ASU gravity field solutions to degree 60/75: covariance matrices ================================================================ For our long-term static geopotential solutions ASU-GA-0309, ASU-GB-0309, ASU-CH-0309 we provide full covariance matrices (CM) of the estimated harmonic parameters up to degree/order 60 or 75. In our yearly and long-term solutions we estimated harmonic coefficients starting with degree-two terms. Only the lower triangular part of the CM is stored in the files. On each line there are row, column and value of the CM. The order in which the estimated harmonic coefficients are related to rows/columns of the CM is the following: C20, C21, S21, C22, S22, C30, C31, S31, C32, S32, C33, S33, C40, C41, S41, etc.