PRO showfeamov,mov1,trim1a,id,movi ; To show a feature identified by "ID" in a short movie of real images sx=(size(mov1))(1) nima=(size(mov1))(3) list=where(trim1a(0,*,id)) ;list of frames where the feature is present pos=trim1a(1,list,id) ;list of 1-D positions x=pos mod sx y=fix(pos/sx) mov=mov1(*,*,list) n=n_elements(list)-1 print,'Frames (from, to):',list(0),list(n) for i=0,n do mov(x(i):x(i)+1,y(i):y(i)+1,i)=0 case 1 of list(0) gt 1 and list(n) lt nima-2: begin movi=mov1(*,*,list(0)-2:list(n)+2) movi(0,0,2)=mov end list(0) le 1 and list(n) lt nima-2: begin movi=mov1(*,*,list(0):list(n)+2) movi(0,0,0)=mov end list(0) gt 1 and list(n) ge nima-2: begin movi=mov1(*,*,list(0)-2:list(n)) movi(0,0,2)=mov end else: movi= mov endcase animate,movi END