pro ift2,movin,outp ; ; INDIVIDUAL FEATURE TRACKING ver.2 ; The procedure tracks the motion of a bright or dark feature ; (selected in the first frame by a cursor) during a time-series ; of frames. Position (w.r. to the whole frame) and intensity of ; the maximum (minimum) are measured in each frame inside a subimage ; of the tracking field (position interpolated with fivepoin). ; The tracking offsets are computed with subpixel accuracy (ALIGN_C2) ; and position of the tracking field and the reference frame are ; refreshed when twice happens that modulus[offset] > 0.75 pix. ; ; Input : 3-d array MOVIN containing a time-series of frames ; Output: 2-d array OUTP:; X-position; Y-position; Intensity ; Calls : align_c2, fivepoin, mean, maxloc, nint, animate ; ; 2 June 1995, Michal ; ;------------------ TUNABLE PARAMETERS -------------------------------------- fld= 48 ; 24 for 0.06"/pix, 12 for 0.12"/pix, maximum 48 ;Size of the tracking field around the feature (pix). 1.5" recommended ww = 19 ; 7 for 0.06"/pix, 5 for 0.12"/pix - MUST BE ODD ;Size of the field where to find the extremum (pix). 0.5" recommended ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim=size(movin) if (dim(0) ne 3) then begin print,'Input must be a 3-D array (movie). STOPPED, type RETALL' stop endif outp=fltarr(4,dim(3)) ; output array chmov=intarr(fld,fld,dim(3)) ; check movie ld=fld/2 ; defines the tracking field ud=fld/2-1 ; (ud=fld/2-1 for even value of fld) w=ww/2 fact=float(fld)/48. ; resampling factor (align_c2) window,0,xsize=dim(1),ysize=dim(2) tvscl,movin(*,*,0) ; first frame curs: print,'Select single feature with cursor' cursor,x,y,/device,/down ; get initial position read,'The selected feature is DARK (0), BRIGHT (1) or wrong (2) ?',mami if (mami gt 1 or mami lt 0) then goto,curs ; repeat selection if (mami eq 0) then begin ; dark - looking for minimum val=min(movin(x-w:x+w,y-w:y+w,0),pos) ; in ww x ww environment endif else begin ; bright-looking for maximum val=max(movin(x-w:x+w,y-w:y+w,0),pos) ; in ww x ww environment endelse xm=(pos mod ww)+x-w ; rough position- ym=pos/ww+y-w ; -in the whole frame cc=movin(xm-1:xm+1,ym-1:ym+1,0) ; 3x3 environment fivepoin,cc,dx,dy xm=xm+dx & ym=ym+dy ; interpolated position outp(0,0)=[0,xm,ym,val] ; 1st row of output print,'Initial position:',x,y,' Intensity:',movin(x,y,0) print,'Feature position:',xm,ym,' Intensity:',val x=nint(xm) & y=nint(ym) ; automatic centering chmov(0,0,0)=movin(x-ld:x+ud,y-ld:y+ud,0) ; initial subframe iref=0 ; 1st frame for reference ya=0 ; counter of cases for i=1,dim(3)-1 do begin ;---------------------loop------------------------- a=movin(x-ld:x+ud,y-ld:y+ud,iref) ; reference b=movin(x-ld:x+ud,y-ld:y+ud,i) ; current tracking field ref=congrid(a,48,48,/cubic) ; resampling for align_c2 ima=congrid(b,48,48,/cubic) ; tracking window 20x20 pix, offset=ALIGN_C2(ref,ima,flg,20,20)*fact ; max.offset (pixels) = ; = (32-12)/2*fact = 10*fact (old) ; = (48-20)/2*fact = 14*fact print,'frame',i,' ref',iref,' offset:',offset if(flg eq 1) then begin print,'*** TRACKING LOST ***' goto,fin endif ofdst=sqrt(offset(0)*offset(0) + offset(1)*offset(1)) if(ofdst gt 0.75) then begin if(ya lt 1) then begin ;one case could be random- ya=ya+1 ; -wait for the 2nd case endif else begin ;significant case already x=x-nint(offset(0)) & y=y-nint(offset(1)) ; new position iref=i ; new reference ya=0 endelse endif chmov(0,0,i)=movin(x-ld:x+ud,y-ld:y+ud,i) if (mami eq 0) then begin ; dark - looking for minimum val=min(movin(x-w:x+w,y-w:y+w,i),pos) ; in ww x ww environment endif else begin ; bright-looking for maximum val=max(movin(x-w:x+w,y-w:y+w,i),pos) ; in ww x ww environment endelse xm=(pos mod ww)+x-w ; rough position- ym=pos/ww+y-w ; -in the whole frame cc=movin(xm-1:xm+1,ym-1:ym+1,i) ; 3x3 environment fivepoin,cc,dx,dy xm=xm+dx & ym=ym+dy ; interpolated position outp(0,i)=[i,xm,ym,val] ; output (val not interpolated) endfor ;---------------------end of loop-------------------------------------- fin: outp=outp(*,0:i-1) ; truncation of empty elements chmov=chmov(*,*,0:i-1) ;(i-1 is the last processed frame) ; presentation window,0,xsiz=740,ysiz=720 x1=min(outp(1,*))-5 & x2=max(outp(1,*))+5 ; plot the path y1=min(outp(2,*))-5 & y2=max(outp(2,*))+5 dxy=(x2-x1) > (y2-y1) ;to preserve the aspect ratio plot,outp(1,*),outp(2,*),/nodata,back=255,col=0,xra=[x1,x1+dxy],yra=[y1,y1+dxy],/xst,/yst for j=1,i-1 do arrow,outp(1,j-1),outp(2,j-1),outp(1,j),outp(2,j),col=0,/data chmov=bytscl(rebin(chmov,fld*5,fld*5,i)) fra=bytarr(fld*5,fld*5) ; mark the search subfield... x1=5*(ld-w) & x2=5*(ld+w) y1=x1 & y2=x2 fra(x1,*)=130 fra(x2,*)=130 fra(*,y1)=130 fra(*,y2)=130 for k=0,i-1 do chmov(*,*,k)=byte(chmov(*,*,k)+fra) animate,chmov ; show it in movie end