This banner, "Hinode above Prague",is a derivative of "Prague at sunrise" by ALZOE licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. "Hinode above Prague" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

The joint Hinode-15 / IRIS-12 meeting will focus on the prioritized science goals of Hinode and IRIS missions as described in their latest ESA extension proposals and NASA Senior Review Proposals. Participants are encouraged to present relevant results using Hinode and (or) IRIS observations coordinated with observations of other space- and ground-based instruments. The science goals of Hinode and IRIS missions are summarized in four sessions that are joined by an additional session focused on novel approaches to data analysis.

Session 1 - Surface magnetic field and its interaction with convection

Session 2 - (In)stability of the magnetized atmosphere: sources and evolution of energetic or eruptive events

Session 3 - Tracing mass and energy flow between photosphere, chromosphere, and corona

Session 4 - Fundamental processes: waves and turbulence, magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration, ion-neutral interactions

Session 5 - Novel approaches to data analysis

Abstract submission is now closed.