PRO BIGHAIR, x, y, KEYBOARD=KEYBOARD, ACCELERATE=ACCELERATE, $ PERMANENT=PERMANENT, COLOR=COLOR ; ;+ ; NAME: ; BIGHAIR ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; Gets cursor location in current window, ; using cursor lines across the entire window. ; /Keyboard accepts arrow keys input from keyboard, rather than mouse ; Accelerate = number of pixels to jump in "/keyboard" mode. ; The X and Y cursor locations (in pixels) are returned. ; Further modification could allow Normalized or ; Data coordinates to be returned. ; ; ; ; CATEGORY: ; Interactive Drawing ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; IDL> BIGHAIR, x, y [,/Keyboard [,Accelerate=# pixels]] ; ; KEYWORDS: ; KEYBOARD Use keyboard instead of mouse ; ACCELERATE increase steps on usage with keyboard ; PERMANENT show current position permanently ; COLOR color to draw bighair ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Mike Mayer, 8/29/92 ; Jim Pendleton, Dept. Physics & Astronomy ; Northwestern U. ; Added to idlmeteo 11-june-1993 ; 28-june-1993,, inserted short ; wait (0.2) after first plot, to get ; more stability on first plot. ; 9-Aug-1993,, added keywords ; PERMANENT and COLOR ;- if keyword_set(COLOR) then col=color else col=!d.n_colors-1 DEVICE, Get_Graphics = oldmode DEVICE, Set_Graphics = 6 ; XOR write mode. xmax = !D.X_Vsize ymax = !D.Y_Vsize !Err = 0 ; Reset. oldx = 0 oldy = 0 If (not Keyword_Set(Accelerate)) then Begin Accelerate = 1. EndIf If (not Keyword_Set(KeyBoard)) then Begin PRINT, 'Press left mouse button to quit...' CURSOR, oldx, oldy, /Device, /Change EndIf Else Begin PRINT, 'Press space bar to quit...' oldx = xmax/2 oldy = ymax/2 x = oldx y = oldy EndElse PLOTS, [oldx, oldx], [0, ymax], /Device, COLOR=col ; Draw first crosshairs. PLOTS, [0, xmax], [oldy, oldy], /Device, COLOR=col ; Draw first crosshairs. wait, 0.3 EMPTY Up = String(27B) + '[A' Down = String(27B) + '[B' Right = String(27B) + '[C' Left = String(27B) + '[D' Clear = Get_Kbrd(0) Null = '' WHILE !Err NE 1 DO BEGIN If (Keyword_Set(Keyboard)) then Begin A = String(Byte(Get_Kbrd(0))) While ((A ne String(27B)) and (StrUpCase(A) ne ' ')) Do Begin A = String(Byte(Get_Kbrd(0))) EndWhile B = String(Byte(Get_Kbrd(0))) C = String(Byte(Get_Kbrd(0))) Key = A + B + C EndIf Else Begin CURSOR, x, y, /Device, /Change EndElse PLOTS, [oldx, oldx], [0, ymax], /Device, COLOR=col ; Erase last crosshairs. PLOTS, [0, xmax], [oldy, oldy], /Device, COLOR=col ; Erase last crosshairs. If (Keyword_Set(Keyboard)) then Begin !Err = 0 Case Key Of Up : y = oldy + Accelerate Down : y = oldy - Accelerate Left : x = oldx - Accelerate Right : x = oldx + Accelerate Null : x = x Else : !Err = 1 EndCase EndIf If ((x ne oldx) or (y ne oldy)) then Begin if keyword_set(PERMANENT) then begin coords=convert_coord(x,y,/DEVICE, /TO_DATA) tmp_string= 'x: '+strtrim(coords(0),2) + $ ' y: ' + strtrim(coords(1),2) print, tmp_string endif PLOTS, [x, x], [0, ymax], /Device, COLOR=col ; Draw new crosshairs. PLOTS, [0, xmax], [y, y], /Device, COLOR=col ; Draw new crosshairs. oldx = x oldy = y EMPTY EndIf ENDWHILE If (not Keyword_Set(Keyboard)) then Begin ; ; Already erased in Keyboard mode. ; PLOTS, [oldx, oldx], [0, ymax], /Device, COLOR=col ; Erase last crosshairs. PLOTS, [0, xmax], [oldy, oldy], /Device, COLOR=col ; Erase last crosshairs. EndIf Empty DEVICE, Set_Graphics = oldmode PRINT, 'X = ' + STRTRIM(x, 2), ' Y = ' + STRTRIM(y, 2) END