First summer school on disentangling of spectra

Ondřejov, Czech Republic 15.9.2008 - 19.9.2008


Participants will be accommodated institute guest rooms and in one new pension in Ondřejov.

Approximate price of accommodation in the pension is about 20-25 EUR, accommodation in institute guest rooms is about half of that price. The price in EUR is only approximate, derived from the current exchange rate EUR/CZK. The cheaper option (institute guest rooms - having 2-4 beds) will be offered to those willing to share with other participants. In case you are interested in such accommodation, inform me by an e-mail as soon as possible, and indicate with whom you would like to share the room. If you will not specify, the organizers will determine who will share with.

As an alternative we may book some other accommodation in surrounding villages which do not have frequent bus connection to Ondřejov.
Last update 15.07.2008