PRO readcf_tm,line,init_model,tp,mp,cf,tau,h,prof,dlamax ; ; Reading contribution functions from the database ; ; INPUTS: ; line - line name (string): ; 'La','Lb','Lc','Ld', 'Ha','Hb','Hc', 'Pa','Pb','Ba' for hydrogen ; 'CaK','CaH', '8498','8542','8662' for calcium II ; 'Mgk','Mgh', '2790.8','2797.9','2798.0' for magnesium II ; init_model (string) in the form 'C' defines the folder name ; tp - temperature parameter in the range -0.03 to 0.03 ; mp - column-mass parameter in the range 0.2 to 5 ; dlamax - maximum delta lambda [A] for plotting (optional) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; cf - contribution function, 2D FLOAT array [delta_lambda, height] ; tau - optical depth in the line, 2D FLOAT array [delta_lambda, height] ; h - geometrical height in the model [km] ; prof - synthetic profile of the line, DOUBLE(2,*) [delta_lambda, intensity] ; units [A, erg/cm^2/s/sr/Hz], delta_lambda starts at 0 A ; ; CALLING: READ_MODEL_ID.PRO, READ_PROFILE_ID.PRO, CGLOADCT.PRO ; ; EFFECT: Makes a contour plot from max(cf)/1000 to max(cf) in logarithmic scale, ; together with the line profile (red) and tau=1 contour (blue). ; on_error,1 tp=tp<0.03>(-0.03) mp=mp<5.>0.2 id=49*round((tp+0.03)*1000)+round((mp-0.2)*10) ; model ID ; LINES DATA name=['La','Lb','Lc','Ld','Ha','Hb','Hc','Pa','Pb','Ba', $ 'CaK','CaH','8662','8498','8542','Mgh','Mgk','2790.8','2798.0','2797.9'] elem=['HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD','HYD', $ 'CA','CA','CA','CA','CA','MG','MG','MG','MG','MG'] ll= [15,36,57,77,97,137,165,193,221,249, $ 8,36,64,82,100,26,66,106,138,170] ul= [35,56,76,96,136,164,192,220,248,276, $ 35,63,81,99,123,65,105,137,169,201] w=where(line eq name) if w eq -1 then message,'Unexpected line name encountered' w=w[0] filename ='Contrib_Functions/'+'cf_VAL'+init_model+elem[w]+'/conf'+string(id,format='(I05)')+'.DAT' READ_MODEL_ID,init_model,id,modin,flag if flag eq 0 then message,'Contribution function not found (NaN)' h=reform(modin[0,1:102]) READ_PROFILE_ID,line,init_model,id,prof nlam=ul[w]-ll[w]+1 ; number of wavelengths for line name[w] cf=fltarr(102,nlam) ; contribution function array tau=fltarr(102,nlam) ; optical depth array openr,1,filename ; Skip everything before the line name[w] for l=0,102L*ll[w]-1 do readf,1,tau1,cf1 ; Read the data of line name[w] for j=0,nlam-1 do begin ; loop over lambda for i=0,101 do begin ; loop over depth readf,1,tau1,cf1 tau[i,j]=tau1 cf[i,j]=cf1 endfor endfor close,1 cf=transpose(cf) ; horizontal: lambda, vertical: depth tau=transpose(tau) ; Plotting window,1,xs=800,ys=600 CGLOADCT,3,/reverse if n_params() lt 9 then begin sip=size(prof) dlamax=prof[0,sip[2]-1] endif xran=[0,dlamax] ; exact wavelength range ; Contour levels ; levels=[1.e-15,3.3e-15,6.7e-15,1.e-14,3.3e-14,6.7e-14,1.e-13] cfmin=alog10(max(cf)/1000.) ; logarithmic contour levels cfmax=alog10(max(cf)) ; from max(cf)/1000 to max(cf) levstep=(cfmax-cfmin)/10. levels=cfmin+findgen(11)*levstep ;contour,cf,prof[0,*],h,lev=levels,xra=xran,yra=[0,2500],/xst,/yst, $ contour,alog10(cf>cfmin),prof[0,*],h,lev=levels,xra=xran,yra=[-100,2500],/xst,/yst, $ title='Line '+line+' model '+init_model+'-'+string(id,format='(I04)'), $ xtit='!4Dk!3 ['+string("305B)+']',ytit='Height [km]',charsiz=1.5,/fill loadct,1,/silent contour,tau,prof[0,*],h,lev=[0,1],xra=xran,yra=[-100,2500],xst=5,yst=5,/noerase, $ col=150,charsiz=1.5 ; blue line loadct,3,/silent plot,prof[0,*],prof[1,*],xra=xran,xst=5,yst=5,/noerase,col=150,charsiz=1.5 ; red line END