pro artemis,num,psf,res ; 1. computation and spline-smoothing of the MTF ; 2. construction of the Wiener filter ; 3. restoration ; ; inputs: num = seq.number of the image, ; psf = array containing the corresponding PSF (from persefona) ; outputs: res = array containing the restored image (fltarr(1024,1024)) ; 0ptionally, res can be stored to a file. on_error,2 mtf=float(fft(psf,-1))*1024 ; computation of the MTF mtf=mtf(0:512) a=findgen(513)/(0.124*1024) ; arcsec^-1 scale for plotting ; smoothing with the cubic splines ( from KIS lib.) no1=[0,5,10,15,20,30,40,50,75,100,150,200] ; 1st part of nodes no2=[250,300,400,512] ; 2nd part (default) nel=4 print,'default set of nodes:' print,[no1,no2] goto,exesmoo newsmoo: print,'old 2nd part of nodes:',no2 read,'no. of elements in the new 2nd part = ',nel no2=intarr(nel) read,'new 2nd part of nodes: ',no2 exesmoo: tension=1. ; control of rigidity of splines nodes=[no1,no2] smtf=smspline(mtf,tension,12+nel,nodes) ; visual check of the smoothing window,0 plot,mtf,psym=3,xra=[-10,520],/xst oplot,smtf newdet: print,'do you want a detail? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'n' then goto,endsmoo read,'beginning and end positions: ',i1,i2 i2=i2<512 plot,mtf,psym=1,xra=[i1-5,i2+5],yra=[min(mtf(i1:i2)),max(mtf(i1:i2))],/xst,/yst oplot,smtf oplot,intarr(600) goto,newdet endsmoo: print,'smoothing ok? (y/n) if get_kbrd(1) eq 'n' then goto,newsmoo smtf=smtf/smtf(0) ; renormalization ; definition of the cutoff frequency... mi=min(smtf,pmi) ; looking for minimum print,'minimum value of mtf = ',mi,' at position ',pmi if mi gt 0. then begin print,'The minimum is positive. Shall we define it as the cutoff? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'n' then stop smtf(pmi+1:512)=0. cros0=pmi+1 endif else begin cros0=min(where(smtf le 0)) smtf(cros0:512)=0. endelse cr0=1/(cros0/(0.124*1024)) print,'cutoff position at',cros0,' pixels, i.e.',cr0,' arcsec' ; reading the input image ; !!!! TO BE CHANGED WITH RESPECT TO WHERE THE IMAGES ARE STORED !!!! stra=string('/scratch/sob/') strb=string('imc.') ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ima=fltarr(1315,1035) dcn=strtrim(num,2) if strlen(dcn) eq 3 then str='0'+dcn if strlen(dcn) eq 2 then str='00'+dcn if strlen(dcn) eq 1 then str='000'+dcn print,'Now reading image:' print,strb+str openr,1,stra+strb+str readu,1,ima close,1 ; extracting 1024x1024 ima=ima(291:1314,6:1029) ; apodization... ; subtraction of the mean value mea=mean(ima) ima=ima-mea ; creating and applying an apodization window perc=5. np=rfix(1024*perc/100.) u=fltarr(1024)+1. u(0)=0. for i=1,np do begin u(i)=(1.-cos(!pi*i/np))/2. endfor u(1024-np:1023)=reverse(u(1:np)) ima=ima*(u#u) ;adding the mean ima=ima+mea ; 2-D Fourier transform of the original image fima=fft(ima,-1) ; --------------- creation of the smoothed Moon limb ---------------- psfs=shift(psf,256) mol=fltarr(512) for i=0,511 do mol(i)=total(psfs(0:i)) ; integration of psf = limb mol=[mol,reverse(mol)] fmol=fft(mol,-1) heavis=fltarr(512) ; Heaviside step function heavis(256:511)=1. ; ---------------------- filtering ---------------------------------- ; filter selection window,4,xsize=550,ysize=700 plot,a,smtf,linestyle=5,xra=[-0.2,4.2],yra=[-0.2,6],/xst,/yst newc: wdelete,0,2,3 read,'Wiener filter parameter C= ',c wfilt=(c+1)*smtf/(c*smtf^2+1) wset,4 plot,a,wfilt,xra=[-0.2,4.2],yra=[-0.2,6],/xst,/yst,/noerase fmols=fmol*[wfilt,reverse(wfilt(1:511))] rmol=float(fft(fmols,1)) window,6,xsize=600,ysize=700 plot,heavis,linestyle=1,xra=[206,306],yra=[-0.1,1.1],/xst,/yst oplot,mol,linestyle=1 oplot,rmol print,'change filter? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then goto,newc print,'do you want to stop here? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then begin res=0 stop endif ; --------- transition to a 2-dim Wiener filter --------------- wfi2=fltarr(1024,1024) f1=fltarr(513,513) print,'creating a 2D Wiener filter' cros0=min(where(wfilt le 0)) ; zero crossing point of wfilt, ; i.e. we can compute only for j=0,cros0 do begin ; the non-zero part. The rest for i=0,cros0 do begin ; are zeros by definition. ii=float(i) jj=float(j) r=sqrt(ii*ii+jj*jj) r1=fix(r) if r1 ge cros0 then begin f1(i,j)=0. endif else begin f1(i,j)=wfilt(r1)+(wfilt(r1+1)-wfilt(r1))*(r-r1) endelse endfor endfor f2=reverse(f1(1:511,*),1) f4=reverse(f1(*,1:511),2) f3=reverse(f2(*,1:511),2) wfi2(0:512,0:512)=f1 wfi2(513:1023,0:512)=f2 wfi2(513:1023,513:1023)=f3 wfi2(0:512,513:1023)=f4 f1=0 f2=0 f3=0 f4=0 print,'filter ready, now doing the Fourier restoration' ;tvscl,rebin(wfi2,512,512) ; ----------- filtering and inverse Fourier transform ----------- res=float(fft(fima*wfi2,1)) wfi2=0 ; visualization of the restored image rre=rebin(res,512,512) arcs=findgen(400)*0.062 selbox: print,'select (with a cursor) center of the zoom (left), right to skip' window,0,xsize=512,ysize=512 tvscl,rre cursor,x,y,/device,/down if !err eq 4 then goto,fin x=99>x*2<923 y=99>y*2<923 rbox=rebin(res(x-99:x+100,y-99:y+100),400,400) ibox=rebin(ima(x-99:x+100,y-99:y+100),400,400) print,'rms contrast of unrestored field =',stdev(ibox,me)/me print,'rms contrast of restored field =',stdev(rbox,me)/me window,2,xsize=800,ysize=400 tvscl,ibox,0 ; original image tvscl,rbox,1 ; restored image window,3,xsize=800,ysize=300,ypos=200 ; plot of a selected row selrow: wset,2 print,'select (with a cursor) the row to be plotted (left), right to skip' cursor,x,y,/device,/down if !err eq 4 then goto,endsel wset,3 plot,arcs,rbox(*,y),xtitle='arcsec',yra=[min(rbox(*,y)),max(rbox(*,y))],/yst oplot,arcs,ibox(*,y),color=160 goto,selrow endsel: goto,selbox fin: print,'Restoration finished.' print,'will you try another filter? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then goto,newc print,'do you want to save the restored image in a file? (y/n)' if get_kbrd(1) eq 'y' then begin strb=string('imr.') dcn=strtrim(num,2) if strlen(dcn) eq 3 then str='0'+dcn if strlen(dcn) eq 2 then str='00'+dcn if strlen(dcn) eq 1 then str='000'+dcn print,'saving image:' print,strb+str openw,1,stra+strb+str writeu,1,res close,1 endif end