Input of control print parameters

Control print parameteres are given in the file PRINT.DAT. Only parameters listed in PRINT.DAT are changed, for the other, default values are taken. If the file is missing, default values for all print parameters are taken.

Listed strings control the specified output file. Using of non-listed string has no effect, this line is skipped by the code.
CONV - control of convec.lst
CROSS - control of cross.lst
DEPINT - control of depint.lst
EMFLUX - control of emflux.lst
ENBAL - control of enbal.lst
FLUX - control of flux.lst
FORMAL - control of formal.lst
FORMFLUX - control of formflux.lst
INT - control of intensit.lst
LAMBDA - control of aprlam.lst
LIMB - control of limb.lst
LTE - control of lte.lst
MODEL - control of MODELO.DAT
NDFLUX - control of ndflux.lst
OPAC - control of opac.lst
PHOT - control of phot.lst
POPUL - control of popul.lst
RATES - control of rates.lst
RAYLEIGH - control of rayleigh.lst
RELALL - control of relal.lst
RELBF - control of relbf.lst
STABIL - control of stabil.lst
TAURAY - control of tauray.lst
TLUSTY - control of Mtlusty.DAT
TRANS - control of transit.lst
VEF - control of vef.lst
T - the file specified by print_key is printed
F - the file specified by print_key is not printed
Further input variables are effective only for selected values of print_key:

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Last update 14.7.2018