This banner, "Hinode above Prague",is a derivative of "Prague at sunrise" by ALZOE licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. "Hinode above Prague" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Session 1 - Surface magnetic field and its interaction with convection
Nazaret Bello González (KIS, Germany) Surface magnetic field and its interaction with convection Review talk
Ryohtaroh Ishikawa (NAO, Japan) Investigation of velocity field of granules combined with deep learning Invited contribution
Suzana Silva (Sheffield Uni., UK) Formation of vortex tubes Invited contribution
Kyuhyoun Cho (Seoul National Uni., Korea) Subsurface structure of sunspots based on studies of umbral flashes Invited contribution
Session 2 - (In)stability of the magnetized atmosphere: sources and evolution of energetic or eruptive events
Kathy Reeves (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA) Magnetic reconnection in flares Review talk
Ryan French (UCL, UK) Probing current sheet instabilities from flare ribbon dynamics Invited contribution
William Ashfield (Montana State Uni., USA) Evaporation and condensation in flares, observation and modelling Invited contribution
Session 3 - Tracing mass and energy flow between photosphere, chromosphere, and corona
Deborah Baker (UCL, UK) Up-flows in active regions and their composition Review talk
Leping Li (NAO, China) Coronal condensations in hybrid prominence/coronal rain structures Invited contribution
João Manuel Da Silva Santos (NSO, USA) Heating of the solar chromosphere Invited contribution
Session 4 - Fundamental processes: waves and turbulence, magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration, ion-neutral interactions
Kostas Karampelas (Northumbria Uni., UK) MHD waves and instabilities in relation to oscillatory reconnection Review talk
Beatrice Popescu Braileanu (KU Leuven, Belgium) Ion-neutral interactions, MHD instabilities Invited contribution
Wenxian Li (NAO, China) Coronal magnetic fields measurement Invited contribution
Session 5 - Novel approaches to data analysis
Carlos José Díaz Baso (Stockholm Uni., Sweden) Application of machine learning and neural networks to data processing Review talk
Jiří Štĕpán (ASU, Czech Republic) Novel framework for the three-dimensional NLTE inverse problem Invited contribution
Ryoko Ishiawa (NAO, Japan) Magnetic field measurements using CLASP2 Invited contribution
Follow-up missions to Hinode and IRIS
Toshifumi Shimizu (JAXA, Japan) Solar-C EUV High-throughput Spectroscopic Telescope (EUVST) Invited contribution
Bart de Pontieu (LMSAL, USA) Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) Invited contribution