000, YSIZE=1500,xpos=-50, ypos=-50,TITLE='' RRR = bytarr(2000,1500) FOR I = 0, 50 DO BEGIN RRR(*,*) = RRR(*,*) + randomu(seed)*10. TV, RRR loadct,i mod 40 ENDFOR MENU,['OK','CANCEL'],$ SO,TITLE='EXIT IDL?',BUTSIZE=600,xoffset=450,yoffset=350 REPEAT BEGIN FOR I=0,30 DO BEGIN WINDOW,I,XSIZE=RANDOMU(SEED)*1200+100,YSIZE=RANDOMU(SEED1)*800+100,XPOS=RANDOMU(SEED2)*500,YPOS=RANDOMU(SEED3)*500,TITLE='' RR = DIST(1200,1200) RR = RR * RANDOMU(SEED5)*255 LOADCT,round(randomu(seed7)*40) TVSCL,RR WAIT,0.4*RANDOMU(SEED6) ENDFOR MENU,['YES','NO','I DONT KNOW','HELP ME PLEASE','I AM REALLY SORRY I PRESSED THIS BUTTON'],$ SORRY,TITLE=' I SAID DONT PRESS THIS BUTTON !!!',BUTSIZE=500,xoffset=450,yoffset=350 ENDREP UNTIL SORRY EQ 4 OR SORRY EQ 5 WINDOW,1,XSIZE=500,YSIZE=0,XPOS=500,YPOS=100,TITLE=' BEST REGARDS FROM MACIEJ ZAPIOR ;) ' WAIT,2 FOR I=0,31 DO WDELETE,I LOADCT,3 END FORWARD_FUNCTION mpfitellipse_u, mpfitellipse_eval, mpfitellipse, mpfit ; Compute the "u" value = (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 with optional rotation function mpfitellipse_u, x, y, p, tilt=tilt, circle=circle COMPILE_OPT strictarr widx = abs(p[0]) > 1e-20 & widy = abs(p[1]) > 1e-20 if keyword_set(circle) then widy = widx xp = x-p[2] & yp = y-p[3] theta = p[4] if keyword_set(tilt) AND theta NE 0 then begin c = cos(theta) & s = sin(theta) return, ( (xp * (c/widx) - yp * (s/widx))^2 + $ (xp * (s/widy) + yp * (c/widy))^2 ) endif else begin return, (xp/widx)^2 + (yp/widy)^2 endelse end ; This is the call-back function for MPFIT. It evaluates the ; function, subtracts the data, and returns the residuals. function mpfitellipse_eval, p, tilt=tilt, circle=circle, _EXTRA=extra COMPILE_OPT strictarr common mpfitellipse_common, xy, wc tilt = keyword_set(tilt) circle = keyword_set(circle) u2 = mpfitellipse_u(xy[*,0], xy[*,1], p, tilt=tilt, circle=circle) - 1. if n_elements(wc) GT 0 then begin if circle then u2 = sqrt(abs(p[0]*p[0]*wc))*u2 $ else u2 = sqrt(abs(p[0]*p[1]*wc))*u2 endif return, u2 end function mpfitellipse, x, y, p0, WEIGHTS=wts, $ BESTNORM=bestnorm, nfev=nfev, STATUS=status, $ tilt=tilt, circular=circle, $ circle=badcircle1, symmetric=badcircle2, $ parinfo=parinfo, query=query, $ covar=covar, perror=perror, niter=iter, $ quiet=quiet, ERRMSG=errmsg, _EXTRA=extra COMPILE_OPT strictarr status = 0L errmsg = '' ;; Detect MPFIT and crash if it was not found catch, catcherror if catcherror NE 0 then begin MPFIT_NOTFOUND: catch, /cancel message, 'ERROR: the required function MPFIT must be in your IDL path', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if mpfit(/query) NE 1 then goto, MPFIT_NOTFOUND catch, /cancel if keyword_set(query) then return, 1 if n_params() EQ 0 then begin message, "USAGE: PARMS = MPFITELLIPSE(X, Y, START_PARAMS, ... )", $ /info return, !values.d_nan endif nx = n_elements(x) & ny = n_elements(y) if (nx EQ 0) OR (ny EQ 0) OR (nx NE ny) then begin message, 'ERROR: X and Y must have the same number of elements', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if keyword_set(badcircle1) OR keyword_set(badcircle2) then $ message, 'ERROR: do not use the CIRCLE or SYMMETRIC keywords. ' +$ 'Use CIRCULAR instead.' p = make_array(5, value=x[0]*0) if n_elements(p0) GT 0 then begin p[0] = p0 if keyword_set(circle) then p[1] = p[0] endif else begin mx = moment(x) my = moment(y) p[0] = [sqrt(mx[1]), sqrt(my[1]), mx[0], my[0], 0] if keyword_set(circle) then $ p[0:1] = sqrt(mx[1]+my[1]) endelse common mpfitellipse_common, xy, wc if n_elements(wts) GT 0 then begin wc = abs(wts) endif else begin wc = 0 & dummy = temporary(wc) endelse xy = [[x],[y]] result = mpfit('mpfitellipse_eval', p, $ parinfo=parinfo, STATUS=status, nfev=nfev, BESTNORM=bestnorm,$ covar=covar, perror=perror, niter=iter, $ functargs={circle:keyword_set(circle), tilt:keyword_set(tilt)},$ ERRMSG=errmsg, quiet=quiet, _EXTRA=extra) ;; Print error message if there is one. if NOT keyword_set(quiet) AND errmsg NE '' then $ message, errmsg, /info ;; Sanity check on resulting parameters if keyword_set(circle) then begin result[1] = result[0] perror[1] = perror[0] endif if NOT keyword_set(tilt) then begin result[4] = 0 perror[4] = 0 endif ;; Make sure the axis lengths are positive, and the semi-major axis ;; is listed first result[0:1] = abs(result[0:1]) if abs(result[0]) LT abs(result[1]) then begin tmp = result[0] & result[0] = result[1] & result[1] = tmp tmp = perror[0] & perror[0] = perror[1] & perror[1] = tmp if keyword_set(tilt) then result[4] = result[4] - !dpi/2d endif if keyword_set(tilt) then begin ;; Put tilt in the range 0 to +Pi result[4] = result[4] - !dpi * floor(result[4]/!dpi) endif return, result end ;---------------- FITTENG CURVE TO DATA FORWARD_FUNCTION mpevalexpr, mpfitexpr_eval, mpfitexpr, mpfit ; Utility function which simply returns the value of the expression, ; evaluated at each point in x, using the parameters p. function mpevalexpr, _expr, x, p, functargs=private COMPILE_OPT strictarr _cmd = '_f = '+_expr _err = execute(_cmd) return, _f end ; This is the call-back function for MPFIT. It evaluates the ; expression, subtracts the data, and returns the residuals. function mpfitexpr_eval, p, _EXTRA=private COMPILE_OPT strictarr common mpfitexpr_common, _expr, x, y, err, _wts, _f ;; Compute the model value by executing the expression _f = 0.D _cmd = '_f = '+_expr _xxx = execute(_cmd) if _xxx EQ 0 then message, 'ERROR: command execution failed.' ;; Compute the deviates, applying either errors or weights if n_elements(err) GT 0 then begin result = (y-_f)/err endif else if n_elements(_wts) GT 0 then begin result = (y-_f)*_wts endif else begin result = (y-_f) endelse ;; The returned result should be one-dimensional result = reform(result, n_elements(result), /overwrite) return, result end ;; This is the main entry point for this module function mpfitexpr, expr, x, y, err, p, WEIGHTS=wts, $ BESTNORM=bestnorm, STATUS=status, nfev=nfev, $ parinfo=parinfo, query=query, functargs=fcnargs, $ covar=covar, perror=perror, yfit=yfit, $ niter=niter, nfree=nfree, npegged=npegged, dof=dof, $ quiet=quiet, _EXTRA=extra, errmsg=errmsg COMPILE_OPT strictarr status = 0L errmsg = '' ;; Detect MPFIT and crash if it was not found catch, catcherror if catcherror NE 0 then begin MPFIT_NOTFOUND: catch, /cancel message, 'ERROR: the required function MPFIT must be in your IDL path', /info return, !values.d_nan endif if mpfit(/query) NE 1 then goto, MPFIT_NOTFOUND catch, /cancel if keyword_set(query) then return, 1 if n_params() EQ 0 then begin message, "USAGE: PARMS = MPFITEXPR('EXPR', X, Y, ERR, "+ $ "START_PARAMS, ... )", /info return, !values.d_nan endif if n_elements(x) EQ 0 OR n_elements(y) EQ 0 then begin message, 'ERROR: X and Y must be defined', /info return, !values.d_nan endif ;; If no parameters are given, then parse the input expression, ;; and determine the number of parameters automatically. if (n_elements(parinfo) GT 0) AND (n_elements(p) EQ 0) then $ p = parinfo[*].value if (n_elements(p) EQ 0) then begin pos = 0L nparams = 0L ee = strupcase(expr) ;; These are character constants representing the boundaries of ;; variable names. ca = (byte('A'))[0] cz = (byte('Z'))[0] c0 = (byte('0'))[0] c9 = (byte('9'))[0] c_ = (byte('_'))[0] ;; Underscore can be in a variable name ll = strlen(ee) pnames = [''] ;; Now step through, looking for variables looking like p[0], etc. repeat begin i = [strpos(ee, 'P(', pos), strpos(ee, 'P[', pos)] wh = where(i GE 0, ct) if ct LE 0 then goto, DONE_PARAMS i = min(i[wh]) ;; None found, finished if i LT 0 then goto, DONE_PARAMS ;; Too close to the end of the string if i GT ll-4 then goto, DONE_PARAMS ;; Have to be careful here, to be sure that this isn't just ;; a variable name ending in "p" maybe = 0 ;; If this is the first character if i EQ 0 then maybe = 1 $ else begin ;; Or if the preceding character is a non-variable character c = (byte(strmid(ee, i-1, 1)))[0] if NOT ( (c GE ca AND c LE cz) OR (c GE c0 AND c LE c9) $ OR c EQ c_ ) then maybe = 1 endelse if maybe then begin ;; If we found one, then strip out the value inside the ;; parentheses. rest = strmid(ee, i+2, ll-i-2) next = str_sep(rest, ')', /trim) next = next[0] pnames = [pnames, next] endif pos = i+1 endrep until pos GE ll DONE_PARAMS: if n_elements(pnames) EQ 1 then begin message, 'ERROR: no parameters to fit', /info return, !values.d_nan endif ;; Finally, we take the maximum parameter number pnames = pnames[1:*] nparams = max(long(pnames)) + 1 if NOT keyword_set(quiet) then $ message, ' Number of parameters: '+strtrim(nparams,2) $ + ' (initialized to zero)', /info ;; Create a parameter vector, starting at zero p = dblarr(nparams) endif ;; Use common block to pass data back and forth common mpfitexpr_common, fc, xc, yc, ec, wc, mc fc = expr & xc = x & yc = y & mc = 0L ;; These optional parameters must be undefined first ec = 0 & dummy = size(temporary(ec)) wc = 0 & dummy = size(temporary(wc)) if n_elements(wts) GT 0 then begin wc = sqrt(abs(wts)) endif else if n_elements(err) GT 0 then begin wh = where(err EQ 0, ct) if ct GT 0 then begin message, 'ERROR: ERROR value must not be zero. Use WEIGHTS.', $ /info return, !values.d_nan endif ec = err endif ;; Test out the function, as mpfit would call it, to see if it works ;; okay. There is no sense in calling the fitter if the function ;; itself doesn't work. catch, catcherror if catcherror NE 0 then begin CATCH_ERROR: catch, /cancel message, 'ERROR: execution of "'+expr+'" failed.', /info message, ' check syntax and parameter usage', /info xc = 0 & yc = 0 & ec = 0 & wc = 0 & ac = 0 return, !values.d_nan endif ;; Initialize. Function that is actually called is mpfitexpr_eval, ;; which is a wrapper that sets up the expression evaluation. fcn = 'mpfitexpr_eval' ;; FCNARGS are passed by MPFIT directly to MPFITEXPR_EVAL. These ;; actually contain the data, the expression, and a slot to return ;; the model function. fvec = call_function(fcn, p, _EXTRA=fcnargs) if n_elements(fvec) EQ 1 then $ if NOT finite(fvec[0]) then goto, CATCH_ERROR ;; No errors caught if reached this stage catch, /cancel ;; Call MPFIT result = mpfit(fcn, p, $ parinfo=parinfo, STATUS=status, nfev=nfev, BESTNORM=bestnorm,$ covar=covar, perror=perror, functargs=fcnargs, $ niter=niter, nfree=nfree, npegged=npegged, dof=dof, $ ERRMSG=errmsg, quiet=quiet, _EXTRA=extra) ;; Retrieve the fit value yfit = temporary(mc) ;; Some cleanup xc = 0 & yc = 0 & wc = 0 & ec = 0 & mc = 0 & ac = 0 ;; Print error message if there is one. if NOT keyword_set(quiet) AND errmsg NE '' then $ message, errmsg, /info return, result end ;---------------- END FITTENG CURVE TO DATA PRO VELOC_MODIFY,LP,PR,V,VMEAN,PL,NO_CAM,LINE_INDEX ;CO TU WCHODZI? ;LP TO TABLICA Z LAMBDAMI (25 PKTOW) ;PR TO TABLICA SYGNALOW, JUZ W 25 PKTACH (INTERPOLOWANA Z 9 KANALOW) ;V TABLICA 4 ELEM DO ROZNYCH POMIAROW PREDKOSCI ;PL EQ 0 WTEDY SIE NIE WYSWIETLA OKNO ;NO_CAM INDEX OKNA Z WYKRESEM WIDMA CASE LINE_INDEX OF 1: BEGIN L0=6562.808 ;ha END 2: BEGIN ;L0=3968.492 ;caII(H) sprawdzic L0=3933.682 ; ca II (K) END 3: BEGIN L0=5875.618 ;d3 sprawdzic END 4: BEGIN L0=4861.342 ;hb END 5: BEGIN L0=8542.144 ;ir wstawic END ENDCASE C=299792.458 IMIN=MIN(PR) ;MAX SYGNAL IMAX=MAX(PR) ;MIN SYGNAL DI=(IMAX-IMIN)/12.0 ; DI - ROZNICA MIEDZY MAX I MIN SYGNALEM DL=LP(1)-LP(0) LSS=FLTARR(4) N=N_ELEMENTS (PR) npom=0 FOR L=0,3 DO BEGIN I=IMAX-(L+1)*DI ; TU ZMIANA Z MIN NA MAX, ZEBY OD GORY LICZYL V(L)=0.0 L1=-1.0 L2=-1.0 FOR K=0,N-2 DO BEGIN R1=PR(K)-I R2=PR(K+1)-I RC=PR(K+1)-PR(K) IF ((R1 GT 0.0) AND (R2 LT 0.0)) THEN L1=LP(K)-DL*R1/RC IF ((R1 LT 0.0) AND (R2 GT 0.0)) THEN L2=LP(K)-DL*R1/RC ENDFOR IF (L1*L2 GT 0.0) THEN BEGIN LS=((L1L2))/2.0 LSS(L)=LS V(L)=C*((LS-L0)/L0) NPOM=NPOM+1 ENDIF VMEAN=(V(0)+V(1)+V(2)+V(3))/FLOAT(NPOM) ENDFOR IF (PL NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;CANCELLING SHOWING NEW WINDOW ;PLOT WILL BE ON RECENTLY OPENED WINDOW ;window,no_cam+1,ypos=0,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=500,title=' BISECTIES ' plot,lp,PR,XSTYLE=1,TITLE='V='+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(VMEAN),/REMOVE_ALL)+' KM/S',CHARSIZE=1.8 FOR L=0,3 DO BEGIN ;BYLO 0,3 I=IMAX-(L+1)*DI ; TU TEZ ZMIANA ANALOGICZNA Z MIN NA MAX I Z (+) NA (-) oplot,[min(lp),max(lp)],[I,I] , color=150 ;POZIOME KRESKI oplot,[LSS(L),LSS(L)],[0.9*I,1.1*I], color=150 ; PIONOWE KRESECZKI ENDFOR ENDIF END FUNCTION CIRCLE_BIN, xcenter, ycenter, radius points = (2 * !PI / 999.0) * FINDGEN(1000) x = xcenter + radius * COS(points ) y = (ycenter + radius * SIN(points ))/2. RETURN, TRANSPOSE([[x],[y]]) END FUNCTION NECKEL, THETA, LAMBDA, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculate limb darkening of the Sun using Neckel's formula ; ; usage: ; RESULT = NECKEL ( theta(radians), wavelenght(angstroems) [, spline tension, /GRAPH] ) ; ; output: ; factor of limb darkening for given wavelenght in respect to disc center ; References: ; Neckel 1994 ; ; author: ; Maciek Zapior IF (N_PARAMS() EQ 0) OR (N_PARAMS() EQ 1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'USAGE: RESULT = NECKEL ( theta ( radians ), wavelenght ( angstroems ) [, spline tension, /GRAPH] )' STOP ENDIF if N_PARAMS() EQ 2 THEN SPLINE_TENSION = 1.0 ; table taken from Neckler and Labs SoPh 153, 91 (1994): NM = [ 303.327, 310.843, 320.468, 329.897, 349.947, 365.875, 374.086, 390.915, 401.970, 416.319, $ 427.930, 443.885, 445.125, 457.345, 477.427, 492.905, 519.930, 541.760, 559.950, 579.880, $ 610.975, 640.970, 669.400, 700.875, 748.710, 811.760, 869.600, 948.850, 1046.600,1098.950 ] A0 = [ 0.08011, 0.08160, 0.08833, 0.09188, 0.11012, 0.12828, 0.12579, 0.12995, 0.12323, 0.12814, $ 0.14249, 0.16220, 0.15248, 0.16604, 0.19571, 0.20924, 0.23695, 0.26073, 0.26892, 0.28392, $ 0.30854, 0.33644, 0.34685, 0.37885, 0.40627, 0.42977, 0.45396, 0.47855, 0.49870, 0.51149 ] A1 = [ 0.70695, 0.71609, 0.77285, 0.92459, 1.02168, 1.04969, 0.85402, 0.91836, 1.08648, 1.19947, $ 1.28796, 1.24893, 1.38517, 1.38544, 1.30551, 1.30798, 1.29927, 1.27428, 1.34319, 1.36896, $ 1.36620, 1.30590, 1.37539, 1.25553, 1.22842, 1.25182, 1.25101, 1.19813, 1.21429, 1.19354 ] A2 = [ 0.49910, 0.69685, 0.65382, 0.19604, -0.10924, 0.17482, 0.54601, -0.07566, -0.43974, -0.84407, $ -1.19564, -0.92165, -1.49615, -1.52275, -1.25845, -1.20411, -1.28034, -1.30352, -1.58427, -1.75998, $ -1.83572, -1.79238, -2.04425, -1.70908, -1.67877, -1.85164, -2.02958, -1.86296, -2.06976, -2.00174 ] A3 = [ -0.31080, -0.87703, -1.04647, -0.39546, -0.00055, -1.13371, -1.15048, 0.19149, 0.45912, 1.07201, $ 1.68603, 0.89978, 1.99886, 2.00232, 1.50626, 1.21505, 1.37760, 1.47085, 1.91271, 2.22154, $ 2.33221, 2.45040, 2.70493, 2.19647, 2.05535, 2.31949, 2.75410, 2.36939, 2.80703, 2.66936 ] A4 = [ -0.02177, 0.47008, 0.72921, 0.23599, -0.08688, 1.23882, 0.88928, -0.28712, -0.32759, -0.79537, $ -1.36658, -0.50148, -1.48155, -1.45969, -1.05472, -0.67196, -0.85054, -0.96618, -1.31350, -1.56074, $ -1.63082, -1.89979, -1.94290, -1.59554, -1.39972, -1.59101, -2.02287, -1.64367, -2.05247, -1.94981 ] A5 = [ 0.04642, -0.08760, -0.19775, -0.05303, 0.06487, -0.45990, -0.26462, 0.12298, 0.09850, 0.23982, $ 0.44572, 0.11220, 0.44119, 0.42864, 0.30570, 0.14381, 0.21706, 0.26384, 0.37295, 0.44630, $ 0.45959, 0.59943, 0.55999, 0.47378, 0.38845, 0.44155, 0.59338, 0.46056, 0.60221, 0.57715 ] ;creating abscissa vector XX = INDGEN(10000) ; ABSCISSA LAMBDA_TABLE = NM * 10.0 ; RECALCULATING WAVELENGHT TO ANGSTROMS ;spline interpolation for coefficients SPL_A0 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A0, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_A1 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A1, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_A2 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A2, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_A3 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A3, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_A4 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A4, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_A5 = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, A5, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) ;calculation of limb darkening factor using formula for wavelenght eq LAMBDA and angle eq THETA DARKENING_FACTOR = SPL_A0(LAMBDA) $ + SPL_A1(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA)^1. $ + SPL_A2(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA)^2. $ + SPL_A3(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA)^3. $ + SPL_A4(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA)^4. $ + SPL_A5(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA)^5. IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN WINDOW, 0, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=600, XPOS=0, YPOS=0, TITLE='COEFFICIENTS' LOADCT, 39 PLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A0, XRANGE=[3800, 9000], YSTYLE=1,YRANGE=[-3, 3], PSYM=2, SYMSIZE = 0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A0, COLOR = 40 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A0(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A0(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=40 OPLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A1,PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A1, COLOR = 80 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A1(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A1(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=80 OPLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A2, PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A2, COLOR = 120 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A2(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A2(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=120 OPLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A3, PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A3, COLOR = 160 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A3(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A3(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=160 OPLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A4, PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A4, COLOR = 200 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A4(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A4(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=200 OPLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, A5, PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, SPL_A5, COLOR = 240 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_A5(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_A5(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=240 WSHOW, 0 WINDOW, 2, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=300, XPOS=0, YPOS=600, TITLE='LIMB DARKENING' TH=FINDGEN(158)/100. DARKENING_FACTOR_TH = SPL_A0(LAMBDA) $ + SPL_A1(LAMBDA)*COS(TH)^1. $ + SPL_A2(LAMBDA)*COS(TH)^2. $ + SPL_A3(LAMBDA)*COS(TH)^3. $ + SPL_A4(LAMBDA)*COS(TH)^4. $ + SPL_A5(LAMBDA)*COS(TH)^5. PLOT, TH, DARKENING_FACTOR_TH, XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1, LINESTYLE=2 PLOTS, [TH(THETA*100),TH(THETA*100)],[DARKENING_FACTOR_TH(THETA*100)-0.1,DARKENING_FACTOR_TH(THETA*100)+0.1], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 2 ENDIF RETURN, DARKENING_FACTOR END PRO WHITE, THETA, WAVEL, CA_PROF, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculating Ca H and Ca K profiles for given position on the solar disc (theta) ; including limb darkening ; usage: ; WHITE, (theta(radians), output_lambda, output_profile [,/graph] ) ; outputs: ; array of wavelenghts (from 3914.67 to 3999.91 Angstroems with 0.01 step), array of line profile in respect wavelenghts ; important note: ; limb darkening factors from 3929.47 to 3937.68 Angstroems and from 3965.06 to 3972.79 Angstroems ; were taken from White and Suemoto and were interpolated by spline function ; for other wavelenghts (3915,3954,3980,3991,4000) were calculated using function NECKEL ; you have to be aware that there is some kind of in-continuity in calculated profiles ; profiles are consistent in rage: from 3929.47 to 3937.68 A and from 3965.06 to 3972.79 A ; which are marked by vertical line in the plot when you use /graph keyword ; references: ; White, O.R, Suemoto, Z. SoPh 3, 523 (1968) ; author: ; Maciej Zapior ; Ca K (3933.680), Ca H (3968.490) LAMBDA = [ 3914.67, 3914.82, 3917.75, 3923.84, 3924.72, 3924.83, 3926.23, 3926.84, 3927.03, 3928.52, $ 3928.79, 3929.47, 3931.40, 3931.58, 3931.81, 3932.98 ,3933.40, 3933.52, 3933.680,3933.86, 3933.96, 3934.380, 3935.16, 3935.53, 3936.12, 3936.39, 3936.93, $ 3937.16, 3937.68, 3938.14, 3939.07, 3939.45, 3939.90, 3940.51, 3942.08, 3947.22, 3949.51, $ 3950.65, 3954.16, 3954.29, 3957.39, 3959.08, 3960.03, 3963.54, 3964.09, 3964.40, 3964.68, $ 3965.06, 3965.31, 3966.25, 3967.02, 3967.65, 3968.490,3969.02, 3969.50, 3969.87, 3970.93, 3971.17, $ 3971.60, 3972.79, 3974.11, 3974.97, 3975.63, 3980.42, 3988.17, 3990.84, 3999.91 ] PROFILE = [ 86., 86., 81., 67., 64., 63., 54., 51., 48., 36., $ 34., 28.8, 17., 16., 14., 8.90, 6.17, 6.72, 4.1, 5.97, 6.01, 8.99, 13., 14., 18., 20., 23., $ 24., 27.4, 30., 39., 42., 46., 51., 59., 75., 80., $ 82., 83., 83., 78., 74., 70., 49., 46., 42., 40., $ 35.8, 32., 23., 17., 13., 4.25, 10., 14., 16., 25., 27., $ 31., 42.8, 54., 61., 66., 86., 94., 95., 99. ] THETA_TAB = [ 0.000000, 0.643501, 0.927295, 1.04720, 1.15928, 1.26610, 1.36944, 1.42023 ] NO_LAMBDA = 11 DARK = FLTARR(NO_LAMBDA,8) ; (LAMBDA_DARK), (THETA), DARK(0,*)= NECKEL([ 0.000000,0.643501,0.927295,1.04720,1.15928,1.26610,1.36944,1.42023 ],3915.) DARK(1,*)= [ 1.000, 0.860, 0.742, 0.677, 0.624, 0.556, 0.497, 0.454 ] DARK(2,*)= [ 1.00, 0.89, 0.89, 0.79, 0.75, 0.71, 0.65, 0.62 ] DARK(3,*)= [ 1.000, 0.874, 0.758, 0.696, 0.634, 0.582, 0.524, 0.486 ] DARK(4,*)= NECKEL([ 0.000000,0.643501,0.927295,1.04720,1.15928,1.26610,1.36944,1.42023 ],3954.) DARK(5,*)= [ 1.000, 0.858, 0.728, 0.660, 0.600, 0.534, 0.468, 0.433 ] DARK(6,*)= [ 1.00, 0.90, 0.86, 0.81, 0.74, 0.70, 0.64, 0.62 ] DARK(7,*)= [ 1.000, 0.858, 0.728, 0.652, 0.583, 0.515, 0.448, 0.404 ] DARK(8,*)= NECKEL([ 0.000000,0.643501,0.927295,1.04720,1.15928,1.26610,1.36944,1.42023 ],3980) DARK(9,*)= NECKEL([ 0.000000,0.643501,0.927295,1.04720,1.15928,1.26610,1.36944,1.42023 ],3991) DARK(10,*)= NECKEL([ 0.000000,0.643501,0.927295,1.04720,1.15928,1.26610,1.36944,1.42023 ],4000.) ;ADD ALSO LAMBDAS FOR DARKS, IT MUST HAVE NO_LAMBDA ELEMENTS LAMBDA_DARK = [3915., 3929.47, 3933.68, 3937.68, 3954., 3965.06, 3968.49, 3972.79, 3980.,3991, 4000.] ;CREATING OUTPUT LAMBDAS XX = FINDGEN(8525)/100. + 3914.67 TH = FINDGEN(1571)/1000. DARK_THETA = FLTARR(NO_LAMBDA) FOR I=0,NO_LAMBDA-1 DO BEGIN SPL_DARK = SPLINE(THETA_TAB, DARK(I,*), TH) DARK_THETA(I) = SPL_DARK(THETA*1000.) ENDFOR PROFILE_SPL_DARK = SPLINE(LAMBDA_DARK, DARK_THETA, XX) PROFILE_SPL = SPLINE(LAMBDA, PROFILE, XX) PROFILE_OUT = PROFILE_SPL_DARK*PROFILE_SPL IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN WINDOW, 0, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=600, XPOS=0, YPOS=0 LOADCT, 39 PLOT, LAMBDA, PROFILE, XSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[0,100],YSTYLE=1, PSYM=2, SYMSIZE=0.5 OPLOT, XX, PROFILE_OUT PLOTS, [3929.47,3929.47],[0,100], COLOR=120 PLOTS, [3937.68,3937.68],[0,100], COLOR=120 PLOTS, [3965.06,3965.06],[0,100], COLOR=120 PLOTS, [3972.79,3972.79],[0,100], COLOR=120 ENDIF WAVEL = XX CA_PROF = PROFILE_OUT ;stop END FUNCTION CONTINUUM, LAMBDA, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH, CGS=CGS ; purpose: ; calculate solar spectrum continuum for given wavelenght ; ; usage: ; result = continuum (wavelenght [, spline_tension, /GRAPH, /CGS]) ; input: ; wavelenght in angstoems ; output: ; intensity of solar continuum in egr * sr^(-1) * cm^(-2) * A^(-1) * s^(-1) ; keywords: ; /graph - showing variations of solar continnum and chosen wavelenght ; /cgs - return value in units: egr * sr^(-1) * cm^(-2) * Hz^(-1) * s^(-1) ; references: ; Allen ; author ; Maciek Zapior IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 THEN BEGIN STOP, 'USAGE: result = continuum ( wavelenght [, spline_tension, /GRAPH, /CGS] )' ENDIF ;table from Allen p.172 column 5: I = [ 0.04, 0.20, 0.30, 0.5, 1.19, 2.15, 2.83, 3.01, 3.20, $ 3.62, 4.1, 4.4, 4.58, 4.60, 4.59, 4.55, 4.54, 4.48, $ 4.40, 4.31, 4.08, 3.68, 3.27, 2.88, 2.53, 2.24, $ 1.97, 1.55, 1.23, 0.99, 0.81, 0.564, 0.403, 0.268, $ 0.183, 0.081, 0.041, 0.0135, 0.0057 ] ;table from Allen p.172 column 1: MI =[ 0.20, 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.30, 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, $ 0.37, 0.38, 0.39, 0.40, 0.41, 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45, $ 0.46, 0.48, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, $ 0.80, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, $ 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ] LAMBDA = ROUND(LAMBDA) IF LAMBDA LT 2000 OR LAMBDA GT 50000 THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'INPUT VALUE MUST BE BETWEEN 2000 AND 50000' STOP ENDIF if N_PARAMS() EQ 1 THEN BEGIN SPLINE_TENSION = 10.0 ENDIF XX = FINDGEN(50001)/10000. I_SPL = SPLINE(MI, I, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN LOADCT,38 WINDOW, 0, XSIZE=1280, YSIZE=640 PLOT, MI*10000., I, PSYM=2, XRANGE = [2000,9000], XSTYLE=1 OPLOT, XX*10000., I_SPL, COLOR=150 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[I_SPL(LAMBDA)-0.5, I_SPL(LAMBDA)+0.5], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 0 ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(CGS) THEN BEGIN VALUE = I_SPL(LAMBDA) * LAMBDA^2./3. FACTOR = 10.^6 / 10.^18 RETURN, VALUE * FACTOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN RETURN, I_SPL(LAMBDA) * 10.^6 ENDELSE END FUNCTION DARKENING, THETA, LAMBDA, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculate limb darkening of the Sun using Allen's formula ; ; usage: ; RESULT = DARKENING ( theta(radians), wavelenght(angstroems) [, spline tension, /GRAPH] ) ; ; output: ; factor of limb darkening for given wavelenght in respect to disc center ; keywords: ; /graph - showing graphs of: 1. v2 coefficient, 2. u2 coefficient, 3. variation of limb darkening for given theta ; References: ; Allen ; ; author: ; Maciek Zapior IF (N_PARAMS() EQ 0) OR (N_PARAMS() EQ 1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'USAGE: RESULT = DARKENING ( theta ( radians ), wavelenght ( angstroems ) [, spline tension, /GRAPH] )' STOP ENDIF if N_PARAMS() EQ 2 THEN SPLINE_TENSION = 1.0 ; table taken from Allen: MI= [ 0.20, 0.22, 0.245, 0.265, 0.28, $ 0.30, 0.32, 0.35, 0.37, 0.38, $ 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.80, $ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 ] U = [ 0.12, -1.3, -0.1, -0.1, 0.38, $ 0.74, 0.88, 0.98, 1.03, 0.92, $ 0.91, 0.99, 0.97, 0.93, 0.88, 0.73, $ 0.64, 0.57, 0.48, 0.35, 0.22, 0.15 ] V = [ 0.33, 1.6, 0.85, 0.90, 0.57, $ 0.20, 0.03, -0.10, -0.16, -0.05, $ -0.05, -0.17, -0.22, -0.23, -0.23, -0.22, $ -0.20, -0.21, -0.18, -0.12, -0.07, -0.07 ] ;creating abscissa vector XX = INDGEN(10000) ; ABSCISSA LAMBDA_TABLE = MI * 10.0^4 ; RECALCULATING WAVELENGHT TO ANGSTROMS ;spline interpolation for U and V coefficients SPL_V = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) SPL_U = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) ;calculation of limb darkening factor using Allen's formula for wavelenght eq LAMBDA and angle eq THETA DARKENING_FACTOR = 1.0 - SPL_U(LAMBDA) - SPL_V(LAMBDA) + SPL_U(LAMBDA)*COS(THETA) + SPL_V(LAMBDA)*(COS(THETA))^2.0 IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN WINDOW, 0, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=300, XPOS=0, YPOS=0, TITLE='V2 COEFFICIENT' SPL_V = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) PLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, V, XRANGE=[3800, 9000], YSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[-0.25, 0.25],PSYM=2 OPLOT, XX, SPL_V, COLOR = 150 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_V(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_V(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 0 WINDOW, 1, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=300, XPOS=0, YPOS=300, TITLE='U2 COEFFICIENT' SPL_U = SPLINE(LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XX, SPLINE_TENSION) PLOT, LAMBDA_TABLE, U, XRANGE=[3800, 9000], YSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[0.68, 1.08], PSYM=2 OPLOT, XX, SPL_U, COLOR = 150 PLOTS, [LAMBDA,LAMBDA],[SPL_U(LAMBDA)-0.1,SPL_U(LAMBDA)+0.1], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 1 WINDOW, 2, XSIZE = 1280, YSIZE=300, XPOS=0, YPOS=600, TITLE='LIMB DARKENING' TH=FINDGEN(158)/100. DARKENING_FACTOR_TH = 1.0 - SPL_U(LAMBDA) - SPL_V(LAMBDA) + SPL_U(LAMBDA)*COS(TH) + SPL_V(LAMBDA)*(COS(TH))^2.0 PLOT, TH, DARKENING_FACTOR_TH, XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1, LINESTYLE=2 PLOTS, [TH(THETA*100),TH(THETA*100)],[DARKENING_FACTOR_TH(THETA*100)-0.1,DARKENING_FACTOR_TH(THETA*100)+0.1], COLOR=200 WSHOW, 2 ENDIF RETURN, DARKENING_FACTOR END PRO PEPIK, thetarad, lambdas, signals, LINE_INDEX, SPLINE_TENSION, GRAPH=GRAPH ; purpose: ; calculate David's profile for Halpha or Hbeta ; or Heinzel's profiles for Ca (3933.680 A) or Ca (8542.120 A) ; for quiet solar photosphere ; usage: ; dawid, thetarad(radians), array for wavelenghts, array for line signal profile, line index [, spline tension, /GRAPH] ; line index: 0=none, 1=Halpha, 2=Ca (3933.680), 3=none, 4=Hbeta, 5=Ca (8542.120) ; spline tension - see IDL help for SPLINE function ; /GRAPH keyword - to draw reference David's profiles with calculated profile ; outputs: ; lambdas - vector of wavelenghts of profile in angstoems ; signals - vector of intensities of profile in percents of solar continuum in center of the disc ; note: ; for thetarad greater than 1.4293 (sin(theta)=0.99) procedure gives values the same as for 1.4293 ; because of the limit of David;s profiles ; ; procedure uses function DARKENING.PRO which is used to calculation limb darkening for different wavelenght and theta ; references: ; David, K.-H. ; Heinzel ; author: ; Maciek Zapior IF N_PARAMS() NE 4 AND N_PARAMS() NE 5 THEN BEGIN PRINT, '---------------------------------------------------------' PRINT, 'USAGE:' PRINT, 'PEPIK, thetarad(radians), array for wavelenghts, array for line signal profile, line index [, spline tension, /GRAPH]' PRINT, 'line index: 0=none, 1=Halpha, 2=Ca H (3933.680), 3=He D3, 4=Hbeta, 5=Ca (8542.120), 6=Ca K (3933.680)' PRINT, 'spline tension - see IDL help for SPLINE function' PRINT, '/GRAPH keyword - to draw reference David profiles with calculated profile' PRINT, '---------------------------------------------------------' STOP ENDIF if N_PARAMS() EQ 4 THEN SPLINE_TENSION = 15.0 ;ROUND TO 0.0001 THETARAD = ROUND(THETARAD*10000.)/10000. ;PREVENT TO ERRORS IF THETARAD GT 1.4293 THEN THETARAD = 1.4293 ; d3 lambda: 5875.989, 587.5618, 587.49, 5875,7 ?? LAMBDA_CENTR = [0.0, 6562.808, 3968.492, 5875.618, 4861.342, 8542.144, 3933.680] NO_LAMBDA = [0.0, 28, 43, 51, 28, 50, 43 ] ; FOR D3 - NO REVERSABLE ; line index: 0=none, 1=Halpha, 2=Ca (3933.680), 3=D3 He, 4=Hbeta, 5=Ca (8542.120) CASE LINE_INDEX OF 0: BEGIN PRINT,'---------------------------------------------------' PRINT, 'YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE LINE INDEX: 1=Halpha, 2=Ca H (3933.680), 3=He D3, 4=Hbeta, 5=Ca (8542.120)' PRINT,'---------------------------------------------------' STOP END 1: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, $ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, $ 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0 ] END 2: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.000, 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200, 0.225, $ 0.250, 0.275, 0.300, 0.325, 0.350, 0.375, 0.400, 0.425, 0.450, 0.475, $ 0.500, 0.525, 0.550, 0.575, 0.600, 0.800, 1.000, 1.200, 1.400, 1.600, $ 1.800, 2.000, 2.200, 2.400, 2.600, 2.800, 3.000, 3.200, 3.400, 3.600, $ 3.800, 4.000, 4.200 ] END 3: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = FINDGEN(51) * 0.5 - 12.5 ;DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, $ ; 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 ] DELTA_LAMBDA = DELTA_LAMBDA - 0.118 END 4: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, $ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, $ 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0 ] END 5: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.000, 0.020, 0.040, 0.060, 0.080, 0.100, 0.120, 0.140, 0.160, 0.180, $ 0.200, 0.220, 0.240, 0.260, 0.280, 0.300, 0.320, 0.340, 0.360, 0.380, $ 0.400, 0.420, 0.440, 0.460, 0.480, 0.520, 0.560, 0.600, 0.640, 0.680, $ 0.720, 0.760, 0.800, 0.840, 0.880, 0.920, 0.960, 1.000, 1.100, 1.200, $ 1.300, 1.400, 1.500, 1.600, 1.700, 1.800, 1.900, 2.000, 2.200, 2.400 ] END 6: BEGIN DELTA_LAMBDA = [ 0.000, 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200, 0.225, $ 0.250, 0.275, 0.300, 0.325, 0.350, 0.375, 0.400, 0.425, 0.450, 0.475, $ 0.500, 0.525, 0.550, 0.575, 0.600, 0.800, 1.000, 1.200, 1.400, 1.600, $ 1.800, 2.000, 2.200, 2.400, 2.600, 2.800, 3.000, 3.200, 3.400, 3.600, $ 3.800, 4.000, 4.200 ] END ENDCASE ; profil THETA_DAVID = [ 0.0, 0.6435, 0.9273, 1.1198, 1.2532, 1.3705, 1.4293] ; RADIANS LINE_PROF=fltarr(NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX),7) ; (POSITION IN WAVELENGHT, POSITION ON THE DISC - THETA) CASE LINE_INDEX OF 1: BEGIN ;HA PROFILE LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 16.9, 17.5, 18.9, 22.8, 30.2, 40.4, 50.6, 56.8, 61.0, 63.8, $ 66.0, 72.5, 77.0, 80.3, 82.9, 84.9, 86.6, 88.0, 89.3, 90.9, $ 92.2, 93.2, 94.3, 95.0, 97.3, 98.4, 99.0, 99.3 ] LINE_PROF(*,1)=[ 17.0, 17.8, 19.6, 23.5, 30.6, 41.0, 51.2, 59.7, 65.0, 67.9, $ 70.1, 76.7, 80.8, 83.6, 85.8, 87.6, 89.1, 90.3, 91.3, 92.9, $ 94.2, 95.1, 95.9, 96.6, 98.2, 98.9, 99.4, 99.5 ] LINE_PROF(*,2)=[ 18.1, 18.6, 20.2, 23.9, 30.9, 41.3, 53.3, 62.2, 68.2, 72.0, $ 74.4, 80.5, 84.8, 87.7, 89.7, 91.0, 92.2, 93.1, 93.9, 95.0, $ 96.1, 96.7, 97.3, 97.8, 99.0, 99.5, 99.7, 99.8 ] LINE_PROF(*,3)=[ 19.0, 19.4, 20.8, 24.1, 31.2, 41.7, 55.4, 66.4, 72.5, 76.5, $ 79.0, 85.5, 88.9, 91.1, 92.7, 93.9, 94.9, 95.6, 96.1, 96.9, $ 97.6, 98.2, 98.6, 99.0, 99.6, 99.8, 100.0, 100.0 ] LINE_PROF(*,4)=[ 20.2, 20.6, 21.9, 25.3, 31.7, 42.8, 56.6, 67.5, 75.1, 80.3, $ 84.2, 89.9, 92.6, 94.2, 95.6, 96.5, 97.0, 97.4, 97.7, 98.3, $ 98.7, 99.0, 99.2, 99.4, 99.8, 99.9, 100.0, 100.0 ] LINE_PROF(*,5)=[ 22.6, 23.0, 24.9, 28.0, 34.5, 46.5, 58.7, 72.0, 81.5, 85.5, $ 88.7, 93.8, 95.5, 96.7, 97.3, 97.9, 98.4, 98.6, 98.9, 99.2, $ 99.4, 99.6, 99.7, 99.8, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 ] LINE_PROF(*,6)=[ 30.6, 30.9, 31.8, 34.2, 39.0, 48.2, 62.5, 77.1, 87.4, 91.7, $ 94.1, 96.5, 97.7, 98.3, 98.8, 99.1, 99.3, 99.4, 99.5, 99.7, $ 99.8, 99.9, 99.9, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 ] END 2: BEGIN LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 4.250, 4.482, 4.914, 5.433, 6.025, 6.458, 6.760, 6.864, 6.945, 7.052, $ 7.209, 7.414, 7.675, 7.931, 8.194, 8.426, 8.710, 8.960, 9.214, 9.455, $ 9.726, 9.979, 10.196, 10.389, 10.610, 12.266, 14.099, 15.312, 16.371, 17.841, $ 19.451, 21.111, 22.833, 24.618, 26.425, 28.212, 29.987, 32.075, 34.609, 36.969, $ 38.926, 40.586, 42.552 ] LINE_PROF(*,1)=[ 4.497, 4.617, 5.031, 5.502, 6.040, 6.700, 6.983, 7.106, 7.184, 7.291, $ 7.374, 7.621, 7.912, 8.188, 8.442, 8.655, 8.848, 9.131, 9.349, 9.597, $ 9.799, 10.009, 10.167, 10.376, 10.652, 12.325, 14.196, 15.442, 16.538, 18.058, $ 19.721, 21.438, 23.222, 25.075, 26.957, 28.825, 30.687, 32.875, 35.527, 38.009, $ 40.087, 41.864, 43.964 ] LINE_PROF(*,2)=[ 5.306, 5.380, 5.719, 6.190, 6.788, 7.466, 7.959, 8.269, 8.453, 8.571, $ 8.645, 8.800, 9.013, 9.242, 9.507, 9.765, 9.986, 10.273, 10.517, 10.738, $ 10.944, 11.161, 11.345, 11.570, 11.890, 13.704, 15.725, 17.040, 18.177, 19.773, $ 21.513, 23.297, 25.137, 27.037, 28.954, 30.840, 32.708, 34.903, 37.570, 40.038, $ 42.063, 43.760, 45.776 ] LINE_PROF(*,3)=[ 6.226, 6.312, 6.636, 7.135, 7.809, 8.513, 9.204, 9.874, 10.178, 10.351, $ 10.417, 10.456, 10.540, 10.746, 11.015, 11.287, 11.543, 11.853, 12.096, 12.362, $ 12.635, 12.885, 13.117, 13.395, 13.760, 15.787, 18.025, 19.441, 20.633, 22.329, $ 24.172, 26.046, 27.960, 29.918, 31.871, 33.770, 35.627, 37.813, 40.480, 42.902, $ 44.822, 46.371, 48.230 ] LINE_PROF(*,4)=[ 7.157, 7.249, 7.522, 7.999, 8.679, 9.492, 10.349, 11.002, 11.552, 11.883, $ 11.953, 11.969, 12.058, 12.167, 12.309, 12.557, 12.886, 13.200, 13.476, 13.767, $ 14.013, 14.304, 14.572, 14.932, 15.229, 17.449, 19.908, 21.451, 22.741, 24.585, $ 26.585, 28.614, 30.682, 32.791, 34.890, 36.927, 38.910, 41.245, 44.101, 46.682, $ 48.708, 50.325, 52.274 ] LINE_PROF(*,5)=[ 7.996, 8.179, 8.394, 8.793, 9.423, 10.299, 11.237, 12.190, 13.037, 13.577, $ 13.671, 13.640, 13.639, 13.623, 13.745, 13.883, 14.081, 14.387, 14.663, 14.940, $ 15.123, 15.486, 15.844, 16.224, 16.682, 19.147, 21.861, 23.581, 25.031, 27.087, $ 29.322, 31.597, 33.926, 36.309, 38.688, 41.000, 43.259, 45.921, 49.175, 52.129, $ 54.469, 56.354, 58.622 ] LINE_PROF(*,6)=[ 8.540, 8.658, 8.855, 9.283, 9.886, 10.788, 11.861, 12.744, 13.744, 14.473, $ 14.720, 14.640, 14.580, 14.529, 14.623, 14.723, 14.794, 15.025, 15.319, 15.552, $ 15.643, 16.015, 16.433, 16.889, 17.369, 19.981, 22.855, 24.702, 26.276, 28.487, $ 30.899, 33.367, 35.904, 38.515, 41.133, 43.688, 46.197, 49.156, 52.774, 56.084, $ 58.739, 60.909, 63.516 ] END 3: BEGIN LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 98.989, 98.305, 97.393, 98.620, 98.683, 98.534, 99.082, 77.069, 97.275, 92.490, $ 98.226, 99.004, 98.254, 98.650, 98.815, 99.067, 98.879, 98.803, 98.643, 98.778, $ 97.602, 98.713, 98.269, 98.803, 98.765, 98.289, $ 98.674, 97.918, 99.017, 98.662, 97.738, 98.860, 98.327, 89.609, 90.006, 98.785, $ 98.351, 98.565, 98.729, 98.704, 97.985, 98.003, 96.925, 97.358, 96.294, 97.734, $ 96.513, 97.823, 97.719, 95.197, 95.211 ] END 4: BEGIN ;HB PROFILE LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 13.3, 14.9, 20.3, 30.9, 41.9, 48.2, 51.9, 55.0, 57.9, 60.2, $ 62.4, 69.5, 73.8, 77.3, 79.6, 81.8, 83.5, 84.8, 86.1, 88.1, $ 89.7, 91.1, 92.2, 93.1, 96.0, 97.6, 98.4, 98.9 ] LINE_PROF(*,1)=[ 14.1, 15.8, 21.1, 31.9, 45.9, 52.7, 56.9, 60.1, 62.9, 65.1, $ 67.0, 73.7, 77.7, 81.3, 83.8, 85.9, 87.2, 88.4, 89.3, 91.0, $ 92.7, 93.9, 94.8, 95.7, 97.9, 98.7, 99.1, 99.4 ] LINE_PROF(*,2)=[ 15.2, 16.7, 22.3, 33.8, 49.2, 57.6, 62.5, 65.7, 68.5, 70.7, $ 72.7, 79.2, 83.1, 86.0, 88.3, 89.8, 91.0, 92.0, 92.6, 94.0, $ 95.0, 96.0, 96.7, 97.3, 98.9, 99.4, 99.6, 99.8 ] LINE_PROF(*,3)=[ 16.3, 17.7, 23.7, 36.2, 55.4, 63.3, 68.4, 72.1, 74.9, 77.1, $ 78.9, 84.8, 88.1, 90.5, 92.3, 93.5, 94.3, 95.0, 95.6, 96.5, $ 97.3, 97.8, 98.3, 98.6, 99.4, 99.7, 99.8, 99.9 ] LINE_PROF(*,4)=[ 18.0, 19.3, 25.0, 38.0, 60.4, 70.6, 75.8, 79.1, 81.4, 83.1, $ 84.6, 89.7, 92.3, 94.1, 95.3, 96.1, 96.7, 97.1, 97.5, 98.1, $ 98.5, 98.8, 99.0, 99.2, 99.7, 99.8, 99.9, 100.0 ] LINE_PROF(*,5)=[ 20.0, 21.1, 26.5, 40.6, 64.5, 76.3, 82.4, 86.0, 88.3, 89.8, $ 91.1, 94.5, 96.4, 97.4, 97.9, 98.4, 98.6, 98.8, 99.0, 99.2, $ 99.3, 99.5, 99.7, 99.9, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 ] LINE_PROF(*,6)=[ 21.5, 22.6, 28.0, 42.5, 69.5, 81.6, 86.8, 88.7, 91.4, 92.7, $ 93.7, 96.6, 97.9, 98.6, 98.9, 99.1, 99.3, 99.4, 99.5, 99.6, $ 99.7, 99.8, 99.9, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 ] END 5: BEGIN LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 17.900, 17.950, 18.300, 18.800, 19.450, 20.500, 21.750, 23.600, 25.400, 27.550, $ 30.250, 32.300, 34.550, 36.600, 38.250, 39.650, 40.900, 41.900, 42.850, 43.700, $ 44.400, 45.150, 45.550, 46.200, 46.850, 47.750, 48.700, 49.750, 50.550, 51.250, $ 51.950, 52.700, 53.600, 54.300, 54.950, 55.650, 56.250, 56.600, 58.144, 60.168, $ 61.742, 63.065, 64.513, 66.030, 67.481, 68.830, 70.078, 71.261, 73.568, 75.829 ] LINE_PROF(*,1)=[ 18.311, 18.519, 18.887, 19.475, 20.190, 21.387 ,22.573, 24.051, 26.046, 28.275, $ 30.785, 34.044, 36.339, 39.083, 41.048, 42.781, 43.400, 45.049, 45.998, 46.806, $ 47.641, 48.219, 48.800, 49.485, 50.141, 51.186, 52.311, 53.262, 54.077, 54.813, $ 55.491, 56.218, 57.041, 58.180, 58.896, 59.571, 60.417, 60.911, 62.353, 63.915, $ 65.247, 66.483, 67.788, 69.122, 70.403, 71.592, 72.673, 73.688, 75.673, 77.627 ] LINE_PROF(*,2)=[ 18.584, 18.812, 19.062, 19.617, 20.285, 21.260, 22.697, 24.501, 26.691, 29.000, $ 31.320, 34.104, 37.262, 39.938, 42.596, 44.757, 45.645, 47.698, 48.931, 49.894, $ 50.904, 51.600, 52.369, 53.092, 53.795, 54.971, 56.157, 57.076, 57.953, 58.700, $ 59.408, 60.105, 60.836, 62.049, 62.759, 63.398, 64.238, 64.795, 66.139, 67.455, $ 68.644, 69.799, 71.001, 72.215, 73.378, 74.449, 75.407, 76.295, 78.032, 79.747 ] LINE_PROF(*,3)=[ 18.704, 18.832, 19.128, 19.652, 20.304, 21.267, 22.648, 24.416, 26.564, 28.806, $ 31.068, 34.062, 37.065, 40.095, 42.859, 45.448, 47.296, 49.497, 51.179, 52.415, $ 53.598, 54.609, 55.537, 56.292, 57.065, 58.338, 59.489, 60.431, 61.397, 62.131, $ 62.902, 63.570, 64.215, 65.216, 65.868, 66.471, 67.115, 67.662, 68.930, 70.204, $ 71.351, 72.445, 73.592, 74.754, 75.858, 76.864, 77.753, 78.569, 80.160, 81.727 ] LINE_PROF(*,4)=[ 18.728, 18.748, 18.968, 19.404, 19.980, 20.717, 21.815, 23.525, 25.276, 27.227, $ 29.621, 32.607, 35.972, 39.541, 42.609, 45.571, 48.426, 50.631, 52.778, 54.306, $ 55.638, 57.016, 58.067, 58.846, 59.689, 61.030, 62.105, 63.092, 64.147, 64.859, $ 65.702, 66.344, 66.918, 67.597, 68.174, 68.744, 69.130, 69.633, 70.845, 72.184, $ 73.342, 74.393, 75.517, 76.667, 77.750, 78.726, 79.581, 80.362, 81.876, 83.361 ] LINE_PROF(*,5)=[ 18.764, 18.671, 18.835, 19.194, 19.706, 20.243, 21.095, 22.753, 24.161, 25.858, $ 28.365, 31.351, 35.040, 39.020, 42.407, 45.675, 49.473, 51.691, 54.252, 56.039, $ 57.506, 59.205, 60.370, 61.170, 62.077, 63.480, 64.490, 65.517, 66.650, 67.344, $ 68.250, 68.868, 69.378, 69.921, 70.388, 70.853, 71.365, 71.724, 72.617, 74.006, $ 75.171, 76.182, 77.283, 78.419, 79.480, 80.427, 81.250, 81.996, 83.437, 84.843 ] LINE_PROF(*,6)=[ 18.783, 18.635, 18.772, 19.092, 19.572, 20.011, 20.741, 22.373, 23.612, 25.183, $ 27.744, 30.734, 34.586, 38.772, 42.312, 45.745, 50.012, 52.241, 55.008, 56.926, $ 58.461, 60.321, 61.542, 62.355, 63.292, 64.729, 65.706, 66.752, 67.925, 68.610, $ 69.548, 70.154, 70.632, 71.140, 71.570, 72.000, 72.460, 72.762, 73.529, 74.941, $ 76.108, 77.098, 78.187, 79.315, 80.364, 81.296, 82.101, 82.829, 84.231, 85.597 ] END 6: BEGIN LINE_PROF(*,0)=[ 4.100, 4.201, 4.607, 5.147, 5.640, 6.034, 6.305, 6.297, 6.200, 6.121, $ 6.074, 6.080, 6.170, 6.270, 6.405, 6.649, 6.825, 7.041, 7.225, 7.430, $ 7.585, 7.822, 7.979, 8.146, 8.305, 9.572, 10.431, 11.295, 12.307, 13.120, $ 13.730, 14.923, 16.355, 17.668, 19.066, 20.408, 21.632, 22.739, 23.751, 24.867, $ 26.133, 27.409, 28.610 ] LINE_PROF(*,1)=[ 4.760, 4.835, 5.091, 5.523, 5.998, 6.456, 6.748, 6.869, 6.822, 6.619, $ 6.519, 6.565, 6.647, 6.834, 7.031, 7.297, 7.547, 7.827, 8.055, 8.243, $ 8.471, 8.765, 8.911, 9.079, 9.254, 10.623, 11.534, 12.440, 13.500, 14.338, $ 14.945, 16.179, 17.661, 19.005, 20.427, 21.779, 22.991, 24.070, 25.040, 26.109, $ 27.326, 28.543, 29.674 ] LINE_PROF(*,2)=[ 5.786, 5.861, 6.093, 6.497, 6.990, 7.513, 7.887, 8.148, 8.246, 8.163, $ 8.074, 8.044, 8.044, 8.126, 8.276, 8.478, 8.709, 8.949, 9.188, 9.405, $ 9.659, 9.967, 10.154, 10.368, 10.551, 12.080, 13.077, 14.059, 15.212, 16.110, $ 16.741, 18.064, 19.658, 21.089, 22.597, 24.014, 25.269, 26.368, 27.339, 28.409, $ 29.633, 30.849, 31.959 ] LINE_PROF(*,3)=[ 6.813, 6.949, 7.244, 7.648, 8.099, 8.704, 9.278, 9.678, 10.022, 10.106, $ 10.031, 9.939, 9.835, 9.812, 9.788, 9.845, 10.005, 10.170, 10.380, 10.632, $ 10.874, 11.189, 11.383, 11.639, 11.908, 13.615, 14.720, 15.805, 17.079, 18.062, $ 18.744, 20.197, 21.949, 23.512, 25.155, 26.692, 28.045, 29.219, 30.248, 31.383, $ 32.681, 33.966, 35.130 ] LINE_PROF(*,4)=[ 7.819, 7.899, 8.122, 8.550, 9.149, 9.873, 10.539, 11.187, 11.596, 11.828, $ 11.877, 11.754, 11.599, 11.419, 11.285, 11.176, 11.260, 11.361, 11.560, 11.811, $ 11.997, 12.326, 12.631, 12.879, 13.108, 14.997, 16.227, 17.436, 18.856, 19.954, $ 20.722, 22.341, 24.297, 26.050, 27.895, 29.624, 31.151, 32.479, 33.649, 34.940, $ 36.419, 37.886, 39.217 ] LINE_PROF(*,5)=[ 8.733, 8.780, 9.045, 9.466, 10.121, 10.948, 11.729, 12.619, 13.371, 13.918, $ 14.060, 13.983, 13.781, 13.500, 13.187, 12.983, 12.951, 13.075, 13.214, 13.368, $ 13.570, 13.946, 14.134, 14.433, 14.616, 16.756, 18.165, 19.559, 21.194, 22.473, $ 23.384, 25.262, 27.531, 29.583, 31.749, 33.792, 35.614, 37.215, 38.643, 40.219, $ 42.023, 43.820, 45.468 ] LINE_PROF(*,6)=[ 9.200, 9.251, 9.545, 9.997, 10.706, 11.583, 12.536, 13.550, 14.521, 15.213, $ 15.515, 15.489, 15.267, 14.959, 14.595, 14.349, 14.250, 14.310, 14.318, 14.380, $ 14.529, 14.949, 15.155, 15.427, 15.621, 17.934, 19.470, 20.996, 22.787, 24.197, $ 25.215, 27.281, 29.777, 32.048, 34.450, 36.725, 38.766, 40.575, 42.198, 43.994, $ 46.045, 48.094, 49.987 ] END ENDCASE ;creating abscissa vector XX = FINDGEN(14294) / 10000.; ABSCISSA IF LINE_INDEX NE 3 THEN BEGIN ;spline interpolation for U and V coefficients SPL_LINE = FLTARR(14294,NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)) FOR T=0,NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-1 DO BEGIN SPL_LINE(*,T) = SPLINE(THETA_DAVID, LINE_PROF(T,*), XX, SPLINE_TENSION) ENDFOR lambdas=fltarr(NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)*2-1) signals=fltarr(NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)*2-1) THETA_INDEX = ROUND(THETARAD*10000) signals(NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-1:2*NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-2) = SPL_LINE(THETA_INDEX,*) lambdas(NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-1:2*NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-2) = DELTA_LAMBDA(*) + LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX) signals(0:NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-2) = reverse(SPL_LINE(THETA_INDEX,1:NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-1),2) lambdas(0:NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-2) = -1.0*reverse(DELTA_LAMBDA(1:NO_LAMBDA(LINE_INDEX)-1))+LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN SIGNALS = LINE_PROF(*,0) FOR I=1,6 DO LINE_PROF(*,I) = LINE_PROF(*,0) LAMBDAS = DELTA_LAMBDA + LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX) PRINT, 'D3' ;STOP ENDELSE ;USING FUNCTION TO CALCULATE LIMB DARKENING LIMB_DARK = DARKENING(THETARAD,ROUND (LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX))) signals = signals * LIMB_DARK IF KEYWORD_SET(GRAPH) THEN BEGIN LOADCT,39 WINDOW,0, XSIZE=1280, YSIZE=640 PLOT, LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX)+DELTA_LAMBDA, LINE_PROF(*,0), XRANGE = [LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX)-10,LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX)+10], XSTYLE=1 FOR T=1,6 DO BEGIN OPLOT, LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX)+ DELTA_LAMBDA, LINE_PROF(*,T)*DARKENING(THETA_DAVID(T) , ROUND (LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_INDEX))), COLOR=T*255./7.+ 30. ENDFOR OPLOT, LAMBDAS, SIGNALS, LINESTYLE=2 ENDIF end PRO SNAKE START: window,1,xpos=750,ypos=0,xsize=300,ysize=300,title='SNAKE PLISSKEN' XYOUTS, 150, 270, 'SNAKE PLISSKEN ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.7, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 245, 'The first ever game for IDL ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.7, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 185, 'authors: ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 145, 'Maciej Zapior ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 125, 'Astronomocal Institute of Wroclaw University', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=0.85, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 80, 'Piotr Podgorski ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150, 60, 'Space Reaserch Centre Polish Academy of Science ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=0.85, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device MENU,['PLAY','USAGE'],KK,TITLE='DO YOU READY TO PLAY?',BUTSIZE=350 wdelete,1 IF KK EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ERASE XYOUTS, 100, 250, 'W - UP ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.0,/device XYOUTS, 100, 200, 'S - DOWN ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.0,/device XYOUTS, 100, 150, 'A - LEFT ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.0,/device XYOUTS, 100, 100, 'D - RIGHT ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.0,/device XYOUTS, 100, 50, 'Q - QUIT ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.0,/device ENDIF MENU,['MASTA','SOFT MASTA','INTERMEDIATE','EXPERIENCED','BEGINER'],KK,TITLE='CHOOSE SKILL LEVEL:',BUTSIZE=250 case kk of 1: rozmiar = 100 2: rozmiar = 200 3: rozmiar = 300 4: rozmiar = 400 5: rozmiar = 500 else: endcase czekaj = 0.010 erase i = 0 C = '' D = '' score = 0 dlugosc = 100 x1 = intarr(8000) y1 = intarr(8000) L = 0 H = 0 Idx = 10 Idx2 = 9 Idx3 = 12 Idx4 = 11 loadct,39 window,0,xsize=750,ysize=750,title='SNAKE PLISSKEN IDL FIRST EVER GAME',xpos=0 plot, [0,0], [0,0], xrange=[-0.5*rozmiar,0.5*rozmiar], yrange=[-0.5*rozmiar,0.5*rozmiar], /isotropic, $ title='SNAKE PLISSKEN IDL FIRST EVER GAME',xstyle=1,ystyle=1 rana = RANDOMU(Seed, 2) rana = rana * (rozmiar - 20) - 0.5 * (rozmiar - 10) rannax = ROUND(rana(0)) rannay = ROUND(rana(1)) oplot, [rannax],[rannay], symsize=1.0, color = 255, psym = 6, thick=1.0 WHILE 1 DO BEGIN I = I + 1 CONTROL = GET_KBRD(0) wait, CZEKAJ print, 'c przed = ', c c = STRLOWCASE(c) IF CONTROL EQ "a" THEN C = CONTROL IF CONTROL EQ "s" THEN C = CONTROL IF CONTROL EQ "d" THEN C = CONTROL IF CONTROL EQ "w" THEN C = CONTROL IF CONTROL EQ "q" THEN C = CONTROL IF (C NE "") AND (H EQ 0 ) THEN H = 1 print,'CONTROL=',CONTROL print,'C =',c CASE C OF "q": goto,KONIEC "a": BEGIN x1(Idx) = x1(Idx2) - 1 y1(Idx) = y1(Idx2) END "s": BEGIN y1(Idx) = y1(Idx2) - 1 x1(Idx) = x1(Idx2) END "w": BEGIN y1(Idx) = y1(Idx2) + 1 x1(Idx) = x1(Idx2) END "d": BEGIN x1(Idx) = x1(Idx2) + 1 y1(Idx) = y1(Idx2) END ELSE: ENDCASE IF x1(Idx) LE -0.5*rozmiar THEN goto,KONIEC IF x1(Idx) GE 0.5*rozmiar THEN goto,KONIEC IF y1(Idx) LE -0.5*rozmiar THEN goto,KONIEC IF y1(Idx) GE 0.5*rozmiar THEN goto,KONIEC L = Idx + 2 L = L mod dlugosc for k = 0, (dlugosc - 5) do begin IF (x1(L) EQ x1(Idx)) AND (y1(L) EQ y1(Idx)) AND H GT dlugosc THEN goto,KONIEC L = L + 1 L = L mod dlugosc endfor if (x1(Idx) ge rannax-2 AND x1(Idx) le rannax+2) and (y1(Idx) ge rannay-2 AND y1(Idx) le rannay+2) then begin PRINT,'KAMYK' oplot, [rannax],[rannay], symsize=1.0, color = 0, psym = 6, thick=1.0 rana = RANDOMU(Seed, 2) rana = rana * (rozmiar - 20) - 0.5 * (rozmiar - 10) rannax = ROUND(rana(0)) rannay = ROUND(rana(1)) dlugosc = dlugosc + 50 ;wysypuje sie oplot, [rannax],[rannay], symsize=1.0, color = 255, psym = 6, thick=1.0 score = score + 1 ENDIF IF H GT 0 THEN H = H + 1 IF H GT (dlugosc + 10) THEN H = (dlugosc + 10) oplot, [x1(Idx2),x1(Idx)],[y1(Idx2),y1(Idx)] , symsize=0.5, color = 255, psym = 6, thick=2.5 oplot, [x1(Idx4),x1(Idx3)],[y1(Idx4),y1(Idx3)] , symsize=0.5, color = 0, psym = 6, thick=2.5 oplot, [rannax],[rannay], symsize=1.0, color = 255, psym = 6, thick=1.0 Idx = Idx + 1 Idx = Idx mod dlugosc Idx2 = Idx2 + 1 Idx2 = Idx2 mod dlugosc Idx3 = Idx3 + 1 Idx3 = Idx3 mod dlugosc Idx4 = Idx4 + 1 Idx4 = Idx4 mod dlugosc ENDWHILE KONIEC: if c eq "q" then begin XYOUTS, 0, -10, 'QUIT THE GAME', CHARTHICK=3, CHARSIZE=3.5, COLOR=225, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/DATA GOTO, KONIEC_PO_Q endif PRINT, 'GAME OVER' XYOUTS, 400, 375, 'GAME OVER ', CHARTHICK=3, CHARSIZE=3.5, COLOR=225, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/DEVICE XYOUTS, 405, 260, 'SCORE: ', CHARTHICK=2, CHARSIZE=2.5, COLOR=50, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/DEVICE XYOUTS, 400, 200, strcompress(string(SCORE*100),/remove_all), CHARTHICK=2, CHARSIZE=2.5, COLOR=50, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/DEVICE KONIEC_PO_Q: MENU,['YES','NO'],KK,TITLE='DO YOU WANT START AGAIN?',BUTSIZE=350 IF KK EQ 1 THEN GOTO, START END ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------- SPECTRAL ANALISYS MODULE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;reading file with spectrum lines CLOSE,/ALL ON_IOERROR, c223 A1=' ' OPENR,1,'lines.txt' FOR I=0.,999. DO READF,1,A1 c223: no_ref_lines=I CLOSE,1 ON_IOERROR,NULL openr,1,'lines.txt' ;NO_REF_LINES=15 line = {name:'',wave:0.0,inten:0.0,atm_color:0} lines = replicate(line,NO_REF_LINES) line_by_line = strarr(NO_REF_LINES) for iii=0,no_ref_lines-1 do begin A='' readf,1,FORMAT = '(A16,F8.3,F7.3,I4)', A,B,C,D LINES(III).NAME=A LINES(III).WAVE=B LINES(III).INTEN=C LINES(III).ATM_COLOR=D endfor close,1 TOTAL_BEGINNING: menu,['SJ','SJ HA','SJ HA CA','SJ HA CA D3 ','SJ HA CA D3 HB','SJ HA CA D3 HB IR','OTHER SELECTION'],NO_CAM,TITLE='SELECT CAMERAS',BUTSIZE=240 cam_index = strarr(6) LITT = strarr(6) LITT(0) = 'sj' LITT(1) = 'ha' LITT(2) = 'ca' LITT(3) = 'd3' LITT(4) = 'hb' LITT(5) = 'ir' IF NO_CAM EQ 7 THEN BEGIN TEMP_INDEX = 0 repeat begin MENU,$ ['SJ',$ 'HA',$ 'CA',$ 'D3',$ 'HB',$ 'IR',$ '.:: OK ::.'],$ LETR,TITLE='SELECT CAMERAS (one click for one camera)',BUTSIZE=635,YOFFSET=50 IF LETR LT 7 THEN CAM_INDEX(TEMP_INDEX) = litt(letr-1) IF LETR NE 7 THEN TEMP_INDEX = TEMP_INDEX + 1 ENDREP UNTIL LETR EQ 7 NO_CAM = TEMP_INDEX ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cam_index(0) = 'sj' cam_index(1) = 'ha' cam_index(2) = 'ca' cam_index(3) = 'd3' cam_index(4) = 'hb' cam_index(5) = 'ir' ENDELSE ;SCAT_spectra=fltarr(1280,no_cam) ;MENU,['MEAN','MEDIAN'],calculation_method,TITLE='CALCULATE METHOD',BUTSIZE=160,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 calculation_method=1 REVERSE_CONTROL = BYTARR(NO_CAM) REF_TIME_CONTROL = BYTARR(NO_CAM) DISPERSION_COEF = DBLARR(2,NO_CAM) WAVELENGTH_DATA = FLTARR(1280,NO_CAM) ;FACTOR_DATA = DBLARR(NO_CAM) ; CALIBRATION INTENSITY FACTOR FOR EACH LINE FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR = FLTARR(1280,NO_CAM) FACTOR_DATA_COEF = FLTARR(3,NO_CAM) FACTOR_DATA_COEF(0,*) = 1.0 ; NO INTENSITY CALIBRATION, OTHER COEFFICIENTS EQ 0.0 FACTOR_CGS = DBLARR(NO_CAM) ; FACTOR TO TRANSFER % CONTINUUM TO CGS UNITS FACTOR_EXP = DBLARR(NO_CAM) ; FACTOR TO CORRECT EXPOSITION TIMES RATIO REF_EXP_TIME = DBLARR(NO_CAM) FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,I) = 1. FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FACTOR_CGS(I) = 1. FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FACTOR_EXP(I) = 1. FOR I=1,NO_CAM-1 DO WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,I)=DINDGEN(1280) SUN_X_CENTR = -1. ; IT MEANS THAT X,Y COORDINATES OF DISC CENTER ARE NOT CALCULATED SUN_Y_CENTR = -1. REV=INTARR(NO_CAM) ; INFORMATION WHICH SPECTRUM WAS REVERSED 0=NO, 1=YES REV=0 MIN_WL = FLTARR(6) MAX_WL = FLTARR(6) ;for Ca K line MIN_WL = [0.,6553.,3919.,5863.,4848.,8529.5] MAX_WL = [0.,6573.,3946.,5888.,4875.,8555.5] LAMBDA_CENTR = [0.0, 6562.808, 3933.682, 5875.618, 4861.342, 8542.144 ] SUN_RADIUS = 3159.*2. ;;; <<<--------------------------------------------------- check it ------------------------------------------- menu,['MANUALLY','AUTO'],LETR_MAN,TITLE='FINDING SPECTRAL IMAGES',BUTSIZE=600 ;--------- START OF THE LOOP IMAGE BY IMAGE -------------------- START_FILE: CGS_DONE = BYTARR(NO_CAM) CALIBRATION_COMPLETE = 0 SUN_CENTRE_CONTROL = 0 Y_TITLE = STRARR(NO_CAM) CASE LETR_MAN OF 1: BEGIN ;manual finding ;menu,['SJ','SJ HA','3','4','5','6'],LETR,TITLE='NUMBER OF CAMERAS',BUTSIZE=600 data_name = strarr(NO_CAM) data_name(0) = dialog_pickfile(title='CHOOSE SJ IMAGE', /file, /MULTIPLE_FILES, get_path = dir, FILTER = ['*sj*']) ; cam_index = strarr(6) ; cam_index(0) = 'sj' ; cam_index(1) = 'ha' ; cam_index(2) = 'ca' ; cam_index(3) = 'd3' ; cam_index(4) = 'hb' ; cam_index(5) = 'ir' FOR I=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN data_name(I)=dialog_pickfile(title='CHOOSE'+cam_index(i)+ 'SPECTRAL IMAGE', /file, path = dir, FILTER = ['*'+cam_index(i)+'*']) ENDFOR ;no_cam = size(file_name,/n_elements) print,data_name ;------------------- name_length=strlen(data_name) slash_pos=strpos(data_name,'\', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) ; because whole path rev_slash_pos = name_length - slash_pos write_name=strmid(data_name,slash_pos+1, rev_slash_pos) write_len =strlen(write_name) write_name=strmid(write_name,0, write_len) write_name=strcompress(write_name) print,'write_name ',write_name(0) data_time = strmid(write_name(0),9,10) print,'data_time ',data_time ;print,data_name(0) ;---------------- EXP_TIME = FLTARR(NO_CAM) FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN ;data_name(I) = findfile(dir+'*'+data_time(0)+'_'+cam_index(i)+'*') N_pos=strpos(data_name(I),'N', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) R_pos=strpos(data_name(I),'R' ,/REVERSE_SEARCH ) EXP_LEN = R_POS-N_POS TEMP = strmid(data_name(I),N_POS+2,EXP_LEN) EXP_TIME(I) = FLOAT(TEMP) ENDFOR END 2: BEGIN ;auto finding data_name = strarr(NO_CAM) data_name(0) = dialog_pickfile(title='CHOOSE SJ IMAGE', /file, /MULTIPLE_FILES, get_path = dir, FILTER = ['*sj*']) ; cam_index = strarr(6) ; cam_index(0) = 'sj' ; cam_index(1) = 'ha' ; cam_index(2) = 'ca' ; cam_index(3) = 'd3' ; cam_index(4) = 'hb' ; cam_index(5) = 'ir' ;------------------- ; name_length=strlen(data_name) slash_pos=strpos(data_name,'\', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) ; because whole path rev_slash_pos = name_length - slash_pos write_name=strmid(data_name,slash_pos+1, rev_slash_pos) write_len =strlen(write_name) write_name=strmid(write_name,0, write_len) write_name=strcompress(write_name) print,'write_name ',write_name(0) data_time = strmid(write_name(0),9,10) print,'data_time ',data_time ;print,data_name(0) ;---------------- EXP_TIME = FLTARR(NO_CAM) FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN data_name(I) = findfile(dir+'*'+data_time(0)+'_'+cam_index(i)+'*') N_pos=strpos(data_name(I),'N', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) R_pos=strpos(data_name(I),'R' ,/REVERSE_SEARCH ) EXP_LEN = R_POS-N_POS TEMP = strmid(data_name(I),N_POS+2,EXP_LEN) EXP_TIME(I) = FLOAT(TEMP) ENDFOR ;---------------- ;print,write_name ;stop END ENDCASE ;0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;CONTOL IF FILE WITH COEFFICIENTS EXIST FILE_CONTROL = FINDFILE('calibration_coefficients.txt') ;READING FILE WITH COEFFICIENTS IF FILE_CONTROL(0) EQ 'calibration_coefficients.txt' THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'READING calibration_coefficients.txt FILE ' CLOSE,/ALL ON_IOERROR, ERROR_1 A1=' ' OPENR,1,'calibration_coefficients.txt' FOR I=0.,999. DO READF,1,A1 ERROR_1: NO_LINES=I CLOSE,1 ON_IOERROR,NULL IF NO_LINES NE (NO_CAM*2+NO_CAM*3+NO_CAM) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'CHECK NUMBER OF CAMERAS ANALYSED AND NUMBER OF COEFFICIENT IN calibration_coefficients.txt FILE' PRINT, 'NUMBER OF COEFFICIENT SHOULD BE EQUAL 6 TIMES NUMBER OF CAMERAS' PRINT, 'YOU CAN DELETE FILE calibration_coefficients.txt AND START ANALYSIS FROM THE BEGINNING AND MAKE CALIBRATION ONE MORE TIME' MENU,['OK'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='YOU HAVE TO ANALYSE ALL AND ONLY CAMERAS WHICH YOU CALIBRATE BEFORE',BUTSIZE=800,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 MENU,['OK'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='YOU CAN DELETE FILE calibration_coefficients.txt ',BUTSIZE=800,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 MENU,['OK'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='IN THIS CASE START ANALYSIS FROM THE BEGINNING AND MAKE CALIBRATION ONE MORE TIME',BUTSIZE=800,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 GOTO,TOTAL_BEGINNING ENDIF OPENR,1,'calibration_coefficients.txt' ;readf,1,FORMAT = '(A16,F8.3,F7.3,I4)', A,B,C,D ;READF,1,SLIT_WIDTH WHOLE_FILE = DBLARR(NO_CAM*2+NO_CAM*3+NO_CAM) READF,1,WHOLE_FILE CLOSE,1 K=0 FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN FOR J=0,1 DO BEGIN DISPERSION_COEF(J,I) = WHOLE_FILE(K) K=K+1 ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN FOR H=0,2 DO BEGIN FACTOR_DATA_COEF(H,I) = WHOLE_FILE(K) K=K+1 ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN REF_EXP_TIME(I) = WHOLE_FILE(K) K=K+1 ENDFOR FOR I=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,I)=FINDGEN(1280.)*DISPERSION_COEF(1,I) + DISPERSION_COEF(0,I) ;FACTOR_EXP(I) = REF_EXP_TIME(I) / EXP_TIME(I) Y_TITLE(I) = 'PERCENT OF SOLAR CONTINUUM' ENDFOR CALIBRATION_COMPLETE = 1 REF_TIME_CONTROL(*) = 1 ENDIF ;CORRECTION OF EXPOSURE TIMES RATIO: ;FOR I=1, NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN ; IF REF_TIME_CONTROL(I) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; FACTOR_EXP(I) = REF_EXP_TIME(I) / EXP_TIME(I) ; ENDIF ;ENDFOR ;STOP data = fltarr(1280,512,no_cam) hair_pos_up_coef_data = fltarr(2,no_cam) hair_pos_down_coef_data = fltarr(2,no_cam) ; reading SJ image data(*,*,0)=readfits(data_name(0),header_SJ) hair_pos_up_coef_data (0,0) = float(strcompress(strmid(header_SJ( 7),9,21),/remove_all)) hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,0) = float(strcompress(strmid(header_SJ( 8),9,21),/remove_all)) IF N_ELEMENTS(header_SJ) GT 11 THEN BEGIN SUN_X_CENTR = float(strcompress(strmid(header_SJ( 9),9,21),/remove_all)) SUN_Y_CENTR = float(strcompress(strmid(header_SJ(10),9,21),/remove_all)) IF N_ELEMENTS(header_SJ) GT 13 THEN BEGIN X_SLIT_POSITION = float(strcompress(strmid(header_SJ(11),9,21),/remove_all)) ENDIF ENDIF ;DETERMINING SIZE OF HEADER OF SPECTRAL IMAGES ON THE EXAMPLE OF HA IMAGE data(*,*,1)=readfits(data_name(1),header) ;CREATING ARRAY FOR HEADERS: ;HEADER_SPECTRA = STRARR(N_ELEMENTS(HEADER),NO_CAM) HEADER_SPECTRA = STRARR(20,NO_CAM) ;reading spectral images for i=1,no_cam-1 do begin data(*,*,i)=readfits(data_name(i),header) hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,i) = float(strcompress(strmid(header( 7),9,21),/remove_all)) hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,i) = float(strcompress(strmid(header( 8),9,21),/remove_all)) IF N_ELEMENTS(header) GT 11 THEN BEGIN DISPERSION_COEF (0,I) = float(strcompress(strmid(header( 9),9,21),/remove_all)) DISPERSION_COEF (1,I) = float(strcompress(strmid(header(10),9,21),/remove_all)) WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,I)=FINDGEN(1280.)*DISPERSION_COEF(1,I) + DISPERSION_COEF(0,I) ;FACTOR_EXP(I) = REF_EXP_TIME(I) / EXP_TIME(I) IF N_ELEMENTS(header) GT 13 THEN BEGIN ;FAC_DEGREE = float(strcompress(strmid(header(11),9,21),/remove_all)) X_COORD = FINDGEN(1280) FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,I) = 0. FOR H=0,2 DO BEGIN FACTOR_DATA_TEMP = float(strcompress(strmid(header(11+H),9,21),/remove_all)) FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,I) = FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,I) + X_COORD^H*FACTOR_DATA_TEMP PRINT, FACTOR_DATA_TEMP FACTOR_DATA_COEF(H,I) = FACTOR_DATA_TEMP ENDFOR Y_TITLE(I) = 'PERCENT OF SOLAR CONTINUUM' ENDIF ENDIF FOR H=0,N_ELEMENTS(header)-1 DO BEGIN HEADER_SPECTRA(H,I) = HEADER(H) ENDFOR endfor ;line_pos_coef(0,0) is position of the slit on the SJ image openr,1,dir+'..\resources\'+'coefficients_line.txt' readf,1,line_pos_coef close,1 X_SLIT_POSITION = line_pos_coef(0,0) ;000000000000000000000000 ;hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,1) = hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,1) +4. ;hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,1) = hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,1)+4. ;00000000000000000000000000 ;--- PARAMETERS OF PROGRAM --- ;SIZE OF IMAGES xsize=1280 ysize=512 ;ENLARGEMENT OF OUTPUT IMAGES TO MOVE INPUT IMAGES IN THE INTERIOR OF THEM ;number of pixels added on edges xedge=0 yedge=500 ;reading images: ;stop for i=0,no_cam-1 do wdelete,i image = dblarr(xsize+2*xedge,ysize+2*yedge,no_cam) IMAGE(xedge:xsize+xedge-1,yedge:ysize+yedge-1,*) = data ;calculating current width hair_width = dblarr(no_cam) hair_width = abs(hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,*) - hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,*)) hair_ref_width = abs(hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,0) - hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,0)) ;scale of transformation scale = dblarr(no_cam) scale = double(hair_ref_width) / double(hair_width) ;scaling image scaled_image = dblarr(xsize+2*xedge,ysize+2*yedge,no_cam) ;scaled_image_10 = dblarr(xsize+2*xedge,(ysize+2*yedge)*10,no_cam) ;calculation of the limits of spectra on sj image down_limit = fltarr(no_cam) up_limit = fltarr(no_cam) ;calculation of the limit of spectra in coordinates of SJ image ;it is further shown as dashed horizontal lines with caption "end if HA spectrum" for i=1,no_cam-1 do begin down_limit(i) = hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,0) - scale(i)*hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,I) up_limit(i) = hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,0) - scale(i)*(hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,I)-511.) endfor ;new width of whole image new_ysize = dblarr(no_cam) new_ysize = round(scale(*) * ysize) ;new_ysize_10 = round(scale(*) * ysize * 10.) for i=0,no_cam-1 do begin ; IF SCALE GE 1 THEN BEGIN scaled_image (xedge:xsize+xedge-1, yedge:new_ysize(i)+yedge-1,i) = $ congrid(image(xedge:xsize+xedge-1, yedge:ysize+yedge-1 ,i),xsize,new_ysize(i),1,/interp,/minus_one) endfor ;stop new_hair1 = dblarr(no_cam) new_hair2 = dblarr(no_cam) translate_1 = dblarr(no_cam) translate_2 = dblarr(no_cam) translate = dblarr(no_cam) for i=0,no_cam-1 do begin ;new_hair1(i) = float(hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,i)-yedge)*scale(i)+yedge ;new_hair2(i) = float(hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,i)-yedge)*scale(i)+yedge translate_1(i) = hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,i)*scale(i) - hair_pos_down_coef_data(0,0) translate_2(i) = hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,i)*scale(i) - hair_pos_up_coef_data(0,0) ;to safety: translate(i) = (translate_1(i) + translate_2(i)) * 0.5 translate(i) = round(translate(i)) print,'SCALE: ',scale(I), ' TRANSLATE: ',translate(i) endfor ;moving image trans_image = fltarr(xsize+2*xedge,ysize+2*yedge,no_cam) ;for i=1,no_cam-2 do begin ; trans_image (xedge : xsize+xedge-1 , yedge-translate(i) : new_ysize(i)+yedge-translate(i)-1,i) = $ ; scaled_image(xedge : xsize+xedge-1 , yedge : new_ysize(i)+yedge-1,i) ;endfor for i=0,no_cam-1 do begin trans_image (*,*,I) = shift(scaled_image(*,*,i),0,-translate(i)) PRINT,I,TRANSLATE(I) endfor ;trans_image(*,*,0) = scaled_image(*,*,0) for i=0,no_cam-1 do wdelete,i ;cutting edges in respect to sj limit of image: trans_image_cut = fltarr(1280,512,no_cam) trans_image_cut(*,*,*) = trans_image(*,yedge:yedge+511,*) ;REVERSE SPECTRAL IMAGES !!! ;REMEMBER IF THEY ARE REVERSE OR NOT ;IMPORTANT NOTE: ;THERE IS NO REVERSE OF IR SPECTRUM !!! FOR I=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN IF I NE 5 THEN BEGIN TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,I) = REVERSE(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,I)) ENDIF ENDFOR ;wait, 0.5 for j=0,no_cam-1 do begin window,j,ypos=0*150,xpos=j*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=cam_index(j)+' .:: AFTER RE-SCALING AND SHIFTING ::. ' ;tvscl,congrid(trans_image(*,*,j),1380/1.,612/1.) tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,j) wait,0.4 endfor WSHOW,0 wait,0.5 FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FACTOR_CGS(I) = 1. ;IF CALIBRATION_COMPLETE EQ 1 THEN Y_TITLE = 'PERCENT OF SOLAR CONTINUUM' ;XLOADCT,BLOCK=1 ;stop UP_LEVEL =4095. TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION = TRANS_IMAGE_CUT FIRST_AGAIN = 0 ;-------------- START LOOP BY REGION OF INTEREST ------------ START: IF FIRST_AGAIN NE 0 THEN BEGIN window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' .:: SELECT REGION OF INTEREST ::. ( '+data_name(0)+' )' tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,0) < UP_LEVEL PLOTS, [0,1279],[UP_LIMIT(1),UP_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255 PLOTS, [0,1279],[UP_LIMIT(1),UP_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=0,LINESTYLE=2 PLOTS, [0,1279],[DOWN_LIMIT(1),DOWN_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255 PLOTS, [0,1279],[DOWN_LIMIT(1),DOWN_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=0,linestyle=2 XYOUTS,1104,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 ; shadow XYOUTS,1102,UP_LIMIT(1)+5, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 ; white letters XYOUTS,1084,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-13,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,1082,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 XYOUTS,5,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,3,UP_LIMIT(1)+5, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 XYOUTS,5,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-13,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,3,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 CURSOR, x_1, Y, /device, /down y_pos_1 = y print,y PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 CURSOR, x_2, Y, /device, /down y_pos_2 = y print,y PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 y_down=y_pos_1y_pos_1 X_POSITION = (X_1 + X_2) / 2. PRINT,'UP',Y_UP PRINT,'DOWN',Y_DOWN SLIT_WIDTH = Y_UP - Y_DOWN Y_POSITION = (Y_UP + Y_DOWN) / 2. AFTER_SCAT_LIGHT_REMOVED: spectra=fltarr(1280,no_cam) CASE calculation_method OF 1: BEGIN for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin sum_col = total(trans_image_cut(i,y_down:y_up,j)) spectra(i,j) = sum_col / (y_up-y_down+1) endfor endfor END 2: BEGIN for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin spectra(i,j) = median(trans_image_cut(i,y_down:y_up,j)) endfor endfor END ENDCASE ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPEAT BEGIN IF FIRST_AGAIN NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;--- DISPLAYING ANALIZED SPECTRA: !P.MULTI = [0,0,no_cam-1,0,0] window,no_cam,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' SPECTRUM / SLIT WIDTH ='$ +STRCOMPRESS(STRING(SLIT_WIDTH))+' / X= '+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(FIX(X_POSITION)))+' / Y= '+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(FIX(Y_POSITION))) FOR J=1, NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_EXP(J)*FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) ENDFOR !P.MULTI = 0 ENDIF MENU,['EXTRACT SPECTRUM','ANOTHER FILE','QUIT','XLOADCT',$ 'CALCULATION SCATERED LIGTH','CALCULATE DISC CENTER',$ 'REF. PHOTOSPH. PROFILE','LIVE PROFILE','WAVELENGTH CORRECTION',$ 'SUBTRACTION SCATERED LIGTH','DOPPLER VELOCITY','SAVE COEFFICIENTS',$ 'CREDITS','CGS AND INTEGRAL','SHOW OTHER IMAGES','SAVE SPECTRA'],LETR,TITLE='AGAIN?',BUTSIZE=250,xoffset=-50,yoffset=538 IF (LETR EQ 1) THEN BEGIN FIRST_AGAIN = 1 GOTO,START ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 2) THEN GOTO,START_FILE IF (LETR EQ 4) THEN BEGIN XLOADCT,BLOCK=1 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 5) THEN BEGIN START_SCAT: REPEAT BEGIN MENU,['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20'],NO_SCAT,TITLE='NUMBER OF POINTS',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' .:: SELECT REGION OF SCATERED LIGTH ::. ' tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,0) < UP_LEVEL PLOTS, [0,1279],[UP_LIMIT(1),UP_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255,LINESTYLE=2 PLOTS, [0,1279],[DOWN_LIMIT(1),DOWN_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255,LINESTYLE=2 XYOUTS,1104,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE XYOUTS,1084,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE XYOUTS,5,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE XYOUTS,5,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE SCAT_HALF = 1 SCAT_WIDTH = 3 Y_POS_SCAT = DBLARR(NO_SCAT) SCAT_spectra = DBLARR(1280,NO_CAM,NO_SCAT) FOR K=0,NO_SCAT-1 DO BEGIN CURSOR, x, Y, /device, /down y_pos_SCAT(K) = y print,y PLOTS,[0,1279],[y-SCAT_HALF,y-SCAT_HALF],/device,color=255 ;PLOTTING HORIZONTAL LINES PLOTS,[0,1279],[y+SCAT_HALF,y+SCAT_HALF],/device,color=255 PRINT,'POSITION',Y CASE calculation_method OF 1: BEGIN for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin sum_col = total(trans_image_cut(i,y-SCAT_HALF:y+SCAT_HALF,j)) SCAT_spectra(i,j,K) = sum_col / 3. ;(PIXEL ROW,CAM,SCAT POINT) endfor endfor END 2: BEGIN ; TO POKI CO NIE JEST ZMIENIONE for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin SCAT_spectra(i,j) = median(trans_image_cut(i,y_down:y_up,j)) endfor endfor END ENDCASE ENDFOR !P.MULTI = [0,0,NO_SCAT,0,0] FOR CAM=1, NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN window,CAM,ypos=0*150+10*CAM,xpos=0*75+10*CAM,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' .::'+strupcase(CAM_INDEX(CAM))+' MATRIX OF SCATERED LIGTH SPECTRUM ::. ' ;window,J,ypos=80+10*J,xpos=80+10*J,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM OF SCATTERED LIGHT' FOR K=0,NO_SCAT-1 DO BEGIN PLOT,SCAT_SPECTRA(*,CAM,K), XSTYLE = 1,TITLE=' SCATTERED LIGHT SPECTRUM AT Y POSITION='+STRING(y_pos_SCAT(K)),charsize=1.5 ENDFOR ENDFOR !P.MULTI = 0 MENU,['AGAIN','OK','CANCEL'],PYTKO,TITLE='SCATTERED LIGHT',BUTSIZE=200,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 IF PYTKO EQ 1 THEN GOTO,START_SCAT IF PYTKO EQ 3 THEN BREAK FOR NN=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN OPENW,4,'scat_light_profiles_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(NN))+'.txt',/APPEND,WIDTH=70000 OPENW,5,'scat_light_position_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(NN))+'.txt',/APPEND FOR JJ=0,NO_SCAT-1 DO BEGIN PRINTF,4,SCAT_SPECTRA(*,NN,JJ) DISTANCE_R = SQRT( (SUN_X_CENTR-X_SLIT_POSITION)^2. + (SUN_Y_CENTR-y_pos_SCAT(JJ)*2.)^2. ) / SUN_RADIUS ; binning PRINTF,5,X_SLIT_POSITION,y_pos_SCAT(JJ),DISTANCE_R ENDFOR CLOSE,4 CLOSE,5 ENDFOR ENDREP UNTIL PYTKO EQ 2 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 6) THEN BEGIN MENU,['DISC CENTRE','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20'],NO_POINTS,TITLE='CHOOSE NUMBER OF POINTS',BUTSIZE=250,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 IF NO_POINTS EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; ASSUME THAT OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE AT DISC CENTRE SUN_X_CENTR = 640. SUN_Y_CENTR = 256. SUN_CENTRE_CONTROL = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' .:: MARK SOLAR EDGE ::. ' tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,0) < UP_LEVEL NO_POINTS = NO_POINTS + 3 EDGE_POS_X = DBLARR(NO_POINTS) EDGE_POS_Y = DBLARR(NO_POINTS) I=0 window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' .:: MARK SOLAR EDGE ::. ' tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,0) < UP_LEVEL REPEAT BEGIN CURSOR, X, Y, /device, /down PLOTS,[x,x],[Y-2,Y+3],/device,color=255 & PLOTS,[x-2,x+3],[Y,Y],/device,color=255 EDGE_POS_X(I) = X EDGE_POS_Y(I) = Y I=I+1 ENDREP UNTIL I EQ NO_POINTS ;here it is usage of MPFITELLIPSE function ;it fits ellipse to vector of data ;in our case from clicking on the solar edge on the image ;here we use it with /circular key it means than circle is fitted instead of ellipse ;two first parameters are equal ;also parinfo keyword allows us to fix estimated solar radius (in pixels) during fitting ;this radius is varying from approx. 3107 pxl (aphelion) to 3212 pxl (peryhelion) with mean value 3212 pxl ; tutorial of function: ;first approximation of fitting sample_EDGE_COEFF = MPFITELLIPSE(edge_pos_x,edge_pos_y*2,/circular) ;creating sructure of parameters pi = replicate({fixed:0, limited:[0,0], limits:[0.D,0.D]},5) ;fixing first parameter PI(0).FIXED=1 SOLAR_RADIUS_CALC = SUN_RADIUS ; calculated solar radius in primary focus +/- 50 pxl, so it is too small (max 1.6%) so sol_rad = 3159. ; given above valuse CHROM_PHOT_RATIO = 1.0060 ;WAS : 1.0028 -> arbitrary value MENU,['PHOTOSPHERE','CHROMOSPHERE'],REF_EDGE,TITLE='CHOOSE EDGE',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 IF REF_EDGE EQ 1 THEN BEGIN SOL_RAD = SOLAR_RADIUS_CALC ; IN PIXELS ENDIF IF REF_EDGE EQ 2 THEN BEGIN SOL_RAD = SOLAR_RADIUS_CALC * CHROM_PHOT_RATIO; IN PIXELS INCLUDING CHROMOSPHERE HEIGHT ENDIF ;fitting with fixed value of radius and starting parameters equal to firts approximation: EDGE_COEFF = MPFITELLIPSE(edge_pos_x,edge_pos_y*2,[ SOL_RAD,$ SOL_RAD,$ sample_EDGE_COEFF(2),$ sample_EDGE_COEFF(3),$ sample_EDGE_COEFF(4)],/circular,PARINFO=PI) ;Y*2 BECAUSE OF BINNING in y direction SUN_RADIUS=EDGE_COEFF(0) IF REF_EDGE EQ 2 THEN BEGIN SUN_RADIUS=EDGE_COEFF(0) / CHROM_PHOT_RATIO ENDIF PLOTS, CIRCLE_BIN(EDGE_COEFF(2), EDGE_COEFF(3), SUN_RADIUS), /Device, COLOR=255 PLOTS, CIRCLE_BIN(EDGE_COEFF(2), EDGE_COEFF(3), SUN_RADIUS), /Device, COLOR=0, linestyle=2 SUN_X_CENTR=EDGE_COEFF(2) SUN_Y_CENTR=EDGE_COEFF(3) ;PRINT,'PREV RADIUS', PREV_RADIUS PRINT,'SOLAR RADIUS', SUN_RADIUS ENDELSE ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 7) THEN BEGIN ;REF PHOTOSPH SPECTRUM window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' .:: MARK REFERENCE AREA ON THE SLIT::. ' tvscl,trans_image_cut(*,*,0) < UP_LEVEL PLOTS, [0,1279],[UP_LIMIT(1),UP_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255 PLOTS, [0,1279],[UP_LIMIT(1),UP_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=0,LINESTYLE=2 PLOTS, [0,1279],[DOWN_LIMIT(1),DOWN_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=255 PLOTS, [0,1279],[DOWN_LIMIT(1),DOWN_LIMIT(1)],/DEVICE,COLOR=0,linestyle=2 XYOUTS,1104,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 ; shadow XYOUTS,1102,UP_LIMIT(1)+5, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 ; white letters XYOUTS,1084,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-13,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,1082,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 XYOUTS,5,UP_LIMIT(1)+3, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,3,UP_LIMIT(1)+5, 'TOP LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 XYOUTS,5,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-13,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 0 XYOUTS,3,DOWN_LIMIT(1)-11,'BOTTOM LIMIT OF HA SPECTRUM',/DEVICE, color = 255 IF SUN_CENTRE_CONTROL NE 1 THEN BEGIN PLOTS, CIRCLE_BIN(SUN_X_CENTR, SUN_Y_CENTR, SUN_RADIUS), /Device, color=0 ;POSITION OF XYOUTS IN RELATION TO SOLAR EDGE (PLOTTING XYOUTS IN THE CORNER ABOVE SOLAR EDGE) IF SUN_X_CENTR LT 0 THEN BEGIN POS_X = 1070 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN POS_X = 2 ENDELSE IF SUN_Y_CENTR LT 0 THEN BEGIN POS_Y = 476 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN POS_Y = 2 ENDELSE XYOUTS,POS_X,POS_Y+20,' SOLID LINE - SOLAR EDGE',/DEVICE XYOUTS,POS_X,POS_Y,'DASHED LINE - 99% SOLAR RADII',/DEVICE PLOTS, CIRCLE_BIN(SUN_X_CENTR, SUN_Y_CENTR, SUN_RADIUS*0.99),LINESTYLE=2, /Device, color=0 ; 0.99 SOLAR RADII (DAWID GIVES PROFILES UP TO THETA EQ 0.99) CURSOR, X, Y, /device, /down PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 ;PLOTTING HORIZONTAL LINES Y_1 = Y CURSOR, X, Y, /device, /down PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 ;PLOTTING HORIZONTAL LINES Y_2 = Y Y_U = Y_1 > Y_2 Y_D = Y_1 < Y_2 Y = (Y_D + Y_U) / 2. X = X_SLIT_POSITION DISTANCE = SQRT((X-SUN_X_CENTR)^2.+(Y*2.-SUN_Y_CENTR)^2.)/SUN_RADIUS ;Y*2 BECAUSE OF BINNING AND ;DIVIDED BY RADIUS PRINT,'DISTANCE:',DISTANCE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CURSOR, X, Y, /device, /down PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 ;PLOTTING HORIZONTAL LINES Y_1 = Y CURSOR, X, Y, /device, /down PLOTS,[0,1279],[y,y],/device,color=255 ;PLOTTING HORIZONTAL LINES Y_2 = Y Y_U = Y_1 > Y_2 Y_D = Y_1 < Y_2 DISTANCE = 0. ENDELSE REF_WIDTH = Y_U - Y_D + 1 WAIT,1.0 REF_spectra=DBLARR(1280,no_cam) CASE calculation_method OF 1: BEGIN for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin sum_col = total(trans_image_cut(i,y_D:y_U,j)) REF_spectra(i,j) = sum_col / (REF_WIDTH) endfor endfor END 2: BEGIN for j=1,no_cam-1 do begin for i=0,1279 do begin REF_spectra(i,j) = median(trans_image_cut(i,y_D:Y_U,j)) endfor endfor END ENDCASE ; MENU,['HA','CA','D3','HB','IR'],LINE_REF,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 MENU,[STRUPCASE(CAM_INDEX[1:NO_CAM-1])],LINE_REF,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 CASE CAM_INDEX(LINE_REF) OF 'ha': LINE_REF_LIEGE = 1 'ca': LINE_REF_LIEGE = 2 'd3': LINE_REF_LIEGE = 3 'hb': LINE_REF_LIEGE = 4 'ir': LINE_REF_LIEGE = 5 ENDCASE FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_REF) = 1. MED_REF = MEDIAN(REF_spectra(*,LINE_REF)) FACTOR = MED_REF/100. ; FIRST ESTIMATION OF CALIBRATION FACTOR ;oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IF LINE_REF_LIEGE NE 2 THEN BEGIN PEPIK, ASIN(DISTANCE),WAVELENGTH_REF,INTENSITY_REF,LINE_REF_LIEGE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WHITE, ASIN(DISTANCE),WAVELENGTH_REF,INTENSITY_REF PRINT, 'WHITE USED' ;STOP ENDELSE DARKENING_FACTOR = NECKEL(ASIN(DISTANCE), LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_REF_LIEGE)) CLOSE,/ALL ON_IOERROR, A323 A1=' ' OPENR,1,'liege.txt' FOR I=0.,999999. DO READF,1,A1 A323: no_lines=I CLOSE,1 ON_IOERROR,NULL WHOLE_SPECTRUM = DBLARR(2,NO_LINES) OPENR,1,'liege.txt' READF,1,WHOLE_SPECTRUM CLOSE,1 WAVELENGTH = WHOLE_SPECTRUM(0,*) INTENSITY = WHOLE_SPECTRUM(1,*) LOADCT, 39 WAVE_CORR: REPEAT BEGIN window,NO_CAM,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' REFERENCE SPECTRUM OF PHOTOSPHERE IN '+ STRING(DISTANCE) +' SOLAR RADII' PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF),REF_spectra(*,LINE_REF), XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_REF))+' REF SPECTRUM ',charsize=2.0 IF LINE_REF NE 3 THEN OPLOT, WAVELENGTH_REF, INTENSITY_REF*FACTOR, LINESTYLE=0, COLOR = 150 ; oplot PEPIK profile OPLOT, WAVELENGTH,DARKENING_FACTOR*FACTOR*INTENSITY, LINESTYLE=0, COLOR=220 ; oplot LIEGE profile MENU,['OK','+10','+1.0','+0.1','+0.01','-0.01','-0.1','-1.0','-10'],CORR,TITLE='WAVELENGTH CORRECTION',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ;VECTOR OF VALUES; CORR=CORR-1 FAC = [0.,10.,1.0,0.1,0.01,-0.01,-0.1,-1.0,-10.] WAVELENGTH_REF = WAVELENGTH_REF + FAC(CORR) print, WAVELENGTH_REF(0) ENDREP UNTIL CORR EQ 0 REPEAT BEGIN window,NO_CAM,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' REFERENCE SPECTRUM OF PHOTOSPHERE IN '+ STRING(DISTANCE) +' SOLAR RADII' PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF),REF_spectra(*,LINE_REF), XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_REF))+' REF SPECTRUM ',charsize=2.0 IF LINE_REF NE 3 THEN OPLOT, WAVELENGTH_REF, INTENSITY_REF*FACTOR, LINESTYLE=0, COLOR = 150 ; oplot PEPIK/DAVID profile OPLOT, WAVELENGTH,DARKENING_FACTOR*FACTOR*INTENSITY, LINESTYLE=0, COLOR=220 ; oplot LIEGE profile ;oplot continuum level = 100. arbitrary units: PLOTS, [WAVELENGTH_DATA(0,LINE_REF),WAVELENGTH_DATA(1279,LINE_REF)], [DARKENING_FACTOR*FACTOR*100.,DARKENING_FACTOR*FACTOR*100.], COLOR = 170, LINESTYLE = 2 ;STOP ;OPLOT, WAVELENGTH_REF, (INTENSITY_REF*MED_REF)/100. MENU,['OK','+10','+1.0','+0.1','+0.01','-0.01','-0.1','-1.0','-10','WAVELENGTH CORRETION AGAIN'],CORR,TITLE='INTENSITY CORRECTION',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ;VECTOR OF VALUES; CORR=CORR-1 IF CORR EQ 9 THEN GOTO, WAVE_CORR FAC = [0.,10.,1.0,0.1,0.01,-0.01,-0.1,-1.0,-10.] FACTOR = FACTOR + FAC(CORR) print, FACTOR ENDREP UNTIL CORR EQ 0 MENU,['1','2','3','4','5','6'],NO_AREA,TITLE='HOW MANY AREAS ?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 IF LINE_REF NE 3 THEN BEGIN ; CHOOSING PROFILES TO CALIBRATION; EXCEPT D3 LINE; THEN ONLY LIEGE POSSIBLE MENU,['LIEGE (RED)','DAVID (GREEN)'],PROFILE_METHOD,TITLE='WHICH PROFILE ?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PROFILE_METHOD = 1 ENDELSE ;ADU_INTENSITY = FLTARR(NO_AREA) FACTOR_CALCUL = FLTARR(NO_AREA) DATA_C = FLTARR(NO_AREA) FOR K=0,NO_AREA-1 DO BEGIN CURSOR, X, Y, /DATA, /down PLOTS,[X,X],[0,Y],/DATA,color=255 ;PLOTTING VERTICAL LINES X_1 = X CURSOR, X, Y, /DATA, /down PLOTS,[X,X],[0,Y],/DATA,color=255 ;PLOTTING VERTICAL LINES X_2 = X X_R = X_1 > X_2 X_L = X_1 < X_2 ; LIMITS OF AREAS: DATA_L = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_L) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_L) ) ) DATA_R = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_R) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_R) ) ) DATA_C(K) = (DATA_R + DATA_L) / 2. ; LIMITS OF AREAS: LIEGE_L = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH(*) - X_L) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH(*) - X_L) ) ) LIEGE_R = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH(*) - X_R) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH(*) - X_R) ) ) ADU_INTENSITY = MEDIAN(REF_spectra(DATA_L(0):DATA_R(0),LINE_REF)) IF PROFILE_METHOD EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; CALCULATION USING LIEGE PROFILE LIEGE_INTENSITY = MEDIAN(DARKENING_FACTOR*INTENSITY(LIEGE_L(0):LIEGE_R(0))) FACTOR_CALCUL(K) = LIEGE_INTENSITY / ADU_INTENSITY ENDIF IF PROFILE_METHOD EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; CALCULATION USING DAVID PROFILE CORRECTED FOR LIMB DARKENING INTENSITY_REF_SPLINE = spline(WAVELENGTH_REF,INTENSITY_REF,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF),10.) ; LIMITS OF AREAS: DAVID_L = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_L) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_L) ) ) DAVID_R = WHERE(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_R) EQ MIN(ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_REF) - X_R) ) ) DAVID_INTENSITY = MEDIAN(INTENSITY_REF_SPLINE(DAVID_L(0):DAVID_R(0))) FACTOR_CALCUL(K) = DAVID_INTENSITY / ADU_INTENSITY ENDIF ENDFOR CASE NO_AREA OF 1: BEGIN FACTOR_DATA_TEMP = FACTOR_CALCUL FAC_DEGREE = 0 FACTOR_DATA = FLTARR(3) FACTOR_DATA(0) = FACTOR_DATA_TEMP(0) FACTOR_DATA(1) = 0. FACTOR_DATA(2) = 0. END 2: BEGIN FACTOR_DATA_TEMP = POLY_FIT(DATA_C,FACTOR_CALCUL,1,/DOUBLE,YFIT=FACTOR_POLY) FAC_DEGREE = 1 FACTOR_DATA = FLTARR(3) FACTOR_DATA(0) = FACTOR_DATA_TEMP(0) FACTOR_DATA(1) = FACTOR_DATA_TEMP(1) FACTOR_DATA(2) = 0. END 3: BEGIN FACTOR_DATA = POLY_FIT(DATA_C,FACTOR_CALCUL,2,/DOUBLE,YFIT=FACTOR_POLY) FAC_DEGREE = 2 END ELSE: BEGIN FACTOR_DATA = POLY_FIT(DATA_C,FACTOR_CALCUL,2,/DOUBLE,YFIT=FACTOR_POLY) FAC_DEGREE = 2 END ENDCASE X_COORD = FINDGEN(1280) FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_REF) = 0. FACTOR_DATA_COEF(*,LINE_REF) = 0. FOR H=0,FAC_DEGREE DO BEGIN FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_REF) = FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_REF) + X_COORD^H*FACTOR_DATA(H) FACTOR_DATA_COEF(H,LINE_REF) = FACTOR_DATA(H) ENDFOR ;INTENSITY CORRECTION OF SPECTRUM: ;FACTOR_DATA(LINE_REF) = 1./FACTOR ;TAK MA BYC Y_TITLE(LINE_REF) = 'PERCENT OF SOLAR CONTINUUM' WAIT, 0.5 REF_EXP_TIME(LINE_REF) = EXP_TIME(LINE_REF) REF_TIME_CONTROL(LINE_REF) = 1 HEADER_TEMP = HEADER_SPECTRA(*,LINE_REF) ;45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 FXADDPAR,HEADER_TEMP,'LAMBDA 0',DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_REF),'wavelength of the first pixel [Angstroems] MZ' FXADDPAR,HEADER_TEMP,'DISPCOEF',DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_REF),'dispert curve linear coeff [Angstroems/pxl] MZ' ;FXADDPAR,HEADER_TEMP,'DEG INT',FAC_DEGREE, 'degree of poly fit of intensity calib coeff MZ' FOR G=0,2 DO BEGIN;45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 IF G EQ 0 THEN COMMENT='calib coef [% sol cont/ADU] of the 1st pxl MZ' IF G EQ 1 THEN COMMENT='calib coef - linear change MZ' IF G EQ 2 THEN COMMENT='calib coef - quadratic change MZ' FXADDPAR,HEADER_TEMP,'INT'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(G),/REMOVE_ALL)+'COEF',FACTOR_DATA(G)*FACTOR_EXP(LINE_REF),COMMENT ENDFOR writefits,data_name(LINE_REF),data(*,*,LINE_REF),HEADER_TEMP ; modification HEADERS OF SPECTRAL IMAGES ;MENU,['YES','NO'],QQQ,TITLE='MAKE THIS IMAGE REFERENCE IMAGE?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ;IF QQQ EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; OPENW,1,'calibration_coefficients.txt' ; FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FOR J=0,1 DO PRINTF,1,DISPERSION_COEF(J,I) ; FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO PRINTF,1,FACTOR_DATA(I) ; FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO PRINTF,1,REF_EXP_TIME(I) ; CLOSE,1 ;ENDIF CALIBRATION_COMPLETE = 1 LOADCT, 3 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 8) THEN BEGIN MENU,[STRUPCASE(CAM_INDEX[1:NO_CAM-1])],PROF_CAM,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=240,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 WSET,PROF_CAM & WSHOW,PROF_CAM PROFILES, trans_image_cut(*,*,PROF_CAM) ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 9) THEN BEGIN IF FIRST_AGAIN EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MENU,['OK'],PROF_CAM,TITLE='YOU HAVE TO EXTRACT SPECTRUM TO CALIBRATION',BUTSIZE=600,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 GOTO,START ENDIF CLOSE,/ALL ON_IOERROR, A223 A1=' ' OPENR,1,'liege.txt' FOR I=0.,999999. DO READF,1,A1 A223: no_lines=I CLOSE,1 ON_IOERROR,NULL WHOLE_SPECTRUM = DBLARR(2,NO_LINES) OPENR,1,'liege.txt' READF,1,WHOLE_SPECTRUM CLOSE,1 WAVELENGTH = WHOLE_SPECTRUM(0,*) INTENSITY = WHOLE_SPECTRUM(1,*) DISPERSION_COMPLETE = 0 ;MENU,['HA','CA','D3','HB','IR'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 MENU,[STRUPCASE(CAM_INDEX[1:NO_CAM-1])],LINE_CORR,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 CASE CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR) OF 'ha': LINE_CORR_LIEGE = 1 'ca': LINE_CORR_LIEGE = 2 'd3': LINE_CORR_LIEGE = 3 'hb': LINE_CORR_LIEGE = 4 'ir': LINE_CORR_LIEGE = 5 ENDCASE IF CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR) EQ 'ca' THEN BEGIN menu,['K-3933.682','H-3968.492'],LIN,TITLE='CHOOSE CALCIUM LINE',BUTSIZE=600 IF LIN EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ;for Ca K line MIN_WL = [0.,6553.,3919.,5863.,4848.,8529.5] MAX_WL = [0.,6573.,3946.,5888.,4875.,8555.5] LAMBDA_CENTR = [0.0, 6562.808, 3933.682, 5875.618, 4861.342, 8542.144 ] ENDIF IF LIN EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ;for Ca H line MIN_WL = [0.,6553.,3955.,5863.,4848.,8529.5] MAX_WL = [0.,6573.,3982.,5888.,4875.,8555.5] LAMBDA_CENTR = [0.0, 6562.808, 3968.492, 5875.618, 4861.342, 8542.144 ] ENDIF ENDIF REPEAT BEGIN INDEX_WL_MIN=WHERE(WAVELENGTH EQ MIN_WL(LINE_CORR_LIEGE)) ;LIEGE SPECTRUM INDEX_WL_MAX=WHERE(WAVELENGTH EQ MAX_WL(LINE_CORR_LIEGE)) window,NO_CAM+1,ypos=502,xpos=80,xsize=1280,ysize=500,title=' REFERENCE LIEGE SPECTRUM -- CLICK ON CHOSEN LINE ' ; PLOTTING IN RANGE THAT ANNOTATIONS OF REFERENCE LINES WILL BE VISIBLE: IF LINE_CORR EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; CA LINE PLOT,WAVELENGTH[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],INTENSITY[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],$ XRANGE=[WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MIN(0)),WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MAX(0))],XSTYLE=1, YRANGE=[-50,100] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PLOT,WAVELENGTH[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],INTENSITY[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],$ XRANGE=[WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MIN(0)),WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MAX(0))],XSTYLE=1 ENDELSE for j=0,NO_REF_LINES-1 do begin XYOUTS,lines(J).wave,lines(j).inten-2.,lines(j).name+'___',/DATA,ORIENTATION=90,ALIGNMENT=1.0,color=lines(j).atm_color endfor IF DISPERSION_COMPLETE EQ 0 THEN BEGIN window,no_cam,ypos=0,xpos=80,xsize=1280,ysize=500,title=' DATA SPECTRUM -- CLICK ON CHOSEN LINE ' PLOT,spectra(*,LINE_CORR), XRANGE=[0,1280], XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.0 ENDIF IF DISPERSION_COMPLETE EQ 1 THEN BEGIN WINDOW,12,ypos=502,xpos=80,xsize=500,ysize=500,TITLE='DISPERSION CURVE' PLOT,X_DATA,LINES(LINE_INDEX).WAVE,/YNOZERO,PSYM=1,SYMSIZE=1.5,XRANGE=[0,1280],XSTYLE=1 OPLOT,INDGEN(1280)*DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR)+DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR),COLOR=150 XYOUTS,0.18,0.90, 'LAMBDA(0) =' +STRCOMPRESS(STRING(DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR),format='(F10.4)'))+' +/-'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(ERROR(0),format='(F10.4)'))+' A',/NORMAL,COLOR=150 XYOUTS,0.18,0.85,'DISPERSION ='+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR),format='(F10.7)'))+' +/-'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(ERROR(1),format='(F10.7)'))+' A/PXL',/NORMAL,COLOR=150 XYOUTS,0.18,0.80,'WHOLE WIDTH ERROR =' + STRCOMPRESS(STRING(ERROR(1)*1280.,format='(F10.7)'))+' A ',/NORMAL,COLOR=150 XYOUTS,0.18,0.75,'WHOLE WIDTH ERROR =' + STRCOMPRESS(STRING((ERROR(1)*1280.+ERROR(0))/DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR),format='(F10.7)'))+' PXL ',/NORMAL,COLOR=150 PRINT,'LAMBDA(0) =' +STRCOMPRESS(STRING(DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR),format='(F10.4)'))+' +/-'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(ERROR(0),format='(F10.4)'))+' A' PRINT,'DISPERSION ='+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR),format='(F10.7)'))+' +/-'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(ERROR(1),format='(F10.7)'))+' A/PXL' window,no_cam,ypos=0,xpos=80,xsize=1280,ysize=500,title=' DATA SPECTRUM -- AFTER DISPERSION ' PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_CORR),spectra(*,LINE_CORR),XRANGE=[DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR),DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR)*1279.+DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR)], $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.0 ENDIF ;nie wyswietla sie dziadostwo MENU,['DISPERSION CURVE','REVERSE','OK'],CONTROL,TITLE='AGAIN?',BUTSIZE=160,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 IF CONTROL EQ 1 THEN BEGIN MENU,['1','2','3','4','5'],NO_LI,TITLE='HOW MANY LINES?',BUTSIZE=160,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 LINE_INDEX = INTARR(NO_LI) X_DATA = FLTARR(NO_LI) X_DATA_POLY = FLTARR(NO_LI) Y_DATA = FLTARR(NO_LI) FOR I=0,NO_LI-1 DO BEGIN window,NO_CAM+1,ypos=502,xpos=80,xsize=1280,ysize=500,title=' REFERENCE LIEGE SPECTRUM -- CLICK ON CHOSEN LINE ' PLOT,WAVELENGTH[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],INTENSITY[INDEX_WL_MIN(0):INDEX_WL_MAX(0)],$ XRANGE=[WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MIN(0)),WAVELENGTH(INDEX_WL_MAX(0))],XSTYLE=1,YRANGE=[-50,100] for j=0,NO_REF_LINES-1 do begin ; LINE INFORMATION XYOUTS,lines(J).wave,lines(j).inten-2.,lines(j).name+'___',/DATA,ORIENTATION=90,ALIGNMENT=1.0,color=lines(j).atm_color endfor FOR R=0,I-1 DO BEGIN ;CHOSEM LINES INFORMATION XYOUTS,lines(LINE_INDEX(R)).wave,lines(LINE_INDEX(R)).inten-2.,'|___________________________|',$ /DATA,ORIENTATION=90,ALIGNMENT=1.0,color=lines(LINE_INDEX(R)).atm_color ENDFOR CURSOR,X_REF,Y_REF,/DATA,/DOWN ;CLICK ON REFERENCE LINE ONLY WITH LIMITED ACCURACY PRINT,X_REF DIFF=FLTARR(NO_REF_LINES) ;TOTAL NO LINES IN CHOSEN CAMERA FOR J=0,NO_REF_LINES-1 DO BEGIN DIFF(J) = ABS(X_REF - lines(j).wave) ENDFOR PRINT,DIFF LINE_INDEX(I) = WHERE(DIFF EQ MIN(DIFF)) PRINT,LINE_INDEX XYOUTS,lines(LINE_INDEX(I)).wave,lines(LINE_INDEX(I)).inten-2.,'|___________________________|',$ /DATA,ORIENTATION=90,ALIGNMENT=1.0,color=lines(LINE_INDEX(I)).atm_color window,no_cam,ypos=0,xpos=80,xsize=1280,ysize=500,title=' DATA SPECTRUM -- CLICK ON CHOSEN LINE ' PLOT,spectra(*,LINE_CORR), XRANGE=[0,1280], XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.0 FOR R=0,I-1 DO BEGIN PLOTS,[x_DATA(R),x_DATA(R)],[0,Y_DATA(R)],/DATA,color=lines(LINE_INDEX(R)).atm_color ENDFOR CURSOR,X_,Y_,/DATA,/DOWN X_DATA(I)=X_ Y_DATA(I)=Y_ PLOTS,[x_DATA(I),x_DATA(I)],[0,Y_DATA(I)],/DATA,color=lines(LINE_INDEX(I)).atm_color ;POLY FITTING TO CHOSEN LINES: Y_TEMP = INDGEN (1280) RANGE = 6 X_MIN_POS = WHERE( SPECTRA[ X_DATA(I)-RANGE:X_DATA(I)+RANGE, LINE_CORR ] EQ MIN ( SPECTRA[ X_DATA(I)-RANGE:X_DATA(I)+RANGE, LINE_CORR ] ) ) X_MIN_POS = X_MIN_POS(0) + X_DATA(I)-RANGE TEMP = POLY_FIT(Y_TEMP[X_MIN_POS-2:X_MIN_POS+2],spectra(X_MIN_POS-2:X_MIN_POS+2,LINE_CORR),2, /DOUBLE) X_DATA_POLY(I) = -TEMP(1)/(2*TEMP(2)) ;STOP ENDFOR WAIT,0.5 ;STOP DISPERSION_COEF(*,LINE_CORR) = POLY_FIT(X_DATA_POLY,LINES(LINE_INDEX).WAVE,1,/DOUBLE,SIGMA=ERROR) ;LINEAR DISPERSION ??? DISPERSION_COMPLETE = 1 WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_CORR)=FINDGEN(1280.)*DISPERSION_COEF(1,LINE_CORR) + DISPERSION_COEF(0,LINE_CORR) ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 2 THEN BEGIN spectra(*,LINE_CORR)=REVERSE(SPECTRA(*,LINE_CORR)); MAYBE BETTER INDIVIDUALLY FOR EACH LINE ?? REVERSE_CONTROL(LINE_CORR) = REVERSE_CONTROL(LINE_CORR) + 1 ;window,no_cam,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=' DATA SPECTRUM -- CLICK ON CHOSEN LINE ' ;PLOT,spectra(*,LINE_CORR), XRANGE=[0,1280], XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(LINE_CORR))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=2.0 ;IF REV(LINE_CORR) EQ 0 THEN REV(LINE_CORR) = 1 ;IF REV(LINE_CORR) EQ 1 THEN REV(LINE_CORR) = 0 ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL CONTROL EQ 3 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 10) THEN BEGIN ;SCATTTERED LIGHT SUBTRACTION MENU,['SCAT LIGHT MATRIX','CONTINUUM LEVEL'],$ SCAT_METHOD,TITLE='CHOOSE METHOD',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 REF_SCATT_LIGHT = FLTARR(1280, NO_CAM) ;calculation no_pts CLOSE,/ALL ON_IOERROR, D888 AAA=' ' OPENR,5,'scat_light_position_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(1))+'.txt' FOR I=0.,999. DO READF,5,AAA D888: NO_PTS=I CLOSE,5 ON_IOERROR,NULL CORR_SCATT_LIGHT = DBLARR(1280, NO_CAM, NO_PTS) SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA = DBLARR(1280, NO_CAM, NO_PTS) SCAT_LIGHT_POSITION = DBLARR(3,NO_CAM,NO_PTS) CONTINUUM_LIMITS = INTARR(2,NO_CAM) SCAT_NAME = FINDFILE('scat_light_position.txt') ;IF SCAT_NAME(0) NE '' THEN BEGIN FOR NN=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN WHOLE_FILE = DBLARR(1280,NO_PTS) OPENR,4,'scat_light_profiles_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(NN))+'.txt' READF,4,WHOLE_FILE CLOSE,4 SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*, NN, *) = WHOLE_FILE(*,*); (ROW, CAM, POINT) WHOLE_FILE = DBLARR(3,NO_PTS) OPENR,5,'scat_light_position_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(NN))+'.txt' READF,5,WHOLE_FILE ;; NOW HERE ARE STORED POSITIONS OF SAMPLED SCATTERED LIGHT CLOSE,5 ENDFOR ;ENDIF ;ELSE BEGIN ;MENU,['OK'],PROF_CAM,TITLE='YOU HAVE TO CALCULATE SCATTERED LIGHT TO SUBTRACT IT',BUTSIZE=800,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ;GOTO,AFTER_SCAT_LIGHT_REMOVED ;ENDELSE ;STOP ;uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tutaj uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu IF SCAT_METHOD EQ 1 THEN BEGIN SCAT_PARAM = replicate({fixed:0, limited:[0,0], limits:[0.D,0.D]},2) SCAT_MATRIX = FLTARR(1280,512,NO_CAM) SCAT_COEFF_MATRIX = FLTARR(2,1280) POS_SCAT = WHOLE_FILE(1,*) DISTANCE_R_SCAT = SQRT( (SUN_X_CENTR-X_SLIT_POSITION)^2. + (SUN_Y_CENTR-POS_SCAT*2.)^2. ) / SUN_RADIUS xx=(findgen(100)+1.)/1000.+1. X_DIST = FLTARR(512) FOR I = 0, 511 DO BEGIN X_DIST(I) = SQRT( (SUN_X_CENTR-X_SLIT_POSITION)^2. + (SUN_Y_CENTR-I*2.)^2. ) / SUN_RADIUS ENDFOR FOR JJ=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN ;CONTOL IF FILE WITH SCAT MATRIX EXIST FILE_CONTROL = FINDFILE('resources\scat_light_matrix_'+data_time+'_'+cam_index(jj)+'.fit') ;READING FILE WITH SCAT MATRIX IF FILE_CONTROL(0) EQ 'resources\scat_light_matrix_'+data_time+'_'+cam_index(jj)+'.fit' THEN BEGIN SCAT_MATRIX(*,*,JJ)=readfits('resources\scat_light_matrix_'+data_time+'_'+cam_index(jj)+'.fit',HH) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN window,10, TITLE='CALCULATING SCATTERED LIGHT MATRIX' FOR I=0,1279 DO BEGIN VERT_SCAT = SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA (I,JJ,*) ;/ MEDIAN(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA (I,JJ,*)) COL_RANGE = MAX(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*,JJ,*)) ;CONTROLLING LIMITS OF PARAMETERS ;SEE: SCAT_PARAM(0).LIMITED(0) = 0 ;SCAT_PARAM(0).LIMITS(0) = -2.1 SCAT_PARAM(0).LIMITED(0) = 0 ;SCAT_PARAM(0).LIMITS(1) = -2.4 SCAT_PARAM(1).LIMITED(0) = 0 ;SCAT_PARAM(1).LIMITS(0) = ALOG (2.6) SCAT_PARAM(1).LIMITED(0) = 0 ;SCAT_PARAM(1).LIMITS(1) = ALOG (3.4) scat_param(1).fixed = 0 START = [150.,-0.4] SCAT_COEFF = MPFITFUN('SCAT_LOG', DISTANCE_R_SCAT[0,*], VERT_SCAT[0,0,*] , 1.0, START, PARINFO=SCAT_PARAM) SCAT_COEFF_MATRIX(*,I) = SCAT_COEFF ;X_DIST = X_DIST ; ARBITRARY CUTTING LEVEL TO PREVENT FLOATING OVERFLOW DURING ALOG COL = SCAT_COEFF(0) * (SCAT_COEFF(1) - ALOG10(X_DIST>1.001-1)) SCAT_MATRIX(I,*,JJ) = COL PLOT, X_DIST, COL,YRANGE=[0,1.5*COL_RANGE],XTITLE='DISTANCE [SOLAR RADII]', YTITLE='SCATTERED LIGHT LEVEL', $ TITLE=CAM_INDEX(JJ)+' LAMBDA'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(WAVELENGTH_DATA[I,JJ]))+STRING(I)+' / 1280',XSTYLE=1 OPLOT,DISTANCE_R_SCAT,VERT_SCAT,PSYM=2,COLOR=150 ;WAIT,0.0 ENDFOR ;STOP ; ENDELSE window,0,ypos=0*150,xpos=0*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=strUPcase(CAM_INDEX(JJ))+' SCATTERED LIGHT MATRIX' TVSCL , SCAT_MATRIX(*,*,JJ) MENU,['OK','NO','CANCEL'],$ SSS,TITLE='USE THIS MATRIX TO SUBTRACTION?',BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 IF SSS EQ 1 THEN BEGIN TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,JJ) = TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,JJ) - SCAT_MATRIX(*,*,JJ) writefits, 'resources\scat_light_matrix_'+data_time+'_'+STRlowCASE(cam_index(jj))+'.fit', SCAT_MATRIX(*,*,JJ) ENDIF IF SSS EQ 3 THEN BREAK ENDFOR GOTO,AFTER_SCAT_LIGHT_REMOVED ENDIF ;uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tutaj uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu IF SCAT_METHOD EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ;COMPARE METHOD IF SCAT_NAME(0) EQ 'scat_light_position.txt' THEN BEGIN OPENR, 2, 'scat_light_position.txt' READF, 2, CONTINUUM_LIMITS CLOSE,2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR NN=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN SCAT_LIGHT_POSITION(*,NN,*) = WHOLE_FILE(*,*) ; ([X,Y,DISTANCE],CAM_INDEX,POINTS_INDEX) window,no_cam+NN,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' SPECTRUM OF SCATTERED LIGHT FROM MEMORY - MARK CONTINUUM LIMITS' PLOT, SMOOTH(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*,NN,0),11), PSYM = 3, XSTYLE=1, YRANGE = [0,MAX(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*,NN,*))] FOR J=1, NO_PTS-1 DO BEGIN OPLOT, SMOOTH(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*,NN,J),11), PSYM =3, COLOR=J*(256./NO_PTS-1) ENDFOR CURSOR, X_1,Y,/DATA,/DOWN PLOTS,[X_1,X_1],[0,Y],/DATA,COLOR=150 CURSOR, X_2,Y,/DATA,/DOWN PLOTS,[X_2,X_2],[0,Y],/DATA,COLOR=150 WAIT,0.4 X_LEFT = X_1 < X_2 X_RIGHT = X_1 > X_2 X_CONT_LEFT = ROUND(X_LEFT) X_CONT_RIGHT = ROUND(X_RIGHT) CONTINUUM_LIMITS(0,NN)=X_CONT_LEFT CONTINUUM_LIMITS(1,NN)=X_CONT_RIGHT ENDFOR OPENW, 2, 'scat_light_position.txt' PRINTF, 2, CONTINUUM_LIMITS CLOSE, 2 ENDELSE ;CALCULATION OF CORRECTION FACTOR OF CONTINUUM LEVEL CONT_FACTOR = DBLARR(NO_PTS) FOR NN=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN FOR J=1, NO_PTS-1 DO BEGIN CONT_FACTOR(J) = MEDIAN(SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(CONTINUUM_LIMITS(0,NN):CONTINUUM_LIMITS(1,NN),NN,J)) CORR_SCATT_LIGHT(*,NN,J) = SCAT_LIGHT_SPECTRA(*,NN,J) / CONT_FACTOR(J) ENDFOR REF_SCATT_LIGHT(*, NN) = TOTAL(CORR_SCATT_LIGHT(*,NN,*),3 ) / NO_PTS FOR ROW=0,511 DO BEGIN CURRENT_FACTOR = MEDIAN(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(CONTINUUM_LIMITS(0,NN):CONTINUUM_LIMITS(1,NN),ROW,NN)) TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,ROW,NN) = TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,ROW,NN) - REF_SCATT_LIGHT(*,NN)*CURRENT_FACTOR TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION(*,ROW,NN) = TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION(*,ROW,NN) - REF_SCATT_LIGHT(*,NN)*CURRENT_FACTOR ENDFOR window,NN,ypos=0*150,xpos=NN*75,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*4,title=strUPcase(CAM_INDEX(NN))+' SCATTERED LIGHT REMOVED ( '+data_name(0)+' )' TVSCL , TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,NN) ENDFOR FIRST_AGAIN = 1 GOTO,AFTER_SCAT_LIGHT_REMOVED ENDIF ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 11) THEN BEGIN IF FIRST_AGAIN EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MENU,['OK'],PROF_CAM,TITLE='YOU HAVE TO EXTRACT SPECTRUM TO DOPPLER MEASUREMENTS',BUTSIZE=800,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 GOTO,START ENDIF VELOCITY = DBLARR(NO_CAM) REPEAT BEGIN MENU,['BISECTRIES','GAUSS FIT','OK AND SAVE','CANCEL'],DOPP_METHOD,TITLE='DOPPLER MEASUREMENTS',BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 !P.MULTI = [0,2,3,0,0] window,no_cam,ypos=110,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' DOPPLER VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS' LOADCT,39 IF DOPP_METHOD EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ;GAUSS FIT FOR LINE_DOPP=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN CASE CAM_INDEX(LINE_DOPP) OF 'ha': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 1 'ca': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 2 'd3': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 3 'hb': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 4 'ir': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 5 ENDCASE R = GAUSSFIT( WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_DOPP), $ FACTOR_EXP(LINE_DOPP)*FACTOR_CGS(LINE_DOPP)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_DOPP)*spectra(*,LINE_DOPP), $ GAUSS_COEF, NTERMS=4) VELOCITY(LINE_DOPP) = -1. * (LAMBDA_CENTR(LINE_DOPP_MOD) - GAUSS_COEF(1)) / LAMBDA_CENTR (LINE_DOPP_MOD) * 299792.458 PLOT, WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_DOPP), $ FACTOR_EXP(LINE_DOPP)*FACTOR_CGS(LINE_DOPP)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,LINE_DOPP)*spectra(*,LINE_DOPP),$ TITLE=STRUPCASE(CAM_INDEX(LINE_DOPP))+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(VELOCITY(LINE_DOPP)))+' KM/S',CHARSIZE=1.8, XSTYLE=1 OPLOT, WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_DOPP), R, COLOR = 150 ENDFOR ENDIF IF DOPP_METHOD EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; BISECTRIES FOR LINE_DOPP=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN CASE CAM_INDEX(LINE_DOPP) OF 'ha': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 1 'ca': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 2 'd3': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 3 'hb': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 4 'ir': LINE_DOPP_MOD = 5 ENDCASE V=FLTARR(4) VELOC_MODIFY,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,LINE_DOPP),SPECTRA(*,LINE_DOPP),V,VELOCITY_TEMP,1,NO_CAM,LINE_DOPP_MOD VELOCITY(LINE_DOPP) = VELOCITY_TEMP ;PRINT,V_DOPP ENDFOR ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL DOPP_METHOD EQ 3 OR DOPP_METHOD EQ 4 IF DOPP_METHOD EQ 3 THEN BEGIN ;format of output data,line by line: ;time (HHMMSS) ;time (seconds from the begin of the day) ;slit position (pxl) ;centrum of analyzed area (pxl) ;H-alpha calculated velocity ;Ca calculated velocity ;D3 calculated velocity ;H-beta calculated velocity ;Ca IR calculated velocity OPENW,1,'velocity.dat',/APPEND, WIDTH=160 TIME=STRMID(data_time(0),0,2)+STRMID(data_time(0),3,2)+STRMID(data_time(0),6,2) HHORA=(STRMID(TIME,0,2)) MMIN=(STRMID(TIME,2,2)) SSEK=(STRMID(TIME,4,2)) TOTSEK=HHORA*60.0*60.0+MMIN*60.0+SSEK PRINTF, 1, TIME, TOTSEK, X_SLIT_POSITION, (Y_UP+Y_DOWN)/2., VELOCITY[1:NO_CAM-1] CLOSE,1 ENDIF !P.MULTI = 0 LOADCT,3 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 12) THEN BEGIN ;SAVE IF SUN_X_CENTR NE -1. AND SUN_Y_CENTR NE -1. THEN BEGIN ; CALCULATE ONLY IF DISC CENTER IS CALCULATED ;MENU,['HA','CA','D3','HB','IR'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 OPENW,1,'calibration_coefficients.txt' ;PRINTF,1,SLIT_WIDTH FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FOR J=0,1 DO PRINTF,1,DISPERSION_COEF(J,I) FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO FOR H=0,2 DO PRINTF,1,FACTOR_DATA_COEF(H,I) FOR I=0,NO_CAM-1 DO PRINTF,1,REF_EXP_TIME(I) CLOSE,1 ;writing into the header of SJ image, coefficients of position of calculated disc center FXADDPAR,HEADER_SJ,'DISCX',SUN_X_CENTR,'x sun center in ref.frame of the image [pxl] MZ' FXADDPAR,HEADER_SJ,'DISCY',SUN_Y_CENTR,'y sun center in ref.frame of the image [pxl] MZ' FXADDPAR,HEADER_SJ,'SLIT POS',X_SLIT_POSITION,'x slit position on the image [pxl] MZ' writefits,data_name(0),data(*,*,0),HEADER_SJ ; modyfication only in header in SJ image ENDIF ELSE BEGIN MENU,['OK'],LINE_CORR,TITLE='PLEASE CALCULATE DISC CENTER BEFORE SAVING COEFFICIENTS',BUTSIZE=600,xoffset=300,yoffset=300 ENDELSE ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 13) THEN BEGIN ;credits window,30,xpos=750,ypos=0,xsize=500,ysize=500,title='CREDITS' A=1.6 B=1.5 XYOUTS, 150*A, 290*A, 'HSFA-2 SOFTWARE PACKAGE ', CHARTHICK=1.5, CHARSIZE=2., COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 245*A, 'author: ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.7, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 225*A, 'Maciej Zapior (1,2)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.7, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 205*A, '(1) - Astronomocal Institute of Wroclaw University', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.0, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 195*A, '(2) - Astronomocal Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic',$ CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.0, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 150*A, 'Thanx: ', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.7, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 130*A, 'Pavel Kotrc (2)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 110*A, 'Petr Heizel (2)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 90*A, 'Petr Skoda (2)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 70*A, 'Jan Rybak', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 50*A, 'Ales Kucera', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 30*A, 'Pawel Rudawy (1)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device XYOUTS, 150*A, 10*A, 'Arek Berlicki (1)', CHARTHICK=1, CHARSIZE=1.5, COLOR=255, ALIGNMENT=0.5,/device MENU,['OK','PLAY SNAKE'],SNAKE_CONTROL,TITLE='CONTINUE?',butsize=250 IF SNAKE_CONTROL EQ 2 THEN SNAKE ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 14) THEN BEGIN ;CGS AND INTEGRAL INT_SIGNAL_SLIT = FLTARR(512,NO_CAM) MENU,[STRUPCASE(CAM_INDEX[1:NO_CAM-1])],J,TITLE='CHOOSE CAMERA?',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 Y_TITLE(J) = 'erg * sr^(-1) * cm^(-2) * s^(-1) * A^(-1) ' ; <<< ---------- SPRAWDZIC IF CGS_DONE(J) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;FACTOR_DATA(J) = FACTOR_DATA(J) * 4.077 * 10.^(-5) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------- CHECK UNITS!!!!! FACTOR_CGS(J) = FACTOR_CGS(J) * CONTINUUM(LAMBDA_CENTR(J)) * 10.^(-2.) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------- CHECK UNITS!!!!! ; CGS 'CAUSE WE HAVE 100 AS SOLAR CONTINUUM ; HERE IT IS PER 1A ; IN FACT THIS IS NOT IN CGS, BECAUSE IT IS NOT PER 1Hz CGS_DONE(J) = 1 ENDIF ;PRINT, FACTOR_DATA PRINT, FACTOR_CGS LIMITS_CONTROL = 0 REPEAT BEGIN ;window,NO_CAM,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM' ;PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA(J)*spectra(*,j), XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE MENU,['MARK INTEGRAL LIMITS AND CALCULATE ','OK','SMOOTH -3-','SMOOTH -5-','SMOOTH -7-','SMOOTH -9-',$ 'CALCULATE FOR WHOLE SLIT','CORRECTION OF OFFSET','SAVE INTEGRAL'],CONTROL,TITLE=CGS_TITLE,BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 IF CONTROL EQ 1 THEN BEGIN window,NO_CAM,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*7,title=' MARK INTEGRAL LIMITS' PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) PLOTS,[MIN_WL(J),MAX_WL(J)],[0,0],/DATA,COLOR=150 CURSOR, X_1,Y,/DATA,/DOWN PLOTS,[X_1,X_1],[0,Y],/DATA,COLOR=150 CURSOR, X_2,Y,/DATA,/DOWN PLOTS,[X_2,X_2],[0,Y],/DATA,COLOR=150 WAIT,0.4 X_LEFT = X_1 < X_2 X_RIGHT = X_1 > X_2 X_INDEX_LEFT = WHERE( ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J)-X_LEFT) EQ MIN(ABS(X_LEFT -WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J)))) X_INDEX_RIGHT = WHERE( ABS(WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J)-X_RIGHT) EQ MIN(ABS(X_RIGHT-WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J)))) INT_SIGNAL = INT_TABULATED(WAVELENGTH_DATA(X_INDEX_LEFT(0):X_INDEX_RIGHT(0),J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(X_INDEX_LEFT(0):X_INDEX_RIGHT(0),j)) PRINT, 'INT_SIGNAL=' , INT_SIGNAL CGS_TITLE = 'INTEGRATED SIGNAL =' + STRING(INT_SIGNAL) LIMITS_CONTROL = 1 ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 3 THEN BEGIN spectra(*,j) = SMOOTH(spectra(*,j),3) PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J) = SMOOTH(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J),3) ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 4 THEN BEGIN spectra(*,j) = SMOOTH(spectra(*,j),5) PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J) = SMOOTH(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J),5) ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 5 THEN BEGIN spectra(*,j) = SMOOTH(spectra(*,j),7) PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J) = SMOOTH(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J),7) ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 6 THEN BEGIN spectra(*,j) = SMOOTH(spectra(*,j),9) PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), $ XSTYLE=1, TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J) = SMOOTH(TRANS_IMAGE_CUT(*,*,J),9) ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 7 THEN BEGIN IF LIMITS_CONTROL EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MENU,['OK'],BLE,TITLE='MARK INTEGRAL LIMITS',BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN INT_SIGNAL_SLIT = FLTARR(512,NO_CAM) ;MENU,['1','2','3','4','5','7','8','9','10'],APERT_WIDTH,TITLE='CHOOSE APERTURE WIDTH IN PIXELS',BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 ARC_APERT = INDGEN(25)*0.2675 ; THIS IS VALUE OF ARCSEC PER 1 PXL ON SJ IMAGE MENU,['DONT PRESS THIS BUTTON',$ ' 1pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(1)),$ ' 3pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(3)),$ ' 5pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(5)),$ ' 7pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(7)),$ ' 9pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(9)),$ '11pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(11)),$ '13pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(13)),$ '15pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(15)),$ '17pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(17)),$ '19pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(19)),$ '21pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(21)),$ '23pxl ='+STRING(ARC_APERT(23))],$ APERT_WIDTH,TITLE='CHOOSE APERTURE WIDTH IN PIXELS',BUTSIZE=400,xoffset=0,yoffset=0 APERT_WIDTH_recalc = APERT_WIDTH * 2 - 3 FOR PXL=0,511 DO BEGIN ;HERE J MEANS CAM INDEX INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(PXL,J) = INT_TABULATED(WAVELENGTH_DATA(X_INDEX_LEFT(0):X_INDEX_RIGHT(0),J),$ FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION(X_INDEX_LEFT(0):X_INDEX_RIGHT(0),PXL,j)) ENDFOR ;IF APERT_WIDTH NE 1 THEN INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J) = SMOOTH(INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J),APERT_WIDTH) ;tutut IF APERT_WIDTH NE 1 THEN BEGIN IF APERT_WIDTH NE 2 THEN BEGIN INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J) = SMOOTH(INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J),APERT_WIDTH_recalc) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN C_D,1 ENDELSE window,NO_CAM,ypos=80,xpos=80,xsize=320*4,ysize=128*5,title='VALUE OF INTEGRAL OF '+strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' LINE PROFILE' PLOT, INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J),TITLE = strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' INTEGRATED SIGNAL'+DATA_TIME+' [UT]',$ YTITLE='[ erg * sr^(-1) * cm^(-2) * s^(-1) ]',XTITLE='POSITION ON THE SLIT [ PXL ]',CHARSIZE=1.5,XSTYLE=1,$ YSTYLE=1,YRANGE=[100.,MAX(INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J))], /YLOG ENDELSE ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 8 THEN BEGIN REPEAT BEGIN MENU,['OK','+100','+10','+1','+0.1','-0.1','-1','-10','-100'],CORR_INT,TITLE='OFFSET CORRECTION',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 ;VECTOR OF VALUES; CORR_INT=CORR_INT-1 FAC_INT= [0.,100.,10.0,1.,0.1,-0.1,-1.0,-10.0,-100.] spectra(*,j) = spectra(*,j) + FAC_INT (CORR_INT) TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION(*,*,J) = TEMP_FOR_INTEGRATION(*,*,J) + FAC_INT (CORR_INT) PLOT,WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,J),FACTOR_CGS(J)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,J)*spectra(*,j), XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1,$ TITLE=strupcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+' SPECTRUM ',charsize=1.5,YTITLE=Y_TITLE(J) PLOTS,[MIN_WL(J),MAX_WL(J)],[0,0],/DATA,COLOR=150 ENDREP UNTIL CORR_INT EQ 0 ENDIF IF CONTROL EQ 9 THEN BEGIN MENU,['ASCII', 'FITS'],SAVE_CONTROL,TITLE='FILE FORMAT',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 IF SAVE_CONTROL EQ 1 THEN BEGIN OPENW,2,'flux_integral_'+data_time(0)+'_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+'.txt' FOR PXL=0,511 DO BEGIN PRINTF,2,X_SLIT_POSITION,PXL,INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(PXL,J) ENDFOR CLOSE,2 ENDIF IF SAVE_CONTROL EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ;WRITEFITS INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J) WRITE_MATRIX = FLTARR(3,512) WRITE_MATRIX(0,*) = X_SLIT_POSITION WRITE_MATRIX(1,*) = PXL WRITE_MATRIX(2,*) = INT_SIGNAL_SLIT(*,J) writefits, 'flux_integral_'+data_time(0)+'_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(J))+'.fit', WRITE_MATRIX ENDIF ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL CONTROL EQ 2 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 15) THEN BEGIN ;SHOW OTHER IMAGES ;MENU,DATA_TIME,FIRST_FILE_INDEX,TITLE='CHOOSE .:: THE FIRST ::. FILE ',BUTSIZE=400 ;IMAGE_INDEX = FIRST_FILE_INDEX-1 ;CHANGING GLOBAL VALUE ;MENU,DATA_TIME(FIRST_FILE_INDEX-1:*),LAST_FILE_INDEX,TITLE='CHOOSE .:: THE LAST ::. FILE ',BUTSIZE=400 FIRST_data_name = dialog_pickfile(title='CHOOSE THE FIRST FILE', /file, /MULTIPLE_FILES, get_path = dir, FILTER = ['*sj*']) filelist_SHOW = FINDFILE(dir+'*sj*') FIRST_FILE_INDEX = WHERE (FIRST_data_name(0) EQ filelist_SHOW) LAST_data_name = dialog_pickfile(title='CHOOSE THE LAST FILE', /file, /MULTIPLE_FILES, path = dir, FILTER = ['*sj*']) filelist_SHOW = FINDFILE(dir+'*sj*') LAST_FILE_INDEX = WHERE (LAST_data_name(0) EQ filelist_SHOW) II=0 FOR JJ=FIRST_FILE_INDEX(0) ,LAST_FILE_INDEX(0) DO BEGIN SHOW_DATA = readfits(filelist_SHOW(JJ),header_SHOW) window,II,ypos=(II/4)*150,xpos=(II MOD 4) *325,xsize=320,ysize=128,title=strcompress(HEADER_SHOW(6),/remove_all) tvscl,REBIN (SHOW_DATA,320, 128) II=II+1 WAIT, 0.06 ENDFOR MENU,['OK'],C,TITLE='SJ IMAGES',BUTSIZE=400 FOR U=0,II DO WDELETE,U & WAIT,0.1 ENDIF IF (LETR EQ 16) THEN BEGIN ;SAVING SPECTRA MENU,['ASCII', 'FITS'],SAVE_CONTROL,TITLE='FILE FORMAT',BUTSIZE=300,xoffset=0,yoffset=-15 IF SAVE_CONTROL EQ 1 THEN BEGIN FOR JJ=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN OPENW,2,'spectrum_'+data_time(0)+'_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(JJ))+'.txt' FOR PXL=0,1279 DO BEGIN PRINTF,2,WAVELENGTH_DATA(PXL,JJ),FACTOR_EXP(JJ)*FACTOR_CGS(JJ)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(PXL,JJ)*spectra(PXL,JJ) ENDFOR CLOSE,2 ENDFOR ENDIF IF SAVE_CONTROL EQ 2 THEN BEGIN FOR JJ=1,NO_CAM-1 DO BEGIN WRITE_MATRIX = FLTARR(2,1280) WRITE_MATRIX(0,*) = WAVELENGTH_DATA(*,JJ) WRITE_MATRIX(1,*) = FACTOR_EXP(JJ)*FACTOR_CGS(JJ)*FACTOR_DATA_VECTOR(*,JJ)*spectra(*,JJ) writefits, 'spectrum_'+data_time(0)+'_'+strlowcase(CAM_INDEX(JJ))+'.fit', WRITE_MATRIX ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL LETR EQ 3 for i=0,no_cam do wdelete,i print,'END OF JOB' end