List of all publications

  1. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1971; A Review of Electrical Conductivities in the Photospheres of the Sun and the Stars; Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, Vol. 2, p. 65-73.

  2. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1973; The Dependence of Electric Conductivity of Stellar Photospheres on Characteristic Parameters of Stars; Facultatis scientiarum naturalium universitatis Purkynianae brunensis, p. 29-35.

  3. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1974; Electric Conductivity in the Atmosphere of Early-Type Stars; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 24, p. 39.

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  5. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1974; Electrical Field in Atmospheres of Early Type Stars Caused by Pressure Gradient; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 25, p. 64.

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  7. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1974; Large Sunspot Groups in the Years 1955-1964; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 25, p. 171.

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  9. Kotrč P.: 1976; On the Occurrence of Large Sunspot groups; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 27, p. 265-273.

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  11. Kotrč P.: 1976; Sequences of Large Sunspot Groups; Basic Mechanisms of Solar Activity, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 71 held in Prague (Czech Republic), 25-29 August 1975, p. 199, Bumba V. and Kleczek J. (Eds.).

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  13. Kopecký M., Kotrč P.: 1976; Some Regularities of the Occurrence of Large Sunspot Groups; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, Veda, p. 243-247.

  14. Farnik F., Kotrč P., Křivský L., Valníček B.: 1976; Development of the Proton Flare and the Associated Hard X-Ray Emission of November 5, 1970; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, Veda, p. 131-138.

  15. Kotrč P.: 1978; Změny strukturální a sporadické složky frekvence velkých skupin slunečních skvrn v cyklu 19; Zborník referátov zo seminára slnečná aktivita, Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň Hurbanovo, p. 184-201.

  16. Ermaková L. V., Kotrč P.: 1979; Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetic Field of a Developing Secondary Region of an Active Complex; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 30, p. 334-338.

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  18. Kotrč P.: 1980; K problemu delkoveho rozlozeni a variaci slunecni aktivity; Zbornik referatov z 5. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 76-80.

  19. Kotrč P.: 1981; Changes in the Frequency of Occurrence of Different Types of Active Regions; Phys. Solariterr., Postdam, p.118-122.

  20. Kotrč P.: 1981; The Manifestations of Structural Cycles During the Primary Indices of Solar Activity; Phys. Solariterr., Postdam, p.123-127.

  21. Karlický M., Kotrč P., Urbarz H.: 1982; On the Relationship Between the Chromospheric Flares and Type I Noise Storm; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 33, p. 331-338.

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  23. Kotrč P.: 1982; Rozdelovaci funkce prumernych sirek slunecnich skvrn; Zbornik referatov zo 6. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 43-54.

  24. Heinzel P., Kotrč P., Sobotka M., Zloch F., Scerbakova Z. A.: 1985; Studium infracervene emise slunecnich protuberanci v care HeI 1083.0 nm; Zbornik referatov zo 7. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 163-167.

  25. Ruzdjak V., Vrsnak B., Kotrč P., Mercier C., Schober H. J., Schroll A., Urpo S., Zlobec P.: 1984; The Flares of May 14 and 16, 1981, August 19, 1981, October 14, 1983 and the Associated Radio Events; Hvar Obs. Bull., Vol. 1, p. 25-49.

  26. Kotrč P.: 1985; Zakladni redukce fotografickych slunecnich spekter; Zbornik referatov zo 7. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 157-161.

  27. Kotrč P., Suda J.: 1985; Observations of an Active Region With Successive Flares; Hvar Obs. Bull., Vol. 1, p. 1-23.

  28. Kotrč P.: 1986; Book-Review (Harvey J. W., Stenflo J. O., Hudson H. S., Noyes R. W.) - Solar - Space Observations and Stellar Prospects; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 37, p. 252.

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  30. Heinzel P., Kotrč P., Sobotka M., Zloch F.: 1986; Infrared Observations of Quiescent Prominences; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol. 15, p. 171-174.

  31. Kotrč P., Suda J.: 1986; Some Notes to an Active Region With Large Flares; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol. 15, p. 673-675.

  32. Firstová N. M., Kotrč P.: 1987; A Search for a Plasma Turbulence in the Flare of September 15, 1981, 00:09 UT; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 38, p. 257-261.

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  34. Sobotka M., Kotrč P.: 1987; Instrumental Profile of the HSFA-Type Spectrograph in the Near Infrared; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 38, p. 272-275.

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  36. Kotrč P.: 1988; Problematika redukce slunecnich spekter; Zbornik referatov z 8. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Stara Lesna 1986, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 135-151.

  37. Kotrč P., Suda J.: 1988; Chromospheric and Photospheric Connections of Flares in the Sunspot Group McMath 16051 of June 1979; Proceedings of the International Workshop held in Irkutsk (USSR), 17-24 June, 1985, Stepanov V. E., Obridko V. N. and Smolkov G. Ya. (Eds.).

  38. Ishkov V. N., Kotrč P., Kulčar L.: 1988; Complexes of Active Regions: Evolution, Connections With Solar Flares and Distribution in the 20 an 21 Cycles of Solar Activity; Proceedings of the International Workshop held in Irkutsk (USSR), 17-24 June, 1985, Stepanov V. E., Obridko V. N. and Smolkov G. Ya. (Eds.).

  39. Kotrč P., Heinzel P.: 1990; Analysis of HeI 10830A Line in a Quiescent Prominence; Dynamics of Quiescent Prominences. Proceedings of I.A.U. Colloquium 117, held in Hvar (Croatia), September 25-29, 1989, p. 285, Ruzdjak V. and Tandberg-Hanssen E. (Eds.).

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  41. Firstová N. M., Heinzel P., Kotrč P.: 1990; On the Presence of High-Frequency Turbulent Electric Fields in the August 7, 1960 flare; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, Vol. 41, p. 88-96.

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  43. Golovko A. A., Kotrč P.: 1992; On Some Peculiarities in the Evolution of the McMath 16051 Flare Active Region on 2-7 June, 1979; Solar Physics, Vol. 142, p. 67-86.

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  45. Kotrč P., Heinzel, P. and Knizek M: 1993; New Possibilities of the Ondrejov Flare Spectrograph; Joint Organization for Solar Observations, Annual Report 1992, Freiburg, p. 114-117, Alvensleben A. V. (Eds.).

  46. Buyukliev G., Dermendjiev V. N., Kotrč P., Mouradian Z.: 1993; Spectroscopic Analysis of Quiescent and Activated Prominences; Colloquium IAU 144, Solar Coronal Structures, Tatranská Lomnica, Program and Abstracts, 75.

  47. Kotrč P., Heinzel P.: 1993; Spectral Analysis of the 26 June 1992 Flare Loops; Second SOHO Workshop, Mass Supply and Flow in the Solar Corona, Elba, Italy, Program and Abstracts.

  48. Kotrč P.: 1994; Book-Review (Phillips K. J. H.) - Guide to the Sun; Solar Physics, Vol. 146, p. 409.

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  50. Kotrč P., Zicha J.: 1994; A Universal Microphotometer with a Rotating Slit: Brief Description and Use in Astronomical Tasks; Astronomy from wide-field imaging: proceedings of the 161st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Postdam (Germany), August 23-27, 1993, p. 185, MacGillivray H. T., Thomson E. B., Lasker B. M., Reid I. N., Malin D. F., West R. M. and Lorenz H. (Eds.).

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  52. Kotrč P., Knížek M., Sýkora J.: 1994; A Universal Microphotometer and Solar Corona Polarimetry; Astronomy from wide-field imaging: proceedings of the 161st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Postdam (Germany), August 23-27, 1993, p. 188, MacGillivray H. T., Thomson E. B., Lasker B. M., Reid I. N., Malin D. F., West R. M. and Lorenz H. (Eds.).

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  54. Kotrč P.: 1994; Intensity Calibration in the Presence of a Disturbing Effect Dependent on Wavelength; Astronomy from wide-field imaging: proceedings of the 161st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Postdam (Germany), August 23-27, 1993, p. 314, MacGillivray H. T., Thomson E. B., Lasker B. M., Reid I. N., Malin D. F., West R. M. and Lorenz H. (Eds.).

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  56. Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Kononovich E. V., Gorshkov A. V., Kupryakov Yu. A., Smirnova O. B.: 1994; Spectral Analysis of a Quiescent Filament; Solar coronal structures. Proceedings of the 144th colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Tatranska Lomnica (Slovakia), September 20-14, 1993, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Skalnate Pleso Observatory, p. 361, Rusin V., Heinzel P. and Vial J.-C. (Eds.).

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  58. Kononovich E. V., Smirnova O. B., Heinzel P., Kotrč P.: 1994; Contrast of Filament Bright Rims; Solar coronal structures. Proceedings of the 144th colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Tatranska Lomnica (Slovakia), September 20-14, 1993, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Skalnate Pleso Observatory, p. 365, Rusin V., Heinzel P. and Vial J.-C. (Eds.).

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  60. Kotrč P.: 1994; The Solar Flare Observation Technique; Joint Organization for Solar Observations, Annual Report 1993, Freiburg, p. 66, Alvensleben A. V. (Eds.).

  61. Heinzel P., Karlický M., Kotrč P., Švestka Z.: 1994 On the Occurrence of Blue Asymmetry in Chromospheric Flare Spectra; Solar Physics, Vol. 152, p. 393-408.

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  63. Heinzel P., Kotrč P., Schmieder B., Hiei E., Anwar B.: 1994; Coordinated Optical and YOHKOH Observations of 26 June 1992 Flare Loops ; Space Science Reviews, Vol. 70, p. 181.

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  65. Rudawy P., Rompolt B., Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Knížek M.: 1994; Solar Magnetic Fields; Proceedings of the international conference held in Freiburg (Germany), June 29 - July 2, 1993, p. 372-373, Schussler M. and Schmidt W. (Eds.).

  66. Schmieder B., Heinzel P., Wiik J. E., Lemen J., Anwar B., Kotrč P. , Hiei E.: 1995; Relation Between Cool and Hot Post-Flare Loops of 26 June 1992 Derived From Optical and X-ray (SXT-Yohkoh) Observations; Solar Physics, Vol. 156, p. 337-361.

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  68. Heinzel P., Kotrč P., Mouradian Z., Buyukliev G. T.: 1995; On the Nature of Bright Rims of Filaments; Solar Physics, Vol. 160, p. 19-28.

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  70. Heinzel P., Kotrč P., Karlický M., Nejezchleba T., Knížek M.: 1995; Chromospheric and Transition-Region Heating Phenomena: Coordinated GBO and SOHO Observations; Proceedings of the Third SOHO Workshop - "Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", SP-373, p. 369-374, Domingo V. (Eds.).

  71. Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Karlický M., Knížek M., Jiřička K.: 1995; Optical and Radio Diagnostics of Rapid fluctuations in Solar Flares; Joint Organization for Solar Observations, Annual Report 1994, Freiburg, p. 196, Saniga M. (Eds.).

  72. Kononovich E. V., Gorshkov A. B., Smirnova O. B., Kotrč P., Vial J.-C.: 1996; Two-dimensional Model of Rotating Solar Prominence I. Observations and Preliminary Approach; Solar drivers of the interplanetary and terrestrial disturbances, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Proceedings of the 16th international workshop National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico (USA), 16-20 October, 1995, Vol. 95, p. 251, Balasubramaniam K. S., Keil S. L. and Smartt R. N. (Eds.).

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  74. Sýkora J., Ambrož P., Kotrč P., Minarovjech M., Pintér T., Rybák J., Rybanský M.: 1996; The Results of the 1994 and 1995 Eclipse Observations; Romanian Astronomical Journal 6, A Special Supplement as NATO Advanced Research Study Workshop Proceedings, p. 21-24, Maris G. (Eds.).

  75. Sýkora, J., Minarovjech, M., Rybák, J., Rybanský, M., Pintér, T., Ambrož, P., Knížek, M., Kotrč, P. : 1998, Jasnosť a štruktúry slnečnej koróny v rokoch 1994-1995. In: 13. Celoštátny slnečný seminár, Upohlav 1996. (Ed.: Lukáč, B. - Pintér, T.). Hurbanovo, Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň 1998. p. 81-87.

  76. Kotrč P., Schmieder B., Heinzel P., Karlický M.: 1996; Observations and Analysis of Surges in Chromosphere and Lower Corona; Romanian Astronomical Journal 6, In: Theoretical and observational problems related to solar eclipses. A Special Supplement as NATO Advanced Research Study Workshop Proceedings, p. 69-76, Maris G. (Eds.).

  77. Kotrč P.: 1996; Solar Flare Observational Technique in Optical Region; JOSO Annual Meeting, Annual Report 1995, p. 63-65.

  78. Kotrč P., Schmieder B., Karlický M., Heinzel P.: 1997; Optical and Radio Spectral Analysis of a Recurrent Surge; Solar Physics, Vol. 172, p. 199-206.

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  80. Kotrč P.: 1997; Video Cameras in the Ondřejov Flare Spectrograph - Results and Prospects; Hvar Obs. Bull., Vol. 21, p. 97-108.

  81. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 1997; H-alpha Line - Profile Components in a Developing Sunspot Group; JOSO Annual Meeting, Annual Report 1996, p. 66-67.

  82. Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Vial J.-C., Rompolt B.: 1998; Height Variations of Prominence Plasma Parameters; XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics: Conference Proceedings, p. 208, Rompolt B., Jakimiec J. and Heinzel P. (Eds.).

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  84. Kotrč P.: 1998; On measurements of electric fields in solar limb events; XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics: Conference Proceedings, p. 212, Rompolt B., Jakimiec J. and Heinzel P. (Eds.).

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  86. Kononovich E. V., Gorshkov A. B., Smirnova O. B., Kotrč P.: 1998; NLTE Model of a Quiescent Filament; New Perspectives on Solar Prominences, proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois (France), 28 April-4 May, 1997, Vol. 150, p. 190, Webb D. F., Schmieder B. and Rust D. M. (Eds.).

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  88. Karlický M., Kotrč P., Šimberová S., Knížek M., Varady M.: 1998; Magnetic Field Reconnection in the H-alpha Eruptive Prominence on September 18, 1995; New Perspectives on Solar Prominences, proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois (France), 28 April-4 May, 1997, Vol. 150, p. 310, Webb D. F., Schmieder B. and Rust D. M. (Eds.).

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  90. Madjarska M. S., Dermendjiev V. N., Mouradian Z., Kotrč P.: 1998; Behaviour of H-alpha and CAII H Emission Lines in a Prominence Before and During its Dynamic "Disparition Brusque"; New Perspectives on Solar Prominences, proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois (France), 28 April-4 May, 1997, Vol. 150, p. 326, Webb D. F., Schmieder B. and Rust D. M. (Eds.).

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  92. Kašparová J., Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Nikulin. I. F., Rudawy P: 1998; New Evidence of Chromospheric Evaporation; New Perspectives on Solar Prominences, proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois (France), 28 April-4 May, 1997, Vol. 150, p. 397, Webb D. F., Schmieder B. and Rust D. M. (Eds.).

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  94. Kotrč P., Karlický M., Šimberová S., Knížek M., Varady M.: 1998; Evidence of Magnetic Field Reconnection in the H-alpha Eruptive Prominence on 18 September, 1995; Solar Physics, Vol. 182, p. 393-409.

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  96. Ambrož P., Kotrč P.: 1998; Annual Report of the Czech Republic to JOSO; JOSO Annual Meeting, Annual Report 1997, p. 22-24.

  97. Bělík, M. - Marková, E., Sýkora, T., Kotrč, P. : 1998; První výsledky z pozorování úplného zatmění Slunce 9.3. 1997 na Sibiři. ; Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí. (Ed.: Marková, E.). Úpice, Hvězdárna v Úpici 1998. p. 50-55.

  98. Bělík, M. - Marková, E., Rušin, V., Kotrč, P. : 1998; White-light coronal structures during 1988-1998 eclipses. : In: Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting. Noordwijk, European Space Agency 1998. p. 3.

  99. Kotrč P. and Kupryakov Yu. A.: 1998; Velocities and Structures Derived from Spectra and Images of Limb Events; JOSO Annual Meeting, Annual Report 1997, p. 151-152.

  100. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 1998; On the Velocity Field and Direction of H-alpha Polarization in the May 29, 1998 Limb Flare; In: JENAM 98 abstracts. (Ed.: Zahn, J.-P., Palouš, J., Grygar, J.). Noordwijk, European Space Agency 1998. p. 47.

  101. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 1998; Spektrální pozorování aktivních procesů s využitím CCD kamer; Zbornik referatov z 14. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Stara Lesna 1998, Slovenska ustredna hvezdaren Hurbanovo, p. 244-250, Lukac B. (Ed.).

  102. Schmieder B., Malherbe J. M., Mein P., Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Kucera T., Poland A., Andretta V., Ceppatelli G.: 1999; Prominence Hydrogen Densities as derived from SOHO/CDS Spectra and Ground-based H-alpha; Observations; Ninth European Meeting on Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, Ninth Meeting of the Solar Physics Section of the Joint Astrophysics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) and of the European Astronomical Society (EAS), Florence (Italy), 12-18 September, 1999, SP-448, Wilson A. (Eds.).

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  104. Kašparová J., Kotrč P.: 1999; A Search for Temporal Variations in the H-alpha; Flare Radiation; Ninth European Meeting on Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, Ninth Meeting of the Solar Physics Section of the Joint Astrophysics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) and of the European Astronomical Society (EAS), Florence (Italy), 12-18 September, 1999, SP-448, Wilson A. (Ed.).

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  106. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 1999; Physical characteristics of the 23 September 1998 solar flare; Ninth European Meeting on Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, Ninth Meeting of the Solar Physics Section of the Joint Astrophysics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) and of the European Astronomical Society (EAS), Florence (Italy), 12-18 September, 1999, SP-448, Wilson A. (Eds.).

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  108. Schmieder B., Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Kucera T. and Andretta V.: 1999; Diagnostics Constrains on Prominence Parameters from SOHO and Ground Based Observations; ESA SP-448, Wilson A. (Eds.), p. 439-444.

  109. Kotrč P., Karlický M., Kupryakov Yu. A., Kaltman T. I., Kašparová J. and Rompolt B.: 1999; Physical characteristics of the 23 September 1998 solar flare; ESA SP-448, Wilson A. (Eds.), p. 841-845.

  110. Kotrč P.: 1999; Dynamical Parameters of Limb Phenomena as Derived from MFS Data; Motions in the Solar Atmosphere, Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop held at the Solar Observatory Kanzelhohe, Karnten, Austria, September 1-12, 1997, Vol. 239, p. 235-238, Hanslmeier H. and Messerotti M. (Eds.).

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  112. Kotrč P., Korčáková D., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 1999; Motions and Structures in an Active Prominence on September 18, 1995; Motions in the Solar Atmosphere, Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop held at the Solar Observatory Kanzelhohe, Karnten, Austria, September 1-12, 1997, Vol. 239, p. 239-242, Hanslmeier A. and Messerotti M. (Eds.).

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  114. Marková E., Bělík M., Rušin V., Kotrč P.: 1999; Structure and Shape of the White-Light Corona During March 9, 1997 and February 26, 1998 Eclipses; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol. 28, p. 210-215, Abstracts of the JENAM'98.

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  116. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 1999; Panoramatic Photometry for the 1999 Solar Eclipse; Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol. 28, p. 272-278, Abstracts of the JENAM'98.

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  118. Ambrož P., Kotrč P.: 1999; Annual Report for the Czech Republic; JOSO Annual Report '98, p. 20.

  119. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 1999; Comparative Analysis of Magnetograms and Spectrograms of the NOAA Active Region (August 26, 1997) in H-alpha and CaII 8542 Angstrems Lines ; JOSO Annual Report '98, p. 83-84.

  120. Kotrč P.: 1999; High Temporal resolution measurements of Linear Polarization in Solar Flares ; JOSO Annual Report '98, p. 172-173.

  121. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 1999; Jsou ve slunecni korone cary CaII ?; Sbornik referatu ze seminare Clovek ve svem pozemskem a kosmickem prostredi, Upice 1999, p. 231-236.

  122. Heinzel P., Karlický M., Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2000; Chromospheric Response to a Short-Duration Beam Heating: Observing Programme and Numerical Simulations; High Energy Solar Physics Workshop - Anticipating HESSI, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 206, p. 289-292, Ramaty R. and Mandzhavidze N. (Eds.).

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  124. Plunkett S. P., Vourlidas A., Šimberová S., Karlický M., Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Kupryakov Yu.A., Guo W.P., Wu S.T.: 2000; Simultaneous SOHO and Ground-Based Observations of a Large Eruptive Prominence and Coronal Mass Ejection; Solar Physics, Vol. 194, p. 371-391.

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  126. Ambrož P., Kotrč P.: 2000; Annual Report for the Czech Republic; JOSO Annual Report '99, (edited by A. Antalová and A. Kučera), Vol. 29, p. 31-34.

  127. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 2000; Charakter pohybu a rychlosti v eruptivni protuberanci a v poerupcnich smyckach; Zbornik referatov z 15. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Patince 2000, p. 121 - 126.

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  129. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P.: 2000; Metodika mereni linearni polarizace v ondrejovskem mnohokamerovem spektrografu; Zbornik referatov z 15. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Patince 2000, p. 241 - 245.

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  131. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2000; Mereni rychlych variaci ve viditelnem zareni slunecnich erupci; Zbornik referatov z 15. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Patince 2000, p. 112 - 115.

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  133. Kotrč P.: 2000; Polarizace v zareni slunecnich erupci; Zbornik referatov z 15. celostatneho slnecneho seminara, Patince 2000, p. 105 - 109.

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  135. Karlický M., Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu.A.: 2001; Axially Symmetric Velocities in the May 15, 2000 Eruptive Prominence ; Solar Physics, Vol. 199, p. 145-155.

  136. Kotrč P.: 2000; On Measurements of Rapid Variations in Solar Flare Optical Radiation; Proc. 1st Solar & Space Weather Euroconference, "The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate", Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, 25 / 29 September 2000 (ESA SP-463), Wilson A. (Ed.), p. 349-352.

  137. Heinzel P., Schmieder B., Vial J.-C., Kotrč P.: 2000; SOHO/SUMER Observations and Analysis of the Hydrogen Lyman Spectrum in Solar Prominences ; Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 370, p. 281-298.

  138. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A, Jurčák J: 2001; Burst Phenomena in Solar Flares; Proc. 2nd Solar & Space Weather Euroconference, "The Solar Cycle and Space Weather", Vico Equense, Italy, 24 / 29 September 2001 (ESA SP-447), Huguette Sawaya-Lacoste (Ed.), p. 139-142.

  139. Marková E., Kotrč P., Křivský L., Bělík M., Dušek J. Urban J.: 2001; Total Solar Eclipse 2001 - Angola; Proc. 2nd Solar & Space Weather Euroconference, "The Solar Cycle and Space Weather", Vico Equense, Italy, 24 / 29 September 2001 (ESA SP-447), Huguette Sawaya-Lacoste (Ed.), p. 245-248.

  140. Klvaňa M., Sobotka M., Kotrč P., Knížek M., Heinzel P.: 2001; Reconstruction of the HSFA telescopes ; Astronomishe Nachrichten, Vol. 322, p. 371-374.

  141. Čech J., Kotrč P., Křivský L., Klimeš J.: 2001; Sluneční činnost jako důsledek vzniku sluneční soustavy; Sborník referátů ze semináře Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí, Úpice 2001, p. 10-14.

  142. Kupryakov Yu. A., Kotrč P., Havlíčková E.: 2001; Metodika vyhledávání rychlých změn jasu chromosféry v čáře H-alfa; Sborník referátů ze semináře Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí, Úpice 2001, p. 19-24.

  143. Kotrč P.: 2002; Measurement of linear polarization in H-alpha line in solar flares ; Astronomishe Nachrichten, Vol. 324, p. 324 - 326.

  144. Kotrč P. , Kupryakov, Yu. A., Havlíčková E., Chambe, G., and Malherbe, J.-M.: 2002; Photometry of rapidly evolving chromospheric bright points in NOAA 9661 as observed by THEMIS and the Ondřejov Multichannel Flare Spectrograph ; in Proc. 10th. European Solar Physics Meeting, 'Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers', Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002, ESA SP-506, A. Wilson (ed.) December 2002, p. 669-672.

  145. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2002; A Maltese cross-shaped flare of June 15, 2001 ; in Proc. 10th. European Solar Physics Meeting, 'Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers', Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002, ESA SP-506, A. Wilson (ed.) December 2002, p. 673-676.

  146. Kotrč P.: 2002; On linear polarization of the white solar corona during the total solar eclipse on June 21, 2001 ; in Proc. 10th. European Solar Physics Meeting, 'Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers', Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002, ESA SP-506, A. Wilson (ed.) December 2002, p. 943-946.

  147. Kotrč P., Firstova, N. M., Kashapova, L. K. and Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2002; Measurement and processing of linear polarization in solar flares - a comparison of two methods} ; in Proc. 10th. European Solar Physics Meeting, 'Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers', Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002, ESA SP-506, A. Wilson (ed.) December 2002, p. 947-950.

  148. Kotrč P.: 2002; Why still use medium-size solar telescopes in the era of THEMIS? ; Proceedings of the THEMIS Workshop, April 17 - 19, 2002, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse - France, J. Arnaud and N. Meunier (Eds), p. 229-232.

  149. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2002; Impaktní polarizace v záření slunečních erupcí; Zborník referátov z 16. celoštátného slnečného seminára, Turčianske Teplice 2002, p. 100.

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  151. J. Jurčák, Kotrč P.: 2002; Rozšíření spektrální čáry H-alfa v erupcích na slunečním limbu; Zborník referátov z 16. celoštátného slnečného seminára, Turčianske Teplice 2002, p. 106-111.

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  153. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2002; Spektrální a spektropolarimetrická měření čáry H-alfa v erupci 15. 6. 2001; Zborník referátov z 16. celoštátného slnečného seminára, Turčianske Teplice 2002, p. 112-114.

  154. more information

  155. Ambrož P., Kotrč P.: 2002; Annual Report for the Czech Republic 2000-2001; JOSO Annual Report Vol. 30/31, p. 50-55.

  156. Karlický M., Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2003; The October 1, 2001 eruptive prominence: observed and modelled structures; Solar Physics, Vol. 211, p. 231-240.

  157. Kotrč P.: 2003; On the H-alpha line spectral observations of solar flares; Hvar Obs. Bull., Vol. 27, p. 179-188.

  158. Kschioneck K., Kotrč P.: 2003; Modernization of the HSFA spectrograph; Sborník referátů ze semináře Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí, Úpice 2003, p. 126-134.

  159. Kuprjakov J. A., Kotrč P.: 2003; Výtrysk chladné hmoty 26. 4. 2003; Sborník referátů ze semináře Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí, Úpice 2003, p. 119-125.

  160. Kotrč P., Kschioneck K.: 2003; From Czerny-Turner to a Multichannel Spectrograph, from Photografic to CCD Detectors; in Proc. of the International Solar Cycle Studies 2003 Symposium: "SOLAR VARIABILITY AS AN INPUT TO THE EARTH`S ENVIRONMENT", held June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic, ESA SP-535, A. Wilson (ed.), p. 717-722.

  161. Kotrč P.: 2003; Problems of Measurement od Linear Polarization in Solar Flares; in Proc. of the International Solar Cycle Studies 2003 Symposium: "SOLAR VARIABILITY AS AN INPUT TO THE EARTH`S ENVIRONMENT", held June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic, ESA SP-535, A. Wilson (ed.) p. 711-716.

  162. Kotrč P., Heinzel P., Tziotziou K. and Tsiropoula G.: 2004; Parameters of Dark Mottles Based on High Resolution Optical Spectra; Proceedings IAU, 223 Symposium Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity, Cambridge University Press, Eds. A.V. Stepanov, E.B. Benevolenskaja and A.B. Kosovichev, p. 275-276.

  163. Kotrč P., Kashapova L. K. and Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2004; On the presence of linear polarization in the flare on 26 June, 1999; Proceedings IAU, 223 Symposium Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity, Cambridge University Press, Eds. A.V. Stepanov, E.B. Benevolenskaja and A.B. Kosovichev, p. 463-464.

  164. Kotrč P., Schwartz P., Heinzel P., Tsiropoula G. and Tziotziou, K.: 2005; Diagnostics of Dark Chromospheric Mottles Based on High Resolution Spectra I - Observational Data; Hvar Obs. Bull., Vol. 29, p. 289-298.

  165. Tsiropoula G., Tziotziou, K., Schwartz P., Kotrč P. and Heinzel P.: 2005; Physical Parameters of Dark Mottles Derived from High Resolution Optical Spectra; in ESA SP-600: The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations, ed. D.Danesy, S.Poedts, A.DeGroof, and J.Andries, (ESA Publication Division), published on CDROM.

  166. Kashapova L. K., Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A. and Kašparová J.: 2005; An Effect of Particle Beams on Correlation Between Balmer Series Lines; in ESA SP-600: The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations, ed. D.Danesy, S.Poedts, A.DeGroof, and J.Andries, (ESA Publication Division), published on CDROM.

  167. Havlíčková E. and Kotrč P.: 2005; Spectra and Models of Prominence Mass Motion; Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., Vol. 30, p. 43-53.

  168. Prosecký T., Kotrč P. and Berlicki A: 2005; On Line Profile Asymmetries in Solar Flare; Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., Vol. 30, p. 31-41.

  169. Kotrč P., L.K. Kashapova: 2006 On Possible Manifestation of Non-Thermal Electrons in the Halpha/Hbeta Line Profile Ratio in the June 26, 1999 Flare ; Presented at the Joint Discussion JD01 during the GA IAU in Prague, August 14 - 24, 2006.

  170. L.K. Kashapova, V.V. Zharkova, S.N. Chornogor, P. Kotrč: 2006 Signatures of High Energy Particle Beams in the Chromospheric Events Before the 25 July 2004 Flare Onset ; Presented at the Joint Discussion JD01 during the GA IAU in Prague, August 14 - 24, 2006.

  171. Kotrč P., Kupryakov Yu. A., J. Leško: 2006; Modernizovaný optický spektrograf v Ondřejově - popis, data, zkušenosti, výhledy.; Zborník referátov z 18. celoštátného slnečného seminára, Modra, červen 2006, editor I. Dorotovič, SÚH Hurbanovo, publikováno na CD příspěvek č. 31.

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  173. Kotrč P.: 2006; Chromosférické odezvy dopadu svazků urychlených částic.; Zborník referátov z 18. celoštátného slnečného seminára, Modra, červen 2006, editor I. Dorotovič, SÚH Hurbanovo, publikováno na CD, příspěvek č. 13.

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  175. Kotrč P., Kashapova L. K. and Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2006; Characteristics of a non-thermal electron effect in the H-alpha/H-beta line-profile ratio in the June 26, 1999 flare.; US-SK Workshop on Solar Flares and Initialisation of CMEs. Tatranská Lomnica, Sept. 13-15, 2006. Published on CD, J. Rybák ed.

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  177. Kotrč P. and Kashapova L. K.: 2007; On the thermal and non-thermal excitation effects as studied in the H-alpha, H-beta and CaII 8542 A line profiles in a solar flare.; Workshop "Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science", Goettingen, Sept. 27 - 26, 2006. Proceedings issued by Universitaetsverlag Goettingen 2007, F. Kneer, K. G. Pushmann and A. D. Witmann (eds.), pp. 277-280.

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  179. Kotrč P.: 2007; Possibilities and results of the modernized solar optical spectrograph at Ondřejov.; Workshop "Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science", Goettingen, Sept. 27 - 26, 2006. Proceedings issued by Universitaetsverlag Goettingen 2007, F. Kneer, K. G. Pushmann and A. D. Witmann (eds.)

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  181. Kashapova L. K., Kotrč P. and Kupryakov Yu. A.: 2007; Diagnostics of accelerated particle beams by spectral observations in Balmer series lines; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting on the Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 368, pp.431-436, P. Heinzel, I. Dorotovič and R. J. Rutten (eds.)

  182. more information

  183. Kotrč P.: 2007; The modernized solar optical spectrograph at Ondřejov.; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting on the Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 368, pp. 559-568, P. Heinzel, I. Dorotovič and R. J. Rutten (eds.)

  184. more information

  185. Kotrč P., Kononovich E. V. and Kuprjakov Yu. A.: 2007; The Solar Spectral Observations at the Ondřejov Observatory with the Moscow State University Cooperation.; Astronomical And Astrophysical Transactions, 2007, Taylor & Francis Publishing Group, London, Great Britain. 26:4 pp. 267 - 273.

  186. Kotrč P., Fárník F., Heinzel P., Karlický M., Dzifčáková E., Kulinová A., Tóthová D. a Dudík J.: 2006; Diagnostika netermálních elektronů v plazmě slunečních erupcí. Příspěvek na konferenci INOVACE 2006, Asociace inovačního podnikání ČR, Praha, 7.- 11. prosinec, 2006;

  187. Kotrč P.: 2007; Triannual Report to JOSO for 2004-2006 - Czech Republic; JOSO Annual Reports.

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  189. Kotrč P., Fárník F., Heinzel P., Karlický M., Dzifčáková E., Kulinová A., a Dudík J.: 2007; Diagnostika netermálních elektronů v plazmě slunečních erupcí. Příspěvek na konferenci INOVACE 2007, Asociace inovačního podnikání ČR, Praha, 4.- 7. prosinec, 2007;

  190. Tziotziou, K., Kontogiannis, I., Tsiropoula, G. and Kotrč P.: 2008; Study of H-alpha Spicule Profiles with the Line Inversion Techniques., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.42

  191. Kashapova, L.K., Kotrč P. and Meshalkina, N.S.: 2008; On Fast Chromospheric Responses to Microwave Subsecond Bursts., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.47

  192. Kotrč P., Kashapova, L.K. and Kuprjakov, Yu. A.: 2008; On Dynamics of H-alpha/H-beta Line Ratio and Non-thermal Particle Effects in Solar Flares., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.61

  193. Kotrč P., Kashapova, L.K., Frolova, A. S. and Kuprjakov, Yu. A.: 2008; On Energy Transport Scenarios in the 17th May 2002 Near-limb Flare., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.62

  194. Prosecký, T., Kotrč P. and Kashapova, L.K.: 2008; On the Total Emissivity in Chromospheric Lines in the 17th May 2002 Flare., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.63

  195. Jejčić, S., Heinzel, P., Kotrč P. and Druckmuller, M.: 2008; Eclipse Observations of Quiescent Prominences., 12th European Solar Physics Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, held September, 8-12, 2008. Online at, p.2.66

  196. Heinzel, P., Schmieder, B., Fárník, F., Schwartz, P., Labrosse, N., Kotrč P., Anzer, U., Molodij, G., DeLuca, E. E., Golub, L., Watanabe, T. and Berger, T.: 2008; Hinode, TRACE, SOHO, and Ground-based Observations of a Quiescent Prominence.,The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 686, Issue 2, pp. 1383-1396

  197. Kashapova, L.K., Kotrč P. and Kuprjakov, Yu. A.: 2008; Non-thermal particle effects on the H alpha and H beta line profiles in the 18 August 2002 solar flare. , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 26 Issue: 10 pp. 2975-2982.

  198. Kotrč P.: 2009; The Modernized Horizontal Spectrograph at the Ondřejov Observatory., Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., vol. 33, pp. 327-336.

  199. Kotrč P., Kashapova, L.K., Frolova, A. S. and Kupryakov, Yu. A.: 2009; A Possible Scenario of Energy Transport in the 17th May 2002 Flare., Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., vol. 33, pp. 207-215.

  200. Milić, I., Dejanić, S. and Kotrč P.: 2009; On Estimation of the Optical Thickness of Solar Prominences., Publications Astron. Obs. Belgrade Vol. 86, pp. 283-286.

  201. Racković, K., Nikolić, S. and Kotrč P.: 2009; Improving Algorithm for Automatic Spectra Processing., Publications Astron. Obs. Belgrade Vol. 86, pp. 293-296.

  202. Kotrč P.: 2009; Solar Optical Spectroscopy in the Ondřejov Observatory., Publications Astron. Obs. Belgrade Vol. 86, pp. 27-38.

  203. Kotrč, P., Kashapova, L. K. and Kupryakov, Yu. A.: 2010; On detection of Balmer-series lines response to accelerated particles in solar flares.; 3rd Hinode Science Meeting, ASP Conference Series, Vol. xxx, pp. yyy-zzz, submitted, T. Sekii, T. Watanabe and T. Sakurai (eds.)

  204. more information

  205. Schwartz, P., Heinzel, P., Fárník, F., Kotrč, P. and Anzer, U.: 2010; Mass of solar prominences estimated from multi-wavelength data.; 3rd Hinode Science Meeting, ASP Conference Series, Vol. xxx, pp. yyy-zzz, submitted, T. Sekii, T. Watanabe and T. Sakurai (eds.)

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  207. Kashapova, L.K., Kotrč P., Frolova, A. S. and Meshalkina, N. S.: 2010; A fast and slow chromospheric response of H-alpha and H-beta lines to effects of accelerated particles in the 26th April 2003 solar flare., Proceedings of the IHY-ISWI Regional Meeting, Heliophysical phenomena and Earth´s atmosphere, submitted.

  208. Kupryakov, Yu. A., Kotrč P. and Kashapova, L.K.: 2010; Catalogue of solar flare spectra observed at Ondrejov in 1998 - 2007., Proceedings of the IHY-ISWI Regional Meeting, Heliophysical phenomena and Earth´s atmosphere, IHY-ISWI Regional Meeting Heliophysical phenomena and Earth's environment 7-13 September 2009, Sibenik, Croatia, SUN and GEOSPHERE, 2010;5(2):63-73 more information

  209. Kotrč, P.: 2010; Five HSFA telescopes and spectrographs - family silver or Greek gift?., Proceedings of the 20th National Solar Physics Meeting, held 31 May - 4 June, 2010 in Papradno, Slovakia, p. 190.

  210. Bárta, M., Buechner, J., Karlický, M. and Kotrč P.: 2011; Spontaneous Current-layer Fragmentation and Cascading Reconnection in Solar Flares. II. Relation to Observations.. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730, Issue 1, article id. 47 (2011).

  211. Kashapova, L. K., Kotrč P. and Kupryakov, Yu. A.: 2011; On chromosperic response at the pre-CME phase of the 18 March 2003 solar flare., Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., vol. 35, pp. 125-134.

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